Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

8. Chapter 8 Junior Brother, Please Help Me!

Chapter 8: Junior Brother, Help Me!


Chu Ming's heart trembled as he circulated his spiritual energy and silently felt the delicate touch of An Muxi's hands.

Soft and boneless, smooth and silky.

Unfortunately, there were gloves as a barrier.

Might as well use simulation to make it disappear!


After a low hum in his heart, Chu Ming's mind suddenly flooded with a large amount of information, just like before.

[Since you, the right hand of the "Ice Silk Gloves," were born, you have always had a gentle and virtuous wife—the left hand.]

[You two were innocent and childhood sweethearts, always happily together in the An Guo market, lying together in a inconspicuous corner of the stall, basking in the sunlight and watching the bustling crowd, content and at ease.]

[You thought your daily life would quietly continue like this, but ever since An Muxi bought you, your world suddenly collapsed.]

[Although you are still together most of the time, you and your wife are mostly separated by being carried in different hands.]

[You felt extremely lost, but with your wife's gentle encouragement, you slowly emerged from the darkness and your heart became clear.]

"A brief separation is only for a better reunion," you firmly believe in this.

However, a week later, due to an enemy's ambush, An Muxi, who was seriously injured, was saved by Chu Ming, a disciple of the Heavenly Evolution Sect who was training outside.

While fleeing, An Muxi asked Chu Ming to hold you and the left hand in his arms because her Natural Charm Body had erupted. If her skin was touched by a man at this moment, it would immediately be on the verge of seduction.

So, you watched helplessly as your wife was slowly put on Chu Ming's rough and heavy left hand, your eyes tearing up, filled with resentment.

But her gaze remained gentle, revealing a forced smile to you.

However, this was only the beginning of a nightmare.


You might as well call it a perverted system instead of a simulation system!

Originally, it was just that you couldn't bear to harm girls, so you did such a selfless act. How did it become strange when you changed your perspective!?

Chu Ming secretly complained and after thinking for a moment, chose the second reward.

[For this simulation item, "Ice Silk Gloves," the intimacy with An Muxi is 50. The second reward is...]

["Low Grade Water Spirit Root (Green)": Enhances talisman-making aptitude and affinity with water-based spiritual energy.]

"The reward is a bit lacking."

Chu Ming dissatisfiedly clicked his tongue a few times.

Only one type, and it's even a green attribute.

I wonder what conditions are needed to upgrade this attribute.

Could it be that collecting all seven can summon the Divine Dragon?


At this moment, a soft and mellow hum brought Chu Ming back to reality.

Compared to the extremely charming voice of his master, this voice leaned more towards an uncontrollable gasp, giving him a tingling sensation like a kitten scratching his heart.


Sensing that his hands were suddenly held tightly by someone, Chu Ming slowly opened his eyes, and his pupils immediately contracted.

In front of him, the gloves that An Muxi was wearing disappeared as the simulation ended. She took the initiative to interlock her fingers with his, her whole person resembling a cooked prawn, her originally fair skin now tinged with a deep red, with a slight sweat on the surface.

"Why gloves..."

An Muxi's face was flushed, and her half-closed beautiful eyes were covered with a layer of sparkling mist, filled with a charming and pitiful look.

"Junior brother, help me quickly!"

Before Chu Ming could react, An Muxi cut off the spiritual connection between them and pounced on him like a fierce tiger coming down the mountain. Her delicate arms embraced the back of his neck, bringing a warm sensation through their clothes.


Is her Natural Charm Body erupting!?

Instinctively, Chu Ming held An Muxi tightly as her hot and trembling body wriggled like an eel. He felt something was not right, but it was too late.

At this moment, her bright eyes were already filled with peachy red hearts eroded by heat, and then she raised her face and offered her red lips...

This is bad!

What should I do?

Because of what happened last night, Chu Ming was not greatly affected by the Natural Charm Body. His eyes still maintained a trace of clarity.

He hurriedly held An Muxi's shoulders, desperately thinking of a solution in his mind.

Obviously, An Muxi had lost her sanity now. If he let it go unchecked, the side effects of the Natural Charm Body would surely completely devour her remaining will.

But he didn't have a way to suppress the eruption of the Natural Charm Body. If he wanted to solve it, he could only use that method...

Glancing at An Muxi's tender and wet red lips, a sudden heat surged in Chu Ming's heart. His slightly trembling arms could hardly support him.

Damn it!

He bit his lip hard, causing blood to splatter, awakening his past calmness and composure.

As a gentleman, he couldn't take advantage of someone in a vulnerable state!

"Junior brother... I have an Iceheart Pill at my waist... feed it to me..."

At this moment, An Muxi's intermittent and soft voice reached Chu Ming's ears, instantly brightening his eyes.


Isn't the Iceheart Pill able to suppress the Natural Charm Body?

His gaze shifted to An Muxi's waist, which was bound by a ribbon. After hesitating for a moment, Chu Ming reached out to touch it.

As a gentleman, he couldn't take advantage of someone in a vulnerable state!

Unless the situation was urgent...

However, after searching for a long time, Chu Ming couldn't find the so-called Iceheart Pill, and he couldn't help but feel anxious.

It wasn't that he had any attachment to An Muxi's soft waist, but he was really unfamiliar with women's clothing in this world!

And most importantly, it didn't even have pockets!

"Where is it..."

An Muxi bit her red lips, enduring the intense sensation caused by Chu Ming's searching hands on her waist with her remaining consciousness, each touch stirring up a thrilling restlessness.

It feels so uncomfortable!

"Found it!"

The icy coldness that came from his fingertips made Chu Ming unusually excited. He quickly pulled out his right hand, which was covering An Muxi's lower abdomen, and held the Iceheart Pill, ready to feed it to her.

Perhaps it was a long-awaited desire, like a traveler finding water in the desert, An Muxi eagerly opened her red lips and fiercely bit the Iceheart Pill in Chu Ming's hand.

Of course, along with his thumb and index finger...


The instant pain made Chu Ming inhale a breath of cold air. He was about to withdraw his finger when he suddenly felt a hint of warmth on his fingertip.

Just like a baby, An Muxi's cheeks turned crimson, her misty eyes filled with water, and she tightly grasped Chu Ming's right palm...

(End of this chapter)

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