Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

Chapter 84 Speech And Thank You Letter For Listing

Chapter 84 - On-Shelf Reflections and Thank You Letter

This is a thank you letter to all readers.


Upon receiving the notification from the editor, it will be on the shelves tomorrow (Friday, July 14th) at 12 noon.

After several months, I am writing another on-shelf reflection, and my heart is filled with mixed emotions. Therefore, following tradition, I will put the important matters at the beginning to avoid boring all the readers.


---The most important matter!!!---

First and foremost, the most important point is to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the readers for their tremendous support! Thank you very much!

Without all of you, this book would not have made it to the shelves...

The success of this book being on the shelves is not my achievement, but rather the result of everyone's support during the free serialization period. It is all thanks to your support and encouragement that I have been able to write this book without missing a day for over a month, and I have the confidence and motivation to continue writing.

Therefore, I hope to continue receiving the subscription support of all the readers even after it is on the shelves! I would like to express my gratitude to all the readers here in advance!

Of course, there will definitely be readers who will go and read the pirated version, which is inevitable. I do not have any discrimination or contempt towards them, but we can only say goodbye if that happens.

Of course, I also played a little trick. In order to not waste words and waste everyone's money, I will personally spend money to subscribe to my own book, and then in this chapter, I will supplement the character panel and some daily details.

If readers who read the pirated version feel that the plot is not coherent, you can come to the Qidian APP to support the genuine version!

(PS: If you, dear reader, are a legitimate user of QQ Reading, I suggest that you still subscribe to the genuine version on the Qidian APP, because Jia Junyang needs fan value, and subscribing on QQ Reading cannot increase fan value.)

Of course, the most important thing is that under the same charge, QQ Reading brings very little profit to the author...


---Update Rules---

It will be on the shelves tomorrow, with a minimum of 10,000 words updated (five updates of 2,000 words each)!

The first subscription (the number of subscribers within 24 hours of the first VIP chapter being on the shelves) is based on 1,000 as the foundation, and an additional chapter will be added for every 100 more subscribers, with no upper limit!

Ps: Because the first subscription determines the future potential of a book, it is equivalent to the Individual Values (IV) in Pokémon. So, I shamelessly ask all the readers for a first subscription! Thank you!

The average subscription (the average number of subscribers per chapter) is based on 1,000 as the foundation, and an additional chapter will be added for every 100 more subscribers, with no upper limit!

Ps: The average subscription refers to the performance of the book, and all the various recommendations after it is on the shelves are based on this. So, I shamelessly beg the readers who are able to support the book to please click the [Auto-Subscribe] button and provide some support. I am extremely grateful!

Of course, after subscribing, all the readers should read it promptly to avoid reading the abridged version. (After it is on the shelves, there will be a complete subscription bonus, with many benefits.)

As for tipping, there is no need for all the readers to spend money. After all, I am already very happy that you have subscribed to my book, and there is no need to spend more money. It's not easy for everyone to earn money.

Of course, if there are tips, I will definitely add more...

Accumulating 20,000 points in tips will add an extra chapter.

If the leader of the tipping alliance tips, I will add an extra 10,000 words of the main text and a 10,000-word customized side story (one-on-one with the leader).

As for the tipping silver and gold alliance... (I'm just dreaming, haha)

Accumulating 100 monthly tickets will add an extra chapter (Please give me monthly tickets!)

After it is on the shelves, the daily update time will still be in the early morning, so even if it is blocked by Shenhe, there will be sufficient time to lift the ban, and I can still maintain full attendance.

As for the number of daily updates after it is on the shelves, it depends on whether the readers are supportive or not.

If the subscription ratio is less than 1:20 (meaning one reader supports the first subscription out of every 20 favorites), then it will be 4,000 words per day. If it is lower than 1:15, it will be 6,000 words per day.

If all the readers are willing to support me and bring the subscription ratio to around 1:10, then I will update 10,000 words per day! (Of course, it's probably not possible, it's just a second dream, haha)


——Casual Chat——

After discussing important matters, it's time for some casual chat with all the esteemed readers and a glimpse into the journey of writing this book.

To be honest, after the previous book received criticism, I once thought about changing my writing style.

But I know my own abilities, I know I'm just an ordinary person, only capable of writing something mediocre, a bit risqué, unable to reach any great heights or write something that would astonish everyone.

That's why I came up with this book, "Senior Sister, Please Help Me Cultivate."

Originally, I had the idea of writing this book with a sense of self-abandonment.

But fortunately, the results turned out unexpectedly well! It survived four rounds of recommendations and even made it onto the most popular channel for light novels.

As a result, the editors and Shenhe were lenient with me. I would like to express special thanks to DaDa Liu Xing, who had to troubleshoot the blocked chapters every now and then. It was really hard work!

However, there was a danger of being banned halfway through. When the editor came to me, I was a bit panicked.

After all, this book was the result of my efforts for over a month, and naturally, I felt reluctant to let it go.

But thanks to the support and encouragement from all the esteemed readers, this book survived. I would like to thank all the esteemed readers once again!

I will always remember your support.



I see other authors thanking a bunch of authors who have helped them, and to be honest, I envy them a little.

From the start of writing this book to its publication, I never asked any influential authors for help. The main problem lies with me.

I'm too socially anxious and embarrassed to bother others.

Moreover, I am aware of what kind of book I have written, so naturally, I feel uncomfortable asking others to promote it.

I feel ashamed that even after writing for several months, I don't have any author friends to discuss writing techniques with. I often look at the authors in the group chat, chatting about their thousands or tens of thousands of pre-orders, and I can't help but feel envious, wondering when I will achieve such success.

Therefore, when it comes to expressing gratitude, I plan to thank all of you, the esteemed readers who have supported me. I will dedicate a separate chapter where everyone who has voted and rewarded can see their names.

Your support is the only motivation for me to continue writing this book.


——The Future of the Book——

I can responsibly tell all the esteemed readers that you don't need to worry about me flooding the book with irrelevant content or writing absurd plotlines after it's published, so you can subscribe with confidence!

After all, when I flood the book, it's with everyday risqué content, and I believe you will enjoy it.

Some readers have also noticed that the main plot of the first volume of this book, the Inner Sect and helping Senior Sister resolve the chaos in the An Kingdom, hasn't progressed much, but no one has accused me of dragging it out...

The reason behind this is simply because I've covered it up with risqué everyday content (after all, everyone likes to read that).

Of course, there is still the biggest plotline (the final step with Senior Sister and Master, as well as the sect's actions), which I have been dragging out because I'm afraid of being reported. So, I plan to write it after the book is published.

I don't believe you would subscribe and then report me (please, spare me a way out! If you dislike this book, feel free to criticize, the author will bear it, but please don't report me, I beg you!).

As for the future of this book, the overall style leans towards a lighthearted and humorous cultivation daily life, as well as interactions with various female characters. There won't be any deep grudges or backstabbing.

Lastly, I want to thank all the esteemed readers for their support.

Let's meet tomorrow at 12 noon!

Please subscribe, thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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