Senpensekai no Madoushoshi

Verse XI, life or death.

"Heh, this is Toslin's room. Glad you stayed."

"Haha, yeah"

That night I interrupted Toslin's room. To sleep, of course.

Surrounded by polished blue stone walls, that room is (of course) many times bigger than my room at home. But there's absolutely no such thing as trinkets or ornaments, and in terms of girliness, it would be a complete victory for my room.

"Did you think it was a decorative room?

"Yeah. You said you were missing girly."

Light yellow curtains are fine. A red carpet laid on the floor would be nice. But... but. What kind of a concept room is there with armor and swords all lined up on the middle wall of the room?

"Not too honest?

"Because I can't help lying. I don't think a normal girl would put armor or a sword in her room."

"Yeah, well, yeah. I'm aware, and it's easier for me to be honest with you. Oh, I'll make you some tea. Sit right there."


I sat back and waited on the chocolate and couch listening to the sound of the tea the maid had prepared in advance pouring into the cup. But that's just for a few seconds, too. I was immediately sucked up by a bookshelf by the room.

"Wow, I have a book that looks so old!! Hey, hey, Toslin. Can I have a look?

"Oh, fine."

I got permission, so I open inside for one hand to try quickly. Then there was a surprising line of letters there. I loved the book and read it like every day, but I've never seen a book so filled with letters.

"Besides, I can't read..."

"Haha, I guess. It's not an official letter, it's a letter used in this country a long time ago."

"Can you read Toslin, this?

"Yeah, I can't read at all"

"What? Then why are you putting it here?

Actually, this isn't my room.

Hold two cups of hot air, and the toslin is coming. Receive one of them, take a bite. Yeah, delicious.

"It is. Whose?"

Follow the books lined up on the shelves with one eye at a time. Then there was only one book written in my readable letters, which fit with chocolate on the edge.

"It was Mom's room."

My hand stopped trying to take the book. Mom? Speaking of which, it's been a while since I've been to this castle, but I haven't seen your mother. If my daughter hasn't been back in years, I think she's usually coming to see me for now.

"Um... uh, I'm a mother..."

I kind of felt like I shouldn't touch you, but it's also unnatural not to touch you in the way you talk. I was puzzled, and I said yes.

"I'm not here. No more."

"... Oh, I'm sorry..."

I had a bad feeling, and I apologized immediately. But Toslin shakes his head with an obvious face.

"Oh, never mind. It doesn't mean he's dead, maybe."

"Oh... really?

So, what, like a divorce or something? If so, it doesn't mean I don't care after all.

"Well, did you think you were going to get a divorce? It's not even divorce."

"Ugh... how do you know what you're thinking? Just now......"

"You're gonna be on your face. It's amazing."

Toslin laughs delightfully and drinks tea. And then he pulled out the book I just tried to take and put it on my hand.

"Look, this is the fairy tale book I told you about before. I'll give it to you if you're interested."

"Oh, really? Are you sure?"

"Because nobody reads it even if it's here anyway. Once you've read it, you can sell it or throw it away."

"Oh, I won't do that, what a waste!!

Elf country books are so valuable because they rarely get on the market. Maybe I could send it to my parents' house and decorate the shop.

(Whatever that is...)

Elf fairy tales.

Only...... "La Foglia's right hand is a meadow, left thumb, index finger, middle finger, pinky finger. They're made of woods and lakes'?

What the hell's on the remaining fingers? That's what we all talked about, isn't it?

"Oh, yeah."

As I tried to open the book quickly, Toslin's voice raised his face.

"Hmm, what's up?

"Look, Rosé. Your shield is broken, and you're in trouble for it.

"Oh, yeah. Right."

Your sister's shield was destroyed during the battle against Maury in Fretelli. I've been searching for a shield ever since. Why, but I've rarely been able to meet your sister's demands and haven't found one yet, have I?

"So if you hadn't found it by the time you got here, you'd be trying to show me that one."

That's what Toslin said and pointed to was a large metal shield in a corner decorated with armor and swords that had stopped in his eyes earlier. Thicker than the shield used in the Battle of Maury, how tall my whole body is so completely hidden.

But what's more eye-catching than that is the decoration applied to the surface? A golden pattern is engraved on a polished iron surface.

"Something resembles an inscription on Toslin's armor."

"It's not similar, it's the same thing."

"Oh, really? So you're saying this is a magic weapon, too? Just like Toslin's, you can be resistant to magic?

"Maybe not? This shield and that armor were originally a set. But I don't use my shield, and it just gets in the way, so you went here. But Rosé could use it, wouldn't she?

True, no matter how hard I try, it's a shield of size and weight that doesn't even freak me out with my arm, but it seems like my sister would be able to handle it normally.

(Iron, is it made of? But for that, not a single rust floats)

Ask Toslin to forgive me and touch the surface with his hands. Then the whole shield glowed slightly blue and white. What a fantastic feeling it is to have other light in the room illuminated by the light of the moon and candles.

