Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 220 Plan in the Dark

Hammer Industries, offices.

Fernando, who was called in by his boss, was in a nervous mood. As soon as he opened the door, a document on the table was thrown at him. With his reaction ability, he could avoid it, but doing so would only make the other party more angry. .

The sharp corners of the folder scratched the security director's forehead, and blood flowed freely on his cheek. He looked extremely miserable, but even so, he couldn't calm down Justin Hammer. He cursed loudly: "A Months of time! Sean Sipers is alive and well, Umbrella has signed a long-term order with the Ministry of Defense, and his energy weapons are about to enter the mass production stage."

"Tell me, where are your mercenaries?"

Facing the boss's roaring questioning, Fernando only felt that the generous annual salary of the security director was really hard to get. The famous New York genius went to Eastern Europe for a half-month vacation. This should have been an excellent opportunity. He sent Two elite mercenary teams under the name of Hammer Industrial Security Company. As a result, the elite warriors who had provoked political turmoil in small countries and assassinated African tribal leaders became snacks for vampires and werewolves - of course on the surface. They encountered a local gang and had a crossfire, and unfortunately all of them were killed.

With Fernando's many years of work experience, he felt that something was wrong, but there was no flaw in the report. Who would have thought that a group of Romanian gangsters who looked like madmen would engage in suicide attacks, and they happened to be riding in a mercenary team. There was no sign of any advance planning on the bus.

The security director, who attributed this situation to a coincidence, contacted Wade Wilson as soon as the New York genius came back. To be honest, Fernando didn't like that talkative bastard who was full of dirty jokes at all. But even with his critical eye, he had to admit that the other party was the most outstanding top person in this industry that he had ever seen.

However, Fernando returned disappointed again. The answer he got was-

"If this call is not important, I will shoot you in the balls... Wait, what, your boss wants to pay me to kill a young rich man who is the ultimate asshole, Fernando, you put me Who do you want to be? Two million? Okay, I’ll do it!”

You thought this was the end? No, what followed was a high-pitched moan that lasted for about thirty seconds, which was also accompanied by a fierce collision of flesh. Judging from the speed and frequency, the guy's waist strength was indeed good.

Fernando waited awkwardly for two minutes before a breath of relief came from the other end of the phone, and then continued: "Sorry, Fernando, I just had a conversation with my moral conscience, and she told me very seriously and seriously Me, 'Wade Wilson, you can't do this, sacrificing your noble and precious character for a small amount of money, it's not worth it', man, for my...sss! Vanessa bite! My little brother is very fragile..."

The miserable security director heard another burst of wild and unrestrained snapping, which sounded like a fierce battle. He hung up the phone silently and cursed the damn bastard.

The above is the reason why Fernando hasn't solved this matter in a month. Judging from various subjective or objective factors, it seems that none of this can be blamed on him. Unfortunately, the boss of this security supervisor service is not a good person. Understanding guy.

"When you receive my salary, you must work for me wholeheartedly! Otherwise, I can find someone else to replace you at any time, so respect the person in front of you and use a more pious attitude than belief in God!"

Justin Hammer poked at the tall and muscular security director. He was obviously very dissatisfied with the work style of his employees. He no longer cared about the consequences. As long as he could get rid of Sean Sipers, the energy weapons were approved by the Ministry of Defense. It was highly praised, and its extended radiation range of applications was enough to allow Umbrella, as a newcomer, to stand out in the field of military procurement.

If it were other unknown little people, Hammer Industries could also resort to hostile takeovers or strong suppression. However, Sean Sipers had a close personal relationship with General Thaddeus Ross of the military, and Umbrella also had a lot of people behind him. With Stark, Osborne and Koch Industries as the support, they are not the target of bullying at will.

"It's worth the risk..." Justin Hammer thought silently in his heart.

The steel armor he spent a lot of money to develop is about to be put on display, but until now there is no way to solve the energy problem. Those scientific researchers who are like idiots are not reliable at all. That bastard Tony Stark is leaning on a stone in the cave. They could make something out of a pile of rags, but they were helpless.

"No need to look for mercenaries anymore." Hammer waved his hand, loosened his tie and said: "I contacted a seller. He has a magical potion that can enhance human physical fitness. Go to the security company to find a group of people to send it as a pawn. tester."

Fernando's eyes widened, his hands subconsciously clenched into fists, and after taking a deep breath for a few seconds, he said: "If there is no authorization and permission from the FDA, this kind of impermissible private experiment will be very risky, and life will not be protected..."


Another folder was thrown into Fernando's face. Hammer put his hands on his hips, his face flushed with anger, and almost roared: "Take money to throw it at! How much are those people's lives worth? Stop questioning me. Order, otherwise get out and leave immediately!"

The emotions accumulated during this period suddenly exploded like a powder keg. Hammer thought of Stark Industries' success in new energy sources and the rapid rise of Umbrella. His bloodshot eyes turned red. He finally waited for the opportunity for Tony Stark to withdraw from the arms market, and then Sean Sipers appeared.

Who can guarantee that Umbrella will not be another Stark Industries in a few years?

Hammer was fed up with this kind of life of being inferior to others. He bought the weapons manufacturing factory of Stark Industries and was preparing to do something big. When he ushered in the glory of his life, the man who always had a gentle smile made people laugh. The New York genius who wanted to smash that face came to stop Hammer Industries again.

After driving away the ignorant security director, Hammer turned on the TV. On the screen was that annoying young face, who was expressing his views on the Mutant Registration Act——

"I think people need to understand unknown things instead of blindly rejecting and fearing them. Mutants are not a disease or a plague, and they are not born bad people. In this land that promotes democracy and freedom, why are they not allowed to be reasonable and legal? Fair treatment? I very much support the initiative of Vice President Francis Underwood. This is the ringing of the freedom bell and the coming of the light of hope..."

Listening to Sean's hypocritical speech, Hammer slammed out the remote control in his hand, and the TV screen burst into flames. The leader of the military-industrial enterprise, he gasped heavily and wanted to let the other party go free for a while at most. One day, I contacted a mysterious man named "Mr. Blue" from the black market.

The other party showed a green potion. After being injected, the test subjects can become infinitely stronger and have extraordinary recovery power, and their destructive power is far better than that of rigorously trained elite warriors. This is exactly what Hammer wants to see. Arrived.

"Get rid of Sean, and then take that potion..." He lay on the sofa, his rising and falling chest gradually flattening, and a cold light showed in his eyes.

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