Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

79. Chapter 79 You Don’T Want Me To

Chapter 79: You don't want me to...

"Sister, do you want to go with me?"

Chu Ming's inner confusion blurted out.

"Can family members accompany the Alchemy Grand Competition?"

"What do you mean by family members?"

An Muxi lightly pinched Chu Ming's cheek, a hint of playfulness flashing in her bright eyes.

"I'm just following you to leave the sect and train, so it doesn't matter where we go."

"Ah, well..."

Chu Ming held An Muxi's soft hand, hanging by his side, and his heart was momentarily conflicted.

Although he really wanted Sister to accompany him to leave the sect and train, so that the Alchemy Grand Competition wouldn't be so boring, and he could also enjoy the scenery along the way, treating it as a date away from home.

But there was one thing he was extremely worried about.

Natural Charm Body.

Within the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Evolution Sect, it was still fine. The Master used some means to help Sister conceal the secret of her Natural Charm Body from others.

Even if they couldn't hide it, under the protection of the sect, no one would have any evil thoughts towards her.

However, once they left without the Master's company and the sect's protection, if someone discovered the secret of the Natural Charm Body, it could potentially bring about an unsolvable disaster!

Of course, this also applied to himself.

"Maybe Sister, you shouldn't come with me."

Chu Ming cautiously advised.

"Look, if you follow me, because of the lack of the 'Dream Essence Platform,' your cultivation progress will slow down."

"You wanted to work hard to improve your cultivation and save your mother, right?"


An Muxi shook her head, unwillingly rejecting Chu Ming's suggestion.

"Even without the 'Dream Essence Platform,' with my talent, my cultivation progress won't be that slow."

"Moreover, leaving the sect to train has many benefits. Not only can we explore rare treasures, but we might even have some enlightenments!"

"It's not easy to have enlightenments."

Chu Ming couldn't help but smile bitterly, racking his brain to find reasons to make An Muxi stay, but she rejected each one. In the end, he pouted with some resentment.

"You just don't want me to come with you so you can fool around outside!"

"Sister, you misunderstand me. Am I Chu Ming that kind of person?!"


Under An Muxi's scrutinizing and cold gaze, Chu Ming scratched his head with some guilt. He could only use his trump card, stepping forward and embracing her in his arms, softly speaking.

"Sister, I am wholeheartedly devoted to you. Don't you believe in my character?"

"I just want to go out and see the world this time. It's inevitable that I'll encounter some unnecessary troubles while exploring and seeking treasures. So, can you stay in the sect and wait for me to come back obediently?"


Seeing Chu Ming's particularly solemn and determined gaze, An Muxi pursed her lips in disappointment. Then suddenly, her eyes brightened, she tiptoed, and whispered in his ear with a blush on her pretty face.

"If you promise to let me come with you, I'll fulfill the thing you've been wanting me to do!"

"Thing? What thing do you want me to do?"

Chu Ming couldn't help but look confused, while An Muxi narrowed her eyes seductively.

"You don't want me to..."

Chu Ming's heart skipped a beat, and he subconsciously took a cold breath.

Sure enough, when Senior Sister Mei flirted, she didn't care about anyone else!

Chu Ming's lips curled slightly, and then he embraced An Muxi's soft waist, bringing her into his arms and leaning down to whisper in her ear.

"Really? Then I won't hold back."

"When have you ever held back?"

An Muxi gave Chu Ming a coquettish glance, her face blushing as she pouted.

"Every time you press my head so hard, it's obvious you have ill intentions!"


Caught in his little scheme, Chu Ming awkwardly smiled and then lowered his head to seek those tender red lips again. However, An Muxi laughed and dodged, making a face as she escaped into the distance.

"This is the library, I won't let you do that, you pervert!"

"I just wanted to eat the dead skin off your lips!"


The two of them returned to the mansion, bickering all the way. An Muxi continued her morning cultivation, while Chu Ming became deeply interested in the two volumes of Divine Ability in his hands.

Back in his room, he used his divine sense to firmly imprint "Wooden Flexibility Technique" into his spiritual sea, and the familiar light blue screen appeared before his eyes once again.

[Do you want to simulate "Wooden Flexibility Technique"?]

"I hope this time the entry will be normal, and not something like 'minus one'."

Chu Ming couldn't help but sigh softly, then began to chant.


[Ever since you were created by the Elder Wood Spirit of the Heavenly Evolution Sect, you have always been ranked first on the list of favorite spells for farming disciples!]

"One day, a young male disciple suddenly had a brilliant idea and decided to use you to treat his baldness problem."

"He first made his scalp tough with you, then planted hair he had pulled from his friend on it, and confidently went to the Matchmaker Temple for a blind date."

"The blind date went smoothly, but just as he was about to fill out the marriage registration form, his friend suddenly burst into the Matchmaker Temple, covering his bald scalp and starting a fight with him."

"The next day, the Heavenly Evolution Sect urgently issued a minor sect rule: no stealing other people's hair at night, violators will be confined for three days!"

"Simulation complete. As 'Wooden Flexibility Technique' is a technique you have already practiced, only one reward (obtaining an item entry) can be chosen."

[Current available entry:]

["Gentle Floating Power (Orange)": With the enhancement of "Wooden Flexibility Technique," your hair will grow freely and become extremely tough (proportional to your spiritual power), immune to the erosion of the five basic attributes.]


After a moment of confusion, Chu Ming not only didn't feel speechless about this bizarre entry, but instead felt extremely excited.

This orange entry came at just the right time!

The "Dragon Bone Art" that comes with the dragon bone allows me to freely manipulate my hair into the shape of a dragon's head, and this "Wooden Flexibility Technique" allows my hair to grow freely and become tough, even immune to attribute damage!

These two combined are simply a perfect match!

"Of course, except for the fact that I'm not handsome, this combo is quite perfect."

Excitedly, Chu Ming took out the dragon bone from his spatial bag and immersed his mind in his spiritual sea, trying out the "Dragon Bone Art" and "Wooden Flexibility Technique" together. He found that they were even more useful than he had imagined.

"You can do this too?"

Watching his hair curl up a wooden table in the distance under his control, Chu Ming couldn't help but marvel in his heart, and a certain anime character involuntarily appeared in his mind.

"Based on his performance, this ability should be quite powerful."

Chu Ming let out a breath and retracted his lengthened hair with his divine sense, then continued with his second simulation.

[Do you want to simulate "Vitality Staff Technique"?]

(End of this chapter)

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