"Beautiful. The tattoo looks floating."

"Right. It would be expensive to sell, but my dad doesn't seem to be going to sell it. But you wonder if it's okay to let it rot like this. I don't know what kind of weapon they use."

Toslin also touched the shield and glanced at its surface with his finger. Then the dust that was hanging on was removed and a glossy mirror-like surface appeared.

"Though it's not true to run into enemies on that level, like Sands Wands or Maury, Rosé's already a Red Rank cleric, isn't he? I even have a big title," Holy Knight, "so I think what you can wear has to be quite something."

"Ha, that's what it is"

"What are you saying like some other HR? You too, Iris. I mean, you're the one who needs to be the most concerned, but how long are you going to let it go through in that outfit?

"Uh, no? I like these clothes and cloaks."

"Not bad, but too normal. Then you're no different than the town girl around here."

"So, because she was a town girl..."

"But not now, right? You've become our princess, so I'm in trouble if you don't fit in."

"Ugh... so, but... I don't know what to do... I can't go on an adventure in a dress..."

"Ha, well, yeah. We'll think about that again. If you go to Lelton, you'll get dragon material, and I think you can make something out of it."

Oh, well. I totally forgot, but I was already done dismantling the dragon in Lelton. Dragon protective gear is treated like the extreme of status even if you read an adventure novel, and if you could make a cape or something like that, would it be quite foiled?

And I wondered that much.

"... Hey, can I ask you something? Why is there such a heavy shield here?

This doesn't mean anything bad or anything, it just means' in the territory of the elves'. I find it a little hard to believe watching Toslin, but they say that elves are basically a more powerless species than humans. So I was just wondering why you have equipment like this that you can't even use.

(Oh, but Toslin's father is a knight, and you're disappointed for that, so can you handle it?

"The weapons in this castle were brought home mainly by my mom from her adventure."

But that's not what they say. Is that right? If it's your own weapon, you can't leave it dusty in here, can you?

"Huh? Is Toslin's mother an adventurer?

"I didn't name the adventurer... but it's something similar, isn't it? Are you still doing something somewhere?

Oh, that's why you're not here... I almost convinced you, but no, no, wait a minute.

"... the Lady of the Viscount, Adventurer?

I'm talking about not getting a divorce, and it should.

"The lady's an adventurer, so what's wrong with that mother doing the adventurer? Even Captain Yuhanna of the Knights of the White Lily, a daughter of nobility, used to be an adventurer."

"... oh"

I tried so hard that my common sense would desperately convince me, but when I heard Toslin's explanation, it fell to Ston and Jin.

"I'm convinced. Well, I thought Toslin looked like your father, but you looked like your mother."

"That's what my dad told me when I went to talk about the candle. Unlike your sisters, you seem to have become a lot like your mother..."

"Haha, it is. But..."

But that's why Toslin and I met.

"Hey, you know what I'm thinking right now?

I laughed at Nicole and said that to Toslin. Then Toslin looked at me with blue gemstone-like eyes and then answered with a confident face.

"It's nice to meet me, isn't it?

"Awesome!! Yeah, how do you know that!? I thought I deceived your expression!!

I'm about to take off my surprising book. Toslin laughed haha, and added:

"I was thinking the same thing right now."

She reached out to my head and stroked me to comb my hair.

"If I hadn't continued my adventure like my mom, I wouldn't have met you or Rosé..."

Me and Toslin's gaze is drawn to the shield that is standing beside nature.

"... definitely, let's help"

Chilly nights. Moonlight falls from the gaps in the curtains, trying to make up for the weak candle lights.

"Yeah, of course. I don't know who it is, but I'm not just gonna blame Carol."

On the side of the toslin lit by its mysterious light lived a quiet rage.

The day after that.

When we tried to leave Illiburg Castle to return to the Count's mansion.

"Wait, Toslin."

Viscount Iriburg was stopped immediately. I thought you came to see me off, but apparently you didn't.

"Now the bird has brought the letter. Calm down and listen carefully."

Once again, the Viscount drops his gaze on the letter for confirmation. And he looked at us with a strange face, and he said:

"The Countess was murdered this morning. Suspect is Caroteil of Warwolf. She left the mansion with the clergyman after he murdered his wife... and left her gone."

(... Huh?

I can't understand the words right away, trying to stroke the head of a unicorn, stiffening.

"What? No... you're lying, aren't you? What..."

The Viscount goes on so that he can put it over Toslin's words.

"Count Warrant Lady...... No, the newly counted Lord Fluerne has given us an order. Its contents…"

We all peek into the letter the Viscount gave to Toslin.

"As the Earl of the Count, he will be the Sovereign of your house, and Fruerne Filorsø will be ordained by Lord Iriburg and his daughter, Tothrillun. Count, and Caroteil, a lousy Warwolf bandit in the Countess Killer. We found him and brought him to my mansion. '

And at the end of the sentence, this was also added.

"At that time, the matter of life and death… shall be irrelevant"

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