Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

74. Chapter 74 Senior Sister’S Comfort (Reissue)

Chapter 74: Senior Sister's Soothing (Resend)


An Muxi blinked her innocent eyes, while Chu Ming took the opportunity to carefully play with the jade foot in his hand, his eyes gradually filled with desire.

The light black sheer silk stockings perfectly wrapped around the delicate and exquisite feet, the tip of the stockings outlined the shape of the jade toes, faintly revealing a glossy and tender glow.

Because practicing the Heavenly Evolution Inner Scripture could allow one to exhale impurities from the body, the sweat-free jade feet emitted a sweet and milky fragrance, causing Chu Ming to involuntarily lean down and take a light sniff.

Ah... it smells so good!

So girls' feet smell this good?

"What are you doing?!"

An Muxi finally snapped back to her senses and instinctively kicked Chu Ming's infatuated face with her thick and smooth sole. Amidst her surprised expression, there was also a hint of embarrassment.

"You actually smelled my feet! Chu Ming, you've been so serious these past few days that I almost forgot you're a pervert!"

"It's not my fault. Who made Senior Sister's feet so beautiful?"

"Besides, is it perverted to like feet? Where's the logic in that? I, as a foot enthusiast, strongly protest!"

Chu Ming sat up, speaking seriously and earnestly.

"But on another note, Senior Sister, can you take off the stockings?"

"Why do you want me to take off the stockings? Don't you like me wearing them?"

An Muxi became cautious and was about to retract her feet, but Chu Ming suddenly grabbed her ankle. His tone was sincere, and his gaze was particularly determined.

"Senior Sister, can you?"


An Muxi let out a soft exclamation, her face instantly turning crimson. Just as she was about to say something in embarrassment and anger, she saw Chu Ming's expression, as if he were a devout believer, serious and earnest.

So... Chu Ming actually likes feet and legs this much!?

Why didn't I notice before... No, it seems like I did!

Before, when he kissed me, his restless hands always touched my legs and feet.

Although it's perverted, isn't this preference a bit...

For a moment, An Muxi didn't know what to say. She suddenly felt a faint sense of sympathy in her heart and blushed as she pulled her right leg away, giggling shyly.

"No, it's too ticklish... Haha!"

"Senior Sister, how about using your feet?"

Chu Ming's sudden suggestion made the smile on An Muxi's face gradually stiffen. After a brief moment of confusion, her expression turned to astonishment.



Seeing Chu Ming's serious expression that didn't seem like a joke, An Muxi opened her mouth to speak but hesitated. In the end, she couldn't bring herself to say it and could only sigh lightly with a hint of sympathy and shyness as she placed her foot on his thigh.

"I can't."

"I'll teach you."


Half an hour later.


Chu Ming lay on the bed, constantly recalling the enchanting scene just now, unable to help but sigh in his heart.

Having a virtuous wife, even the best medicine can't cure it!

Senior Sister's legs and feet are truly amazing!

Originally, the soles of human feet would be covered with a thick callus due to walking. However, Senior Sister doesn't have to worry about that at all. Her jade-like feet are even more special.

While Chu Ming was reminiscing, An Muxi shyly put on her silk stockings and couldn't help but complain.

"I really don't know where you come up with these ideas. They're not even recorded in the Joyous Union Heart Sutra."

"Why don't you just become the sect master of Joyous Union Sect, hmph!"

"Having Senior Sister is enough."

Chu Ming sat up and embraced An Muxi, quietly enjoying the softness and warmth of her delicate body, his eyes clear and sincere.

"Senior Sister, thank you. You're really good!"

"Just knowing is enough."

An Muxi pressed her hot cheek against Chu Ming's left chest, listening to his constantly beating heart, feeling a bit puzzled.

"Chu Ming, I always feel like you're acting strange today. How did your Natural Charm Body suddenly erupt?"

"Ah, well..."

Chu Ming awkwardly scratched his cheek and slowly recounted today's events.

He didn't think of himself as a scumbag, just someone who made a mistake that all men in the world would make - being lustful. Deceiving a girl was definitely something he couldn't do.

"Chu Ming!"

After a while, when Chu Ming mentioned the intimate scene with Mrs. Xu in the carriage, An Muxi suddenly pushed him away, pouting and angrily punching him.

"You're fooling around again! I hate you!"

"But I have my reasons."

Chu Ming tightly embraced the struggling An Muxi, leaning down to gently kiss her forehead, then helplessly said,

"Senior Sister, you have to understand that although talent is particularly important in cultivation, you also need sufficient cultivation resources and connections."

"The Xu family is powerful, and I can use my position as a steward of the Sacred Alchemy Hall to protect them in exchange for enough cultivation resources."


PS: Tomorrow is Monday, and I'll be updating three chapters that day, so I hope all the readers can catch up tomorrow! I'll crossdress as the author! (Well, the probability of actually crossdressing is low, so let's just play it up a bit.)

(End of this chapter)

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