Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

Chapter 58 Senior Sister’S Swimsuit

Chapter 58: Senior Sister's Swimsuit

"Senior Sister, let's go."

Chu Ming took out a match from his spatial bag, lit it, and held An Muxi's hand as they walked deeper into the cave, feeling their way through the terrain while joking lightly.

"I didn't expect Senior Sister to be so charming. There are admirers everywhere."


An Muxi tilted her head in confusion, which made Chu Ming feel a hint of jealousy.

"It's true, they're everywhere."

"Let's not talk about the guards of Clear Dragon Spring. When we went to the affairs hall to handle matters, there were many disciples who approached you and wanted to talk. It took a lot of effort to escape from them."

"Oh, those people..."

Perhaps An Muxi had experienced this kind of thing too many times, so she didn't mind. But after sensing the jealousy in Chu Ming's words, her lips instinctively curled up slightly.

"Are you jealous?"


Chu Ming suddenly grabbed An Muxi's right hand and pinned her against the stone wall, startling her and causing her eyes to blink rapidly.

"I'm a very selfish person. Letting them take a few glances is fine, but if anyone dares to have any crooked thoughts about you, Senior Sister..."

Chu Ming picked up a strand of An Muxi's beautiful hair and placed it in front of his nose, his deep eyes filled with coldness.

"I will make them pay."


Seemingly frightened by Chu Ming's cold and aloof attitude, An Muxi blinked her eyes in a dazed manner and didn't react until his handsome face enlarged in front of her. She covered her mouth with one hand and shyly pushed his cheek with the other.

"Don't kiss me here. We still have important matters to attend to! If your Natural Charm Body acts up, I won't help you resolve it!"

"Just kidding."

Chu Ming's expression instantly changed, and his light laughter seemed to return to its usual indifference. This made it difficult for An Muxi to associate him with the person who exuded a solemn aura just now.

So Chu Ming cares about me this much?

An Muxi's face turned red, and her heart was filled with sweetness. She took a big step forward and suddenly threw herself at Chu Ming, holding his arm and kissing his cheek before teasing him.

"You said you weren't jealous, but your expression just now was so scary that it scared me."

"I really wasn't jealous."


Seeing Chu Ming's stubborn appearance, An Muxi let out a soft hum and comforted him in a gentle voice.

"Don't worry, this is Heavenly Evolution Sect. They know that we have become Dao companions, so they definitely won't have any crooked thoughts. It's not as bad as you think."


That's not necessarily true!

Chu Ming narrowed his eyes, and his previously smiling face suddenly became serious.

Clearly, An Muxi has so many admirers not just because of her outstanding appearance, but also because of the subtle influence of her Natural Charm Body.

And as her cultivation level increases, this influence will become more and more prominent.

If someone discovers her physique through these clues, it would be bad!

After all, the Natural Charm Body is an excellent dual cultivation furnace, unparalleled. It is even more attractive than some natural treasures.

"We're here."

Just as Chu Ming was lost in thought, An Muxi's exclamation brought him back to reality.

After walking for about half an incense stick's worth of time, the surroundings suddenly opened up, as if they had entered another "new world" like a hidden paradise.

In the dim underground space resembling a cave, the ceiling was covered with hanging stalactites of various colors, which continuously dripped pale white spiritual liquid.

Not far away was a hot spring built with red stones, separated into three parts by a small mountain and a stone wall. The constantly surging steam rushed towards them, bringing waves of heat.

"Is this Clear Dragon Spring?"

Chu Ming squinted and looked ahead, then suddenly noticed three signs on the ground.

Men's bath, women's bath, mixed bath.


So it's really a hot spring!

Chu Ming couldn't help but comment inwardly, while An Muxi, who was beside him, closed her eyes and took a deep breath, her expression filled with astonishment.

"The spiritual energy is so abundant, it should be here! Let's go in and soak quickly!"

After saying that, An Muxi headed towards the women's bath, but the next second, Chu Ming grabbed her hand.

"Sister, let's go to the mixed bath together?"


An Muxi turned her head in surprise, and then her cheeks flushed with a touch of redness, appearing particularly radiant amidst the steam.


Although they had done almost everything except crossing the line between them, it didn't mean they could be naked together!

This is too embarrassing!

Seeing An Muxi's reluctant and embarrassed expression, Chu Ming understood her concerns very well. He immediately took out a set of close-fitting clothing from his spatial bag and emphasized seriously.

"Sister, if you change into this swimsuit, it won't be considered being naked together."

How do you know what I'm thinking?

An Muxi took the swimsuit handed to her by Chu Ming in surprise and carefully examined it in front of her.

Compared to other revealing clothes, this kind of close-fitting clothing was smoother and more delicate in texture, and the fabric was thin and soft, barely covering the embarrassing parts.

Isn't this strange clothing called a "swimsuit," the same as the revealing clothes Chu Ming gave me last time?

An Muxi's cheeks instantly became hot, and she quickly shook her head and handed it back, but Chu Ming didn't take it. Instead, he persuaded her patiently.

"Sister, this clothing is more comfortable to wear than revealing clothes, and it's made of waterproof fabric for soaking in hot springs. The size is specially tailored to fit you. Sister, please try it!"


Looking at Chu Ming's eager expression, An Muxi pursed her lips lightly and gave him a coquettish glance.

"You had planned this from the beginning, right? And how do you know if it fits or not?"

"I've figured it out, can't I... ouch!"

Before Chu Ming could finish his sentence, An Muxi lightly pinched his ear and blushed with embarrassment.

"You pervert! I knew you had this kind of idea!"

"After all, Sister is so charming."

Chu Ming pretended to be a joker, which made An Muxi continuously hit and kick him. In the end, she let him go and pointed to the mixed bath, scolding him.

"Go wait over there, I'll come find you later... And don't come to the women's bath to peep!"

"I won't do such a thing."

Chu Ming answered with a light laugh, then hummed a little tune and walked into the mixed bath with a pleasant mood.

He took off his clothes and put them in the spatial bag, then took out the swim trunks he had prepared and put them on. He then tied a rope around his wrist.

"Ouch— it's hot!"

After testing the temperature with the tip of his toe and getting used to it, Chu Ming slowly stepped on the red stones and entered the Clear Dragon Spring.

When his whole body was immersed in the water, the spiritual energy in the water surged and slowly penetrated into his body through his pores, automatically activating the Tian Yan Nei Jing and starting to circulate.


Chu Ming half-closed his eyes and hummed softly in a comfortable voice. Just as he was about to start cultivating, a sudden female voice startled him, causing his pupils to shrink.

"She's here..."

Thank you to [白翼墨羽], [飞胡], [我在晴天听雨声], [行坠starland] for the support!

Thank you to [单身狗书友], [奢望0306], [烈日天正好], [迷茫的旅者], [秋风起意未寒], [英俊潇洒无敌帅气大美男], [Transcendent书虫], [笛声青案路仲梦], [hnsqwwd], [CCG95], [星仔呦], [voot], [思属风云], [书友尾号2035], [看书不付钱], [年月日], [幻想者死无忧], [迷雾饺子], [再见时的承诺], [老葡萄], [乙酰水杨酸少年], [绯皇牙], [古代典礼] for the monthly votes!

(End of this chapter)

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