Senpensekai no Madoushoshi

Section 7 Shizuku of Repentance

"Hey, hey..."

Instead of Goltmund, I now have Unicorn towing my carriage. It's so noticeable when the corners of your forehead are intact that you wrap your fluffy purple hair around it, hiding it so you can't see it.

"... what?

Me and Toslin, who replied earlier, are currently sitting on your desk. Personally, I'd like to give Toslin a break because she's always had the reins, but she stubbornly insisted on taking a break.

"Ya, I thought you should go back? Even though you have a sister, maybe Carol..."

"You weren't listening to him?

The tone of Toslin now is unusual and pale when he hits it like he did earlier when he was having a verbal fight. I didn't look at this one, I just looked straight forward and said that to me.

"Huh? Of course I heard that..."

"Then you know what I mean, right? It doesn't make sense if I'm by Carol's side. If you want to borrow that guy's words, just shut up. At least... now."

"So, but. So I can't believe I'm just gonna let it go..."

As soon as your sister and Carol returned to the mansion, Toslin urged us to take the carriage. And now, as originally planned, we are going down the street towards Iriburg territory.

I was wondering if I was going to stay on this Phil Ortho territory and clear up the suspicion I had of Carol. That's why I left Carol to one of my sisters, but when this happens, anxiety brings sickles.

Because, unlike Toslin, your sister is not a mouthful. It's not like special wisdom turns around again, like Saluena or Rizzelaich (sorry sister).

I mean, besides being a cleric warrior, there's no other way to protect Carol. Well, in terms of physical protection, you're more trustworthy than anyone else in the world...

(Now more than that, hey...)

I'm extremely rude... when I was whining in my head about something I could never say in front of myself.

"Who left me alone? I'm not doing that."

That's what Toslin said when he first saw me.

"Oh, really?

"Of course, right? What do you think I am?

"Sorry, but we were both in a huge fight, so..."

"I'm worried that Iris is crazy. If you're gonna throw up a line like that, let's talk about making it look like it first, Gorilla Elf."

When were you coming, Laplice said (...) or (...) claw over my shoulder. Then Toslin sighed loudly. And slap Laplice on the forehead with a pin.


"... Ha, I'm annoyed, but, well, you're certainly right."

"Whoa! Then why did you just hit me?!

'Cause in all honesty, it's annoying when you tell me.'

"and Mekomon creaks..."

Leaving it like this is going to fly to the untold, so it was bad for Laplice, but he let me block his mouth.


Toslin elbows over his knees and puts his own jaw over his spread palm. Similar to Goltmund, Unicorn is a smart kid, so there's no need to manipulate the reins for now to get on the road, and that's shaking all the way down now.

"I'm sorry, Iris. Makes me worry. I'm your sister, and I don't feel sorry for you."

Shaking. Watching that, Toslin groaned so in a small voice. That's her weak voice I hear hissing.

"Yeah. Toslin's always my sister I can count on."


"Yeah, I am. If I were you, I probably wouldn't know what to do anymore."

I grew up telling my grandfather whether he was calm or not, but that's why he can't put that into practice anytime, anywhere.

If your sister or Ritzereich were taken for murder, I'm sure I wouldn't be as calm as Toslin.

That's why I admire Toslin for being able to do just that. Really. From the bottom of my heart.

"... the Count Phil Ortho family is the parent of the Viscount Illiburg family."

When I first heard that, a question mark came to mind. But after a while, I understand that that is the continuation of the earlier story.

"Parents? Is that different from a main house or a branch or something like that?

"That's a little different. We in the Illiburg family have served the Phil Ortho family for generations. If you say so, it's a matter of obedience."

"I see. If so, how limited can you be, no matter how much the Lord brings into the Viscount's house"

A little while after Toslin started talking, Saluena and Rizzelaich, with their sandwiches, came to your table.

Hey, isn't this place that big? If I thought so, Saluena lifted Hyoi and I and put them on my knees. Ritzereich put his butt on Toslin's lap with our face. I thought so.

"Sort of. Even more so, I can't believe I'm the only three women there... It's really limited. Wrong is not powerful enough to overturn the Countess's decision. But your father isn't. That guy could do something about it."

"Hmm. So you're going back to your parents' house like this?"

Aiming at the gap in the story, Ritzereich fills Toslin's mouth with Gabo sandwiches. I can't do such bad behavior without my sister, so I eat myself out of Saluena's hands. Hey, Saluena. Don't look so sad, do you?

"That sort of thing. Fortunately, Rosé's on me, so it shouldn't be like an execution right away. Well, if it ever happens, there's no way he's gonna kill you quietly in the first place."

"But if you don't do something with me, Carol will always be an inquisitor."

"That's right. So I guess Rosé followed me, and I just have to do what I can."

That's what Toslin says and runs the unicorn.

We then briefly finished dinner and tea as we discussed what was to come. The time without your sister and Carol made us rap just a little bit more than usual.

The sun sets and reveals the night in the carriage. On autumn nights I get chilly and fall asleep sneaking out the blanket my sister used to pull out and muddy.

Feeling my consciousness pull into the world of my dreams, what I think is still about Toslin.

She can count on it. You're a far more experienced adventurer than I am, a warrior, a leader, a sister, naturally.

... but, but yeah.

"Ha, I wonder why we fought like that..."

When I was alone, her crushing like that was carried by the wind.

Hear it, understand it. She said... that's why it's never complete.

All I can do is be limited, but I'll do more than I can.

I was so determined, remembering the side of Toslin, who sneaks in tears.

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