Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

86. Chapter 86 I Like Me A Little More Than You Do

Chapter 86: Love Me More Than You Like Me

"Three wives and four concubines?"

Upon hearing this, An Muxi blinked her eyes calmly and asked in return.

"Isn't this a normal thing?"


Chu Ming was first stunned, then suddenly remembered that having three wives and four concubines was indeed quite normal in this Immortal Cultivation World.

Then why do you, Senior Sister, not let me fool around with other girls every day?

Could it be possessiveness towards someone you like?

"So, Senior Sister, when you say I'm fooling around..."

"So you thought I didn't let you interact with other girls because I was jealous?"

Seeing An Muxi's surprised expression, Chu Ming also felt a bit puzzled and confused.

"Isn't it?"

"You... sigh!"

An Muxi broke free from Chu Ming's embrace, reached out and pinched his cheek hard, and said in a serious tone.

"I don't have such a strong possessiveness. After all, Chu Ming, you are a very outstanding person with exceptional cultivation talent, coupled with the Natural Charm Body. Those girls will naturally be drawn to you, and I know this."

"But it's precisely because of this that you need to be cautious of those with ill intentions and prevent them from deceiving you."

"Don't forget, the Natural Charm Body is a rare and precious treasure for both cultivation and personal relationships. It's something that some people covet."

"In order to prevent you from falling into their trap, I don't want you to fool around."

"Of course, if other girls have no ulterior motives, I don't mind if you have some entanglements with them. Hmph."

An Muxi snorted, clearly showing a strong sense of jealousy in her words, with a hint of resentment in her eyes and puffed-up cheeks, indicating that she did mind Chu Ming interacting with other girls.

So she still harbors resentment...

Chu Ming rubbed his nose, smiled helplessly, and then reached out to hold An Muxi's soft face firmly.

"Don't worry, Senior Sister, I will be more careful, and my favorite will always be you."

"Is that so?"

An Muxi's eyebrows curved slightly, and the intense joy in her heart seemed to overflow from her bright eyes. Her smile was particularly charming.

"How much do you like me?"

"More than you like me."

Chu Ming smiled gently, but the next moment, he was playfully lightly tapped by An Muxi, who crossed her arms and acted coquettishly.

"If I don't like you, you won't like me either! Hmph, don't delude yourself, I don't like you! You shouldn't like me either!"

"And, why do you always like to suddenly hug me?"

"Because I like it too much."

Chu Ming lightly kissed An Muxi's face, his tone particularly gentle.

"I didn't expect you, Senior Sister, to do so much for me. I really don't know what to say..."

"Hmph, now you know how good I am."

An Muxi responded with her own lips, and after a moment of intertwining, she gently sighed.

"So you better treat me well, otherwise I won't let you off even if I become a ghost!"


That night, although Chu Ming held An Muxi's soft body, his eyes were unusually clear. They spoke shy words of love to each other, their hearts enveloped in a faint warmth and tenderness.

Since transmigrating, he had finally found a sense of belonging in this unfamiliar Immortal Cultivation World.


The next day, as the morning light gently shone, the previously bustling affairs hall suddenly fell silent for a moment. Many people looked at the tall figure with astonishment on their faces.

"I'll take care of the matter with the rat demon."

"And I'll take care of the task of destroying the Soul-Eating Ants' nest."

"Well... this task of subduing the Bone-Breaking Tiger is not bad, it comes with so many rewards."


The steward of the affairs hall looked at the young face in front of him and furrowed his brows, speaking in a deep voice.

"Bro, have you forgotten the rules of the affairs hall? You can only take on one task at a time. Don't come here causing trouble."

"I know."

Chu Ming smiled lightly, then, amidst the astonished gazes of the people around him, he played with the steward's waist token of the Sacred Alchemy Hall in his hand.

"But I remember that the affairs hall also has a rule that disciples at the level of stewards in each hall can take on up to three tasks at once, right?"


The steward was suddenly speechless, but when he saw the prominent Sun and Moon Pill on Chu Ming's steward waist token, he couldn't help but sneer.

"A steward of the Sacred Alchemy Hall? Are you sure you want to take on so many tasks? I'm afraid you won't be able to complete them and will have to come back to me in the end."

Upon hearing this, Chu Ming couldn't help but furrow his brows. However, when he sensed the mocking gazes of the people around him, he finally understood why the alchemists in the Heavenly Evolution Sect were so rare, to the point where even an outer disciple like him was sent to participate in the alchemy competition.

In theory, alchemy should be the most popular cultivation path, right?

Just because it doesn't have combat power, you all look down on it in various ways?

Chu Ming smiled faintly, and after accepting three tasks to eliminate Demonic Beasts in the disdainful gaze of the steward, he left the affairs hall without looking back, a hint of coldness flashing in his eyes.

You look down on me, huh?

Just wait!


In the evening, the affairs hall, which had been bustling all day, also fell silent.

The steward forced a smile, just about to clock out and leave, when Chu Ming leisurely walked in. This immediately ignited an unnamed anger in his heart.

I knew you couldn't finish it, but you still had to show off!

And you didn't come early or late, but just when I was about to rest. Are you looking for trouble?

"Heh, as expected, you haven't finished."

The steward suppressed the anger in his heart and was about to process the paperwork to extend Chu Ming's tasks, but then he saw Chu Ming wave his hand, and a huge, blood-stained tiger corpse fell with a "thud" in the center of the hall, raising a cloud of dust.


Facing the steward's face filled with shock and disbelief, Chu Ming casually clapped his hands and laughed.

"The leader of the Bone-Breaking Tiger, at the Qi Refining Realm Eighth Layer. Shouldn't that count as completing the task?"

(End of this chapter)

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