Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 196 Spokesperson

Bucharest is the capital of Romania and the economic and cultural center of the entire country. It has always been known as "Little Paris". It is located on the banks of the Dembovica River, a tributary of the Danube River. There is the famous Berneasa Forest in the northern suburbs. Historically, this city has This beautiful city like a garden was once a strategic location fiercely contested by European powers such as the Ottoman Empire and Tsarist Russia.

At Otopeni International Airport, Sean walked out of the crowded lobby wearing a leather jacket and sunglasses, holding a tourist map in his hand, like a tourist. Behind him was the muscular Modu, whose dark face was unsmiling, like a bodyguard who did his duty.

"Where should we go now?" Modu looked at the young man holding the tourist map and lowered his voice: "I know that Carrigan lives in a manor outside Bucharest. There is a secret underground casino there. We can rush there immediately. ."

Sean stared at the black mage with strange eyes. After a while, he turned his head and said with a faint smile: "Then I won't hinder you."

"I booked a top-level suite at the Hilton Garden Inn in the city center. I plan to rest for a while and then enjoy a French meal. I may also go sightseeing to the Romanian People's Palace. I heard that it is the second largest building in the world after the Pentagon. Big building, worth seeing.”

Mordo's eyes widened, and then he burst into anger. He came to Romania from the London Temple not just for a vacation. Thinking of the numerous crimes he witnessed in the documents, this black mage who was deeply influenced by Kama Taj wished he could He immediately rushed to Carrigan's manor to execute God's righteous judgment.

"Why do you mages always have muscles in your head?"

Sean sighed helplessly and whispered: "The London Temple sent many mages and demon hunters before. Why did they all return without success, and some of them became food for vampires and werewolves? This is Carrigan's place. The territory is a black area beyond the reach of the temple forces. Even if you are Rambo, if you act rashly, you will probably be beaten into pieces."

Modu frowned and thought for a moment, and felt that what the young man said made sense. Eastern Europe was home to alien creatures. Those expelled vampires and werewolves, as well as angels and demons who walked in the material world in human bodies, they regarded this place as a place. The last paradise, isolated from the surveillance of the temple forces, full of barbaric whirlpools, with sin and corruption emerging under the beautiful appearance, is undoubtedly the perfect soil for survival.

"Then what are you going to do?" The only advantage of the black mage is probably that he is willing to listen to opinions.

"Like I just said, enjoy the best services in this city and treat yourself as a tourist." Sean put away the tourist map, and a black Bentley parked outside, which was the hotel's shuttle bus. Specially used to pick up and drop off distinguished guests.

After Modu hesitated briefly, he chose to follow the young man's footsteps. He had seen Sean's outstanding talent at Kama Taj, and the Supreme Mage seemed to have reached some kind of indescribable subtle understanding with him. In this seemingly In a peaceful city, if you are alone, you may not be able to deal with a group of vicious thugs and villains, not to mention that there are vampires and werewolves hidden in the dark.

"I understand, you want to wait until dark, sneak into Carrigan's manor, and capture that bastard who made a deal with the devil alive!" Modu, who got into the car, seemed to suddenly understand, suppressing his inner excitement.

Sean was quite speechless. Logically speaking, shouldn't a mage have to increase his intelligence first? Why is this black mage from Kama Taj, an authentic academic school, full of recklessness, almost like a berserker? No wonder the Supreme Mage finally chose Strange as his successor.

"Carrigan will find me on his own." He said calmly. "As a local snake in this city, he should know immediately that a young rich man from New York is worried about having nowhere to spend the money in his pocket. Presumably, the leader of a criminal group who is a mercenary will not be stingy. I provide warm service.”

Looking at the speechless black mage, the young man smiled and patted his shoulder and said with a smile: "As long as you have money, you will be a god no matter which city you go to."


On the outskirts of Bucharest, there is an ancient manor that occupies a large area. It is said that it was once the residence of a nobleman from the Ottoman Empire. Since Romania got rid of long-term foreign rule, it was bought by Carrigan and transformed into a heavily guarded base.

Even in the daytime, you can see heavily armed gangsters patrolling back and forth without any fear of being discovered. Bucharest, known as the City of Joy, can almost be said to be their territory. The mayors of the six districts all visit here. Regulars, even the state police, don't just barge in.

And the big names behind them are far more than that. The real backers of Carrigan are hidden existences that ordinary people can't imagine. Those so-called immortal species sit behind the scenes, covering up their own traces. In fact, the entire Eastern Europe is a paradise for vampires and werewolves. , they have infiltrated the top levels of the country, controlled government power, and can easily cause huge turmoil.

As Sean guessed, behind the huge chain of interests, it is definitely not as simple as a mercenary-turned-criminal group leader, or a few gangs with private armed forces. The ones who really control the overall situation are those who often appear in movies and TV series and The alien creatures in the novel are entrenched in this chaotic land where order has collapsed. They dare not go beyond the temple's thunder pool. They can only use this kind of secret operation to slowly develop their power and multiply their tribes.

"Did you find the bitch?"

Carrigan, a local snake, was furious at this time. He swept away everything on the table, with boiling anger in his eyes. He grabbed one of his subordinates by the collar and asked viciously.


After hearing the trembling reply from his men, Carrigan calmed down. He loosened the opponent's collar and adjusted it with his hands. His sinister face was replaced by a gentle smile. However, this sudden change made his men even more frightened. .

"Throw it into the club tonight. Those powerful people are tired of watching ordinary people being tortured and killed. It's time to give them something new to try." The ruthless former mercenary waved his hand and asked the two sturdy men next to him to take this Drag out one of his incompetent subordinates.

The sounds of wailing and begging for mercy resounded over the manor, but no one would come to save him. This was a living hell. Even the devil was amazed by it. The endless sin and blood piled up into countless huge wealth.

"Keep sending people to find them. I want to see that bitch and Danny tomorrow morning. The big customer has been designated. If I can't see them, I will be very unlucky, and you will only be more unlucky." Carrigan His twitching nose, pale face and sinister expression made all his subordinates tremble with fear.

They had seen with their own eyes that this moody boss threw a Ukrainian girl who was trying to escape from a three-story building, and then threw it to a werewolf in an iron cage as food. There were countless similar cruel behaviors.

Carrigan drank away his men and lay down on the large sofa. A strong desire appeared in his dull eyes. Like an addict, he took out a delicate iron box from his pocket with trembling hands and took out a flowing bottle. The scarlet liquid reagent was inserted directly into the blood vessels of the arm.

His body trembled a few times like an electric shock, and his listless pale face suddenly turned red. Feeling the power rushing through his body, Carrigan showed a satisfied smile.

"These vampire gadgets are really easy to use." The former mercenary leader threw away the syringe in his hand, his eyes full of strong ambition, "They are more enjoyable than drugs. As long as they can be mass-produced, they are far more addictive than drugs." There’s more promise now!”

"But before that, we still have to find that little bitch Nadya and her bastard child." Carrigan was full of nonsense. He thought of the old man who called himself "Mephisto" and couldn't help but feel guilty. cold.

A well-known disadvantage of making a deal with the devil is that when you fail to complete the task, the end will be very miserable.

The reason why this former mercenary leader was able to climb to his current position has something to do with the old man with mysterious power. Otherwise, how would the vampires and werewolves regard him as a small role? As the spokesperson of the devil, Ka Reagan easily acquired unimaginable wealth, but he also became a puppet.

"Fuck the devil!" He cursed fiercely in his heart.

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