Sequential Evolution

Chapter 300 Weier adds five new followers

After gaining the power of faith, Lin Tianyi had a deeper understanding of divinity.

He does not yet have the status of a god, but this does not prevent him from using the power of a god to obtain the oath of others.

It's just that the target has to be changed. The person they swear allegiance to is not Lin Tianyi, but his partner, Lin Weier.

As the unique owner of dual godheads, Lin Weier possesses half of the evil god's divinity.

Although her personality has been completely preserved, Lin Weier is an out-and-out mythical creature.

Praying, swearing, or even cursing gods in church may not necessarily result in a response from the true God.

Most righteous gods have human agents.

But the fewer believers a god has, the more attention it will pay to the handling and origin of the power of faith. Especially when praying in front of gods, it can be said that there are very few stories in which believers do not receive any feedback from gods, whether it is positive or negative.

What's more, Lin Weier still has some of the uniqueness of the evil god.

"All you need to do is kneel down on one knee in front of my sister, read out my sister's real name, Lilith Weir, in the manner of knightly allegiance, declare your faith in Him from the bottom of your heart, and then swear to be loyal to me forever."

It's that simple?

Don't even need to use a contract scroll?

Nie Xingan was also stunned. He thought Lin Tianyi had made full preparations and carried the contract scroll with him.

But I didn't expect that the other party's oath of allegiance would be so simple, almost like a joke.

In order to save her younger brother, the magician Jiang Ya looked pleadingly at the priest Ji Yuting. As the only two women in the team, they usually ate and lived together. Not only did they share life and death, they even went to the toilet together, so the two had a close relationship. The best.

Ji Yuting knew what Jiang Xiaofei meant to Jiang Ya, so she immediately used the bright yellow gemstone wooden staff to support the ground, knelt down on one knee with the knight's ceremony, and turned to face this person who looked gentle and taciturn. His appearance was obviously not outstanding, but he always gave people A girl who can't help but want to be close to her, and even feels a crush on her.

Nie Xing'an pulled Qiu He, and he and the shield warrior Wei Shan performed the knighthood ceremony at the same time, following Lin Tianyi's request.

"I, Nie Xing'an (Wei Shan, Jiang Ya...), from today onwards, voluntarily believe in Ms. Lilith Weir from the bottom of my heart, and declare unconditional allegiance to His Excellency Lin Tianyi. If there is any betrayal or disloyalty, I will be punished by God!"

As the five people completed their oath, a strange feeling surged up in their hearts for no reason.

What was even more disturbing was that after they finished reciting their oaths, the thick moonlight actually fell from the sky out of thin air and completely enveloped the five people.

Among the five people, Qiu He had the strongest sense of uneasiness. He was not sincere, but just perfunctory and had a strong sense of luck.

After all, Jiang Xiaofei's life and death can be said to be insignificant compared to his own safety.

If Lin Tianyi took out the contract scroll, he would never sign it, and would even incite others to rebel against this unknown man with him.

However, oral oaths are another matter.

He didn't want to offend other people in the team. After all, it was just a matter of words, so why not do it?

If you show too much resistance, not only will you lose your head, but other teammates may also choose not to save him when he is in danger.

But after he finished reciting the oath, Qiu He's whole body began to tremble and fear for no reason as the silver moonlight enveloped him.

Could it be that the taciturn girl brought by this man really possesses the qualities of some evil god?

Lin Tianyi and Lin Weier watched all this calmly. This was just an experiment to see whether the natives of the fruit world could bring the true power of faith to Weier.

The results of the experiment are obvious.


Lin Weier performed the miracle very smoothly.

I even gained a considerable amount of power of faith!

Even the most ungrateful shadow assassin Qiu He, a small flame of faith flew out of his body. Under the gaze of Lin Tianyi's eyes, it flew into Lin Weier's body clearly.

This was the first time that Lin Tianyi truly saw the power of faith.

Since turning on this option, he has been able to use the Double Eyes and Vientiane Dark Gold to see the power of faith as easily as he can see the spiritual light floating in the air.

He nodded with satisfaction, and the clones quickly disappeared into the air.

"Very good. Now, let's go deep into the ruins dungeon. I'll clean up these cobwebs first."

Below the abyss, dense and thick, intertwined spider webs are like layers of white gauze-like protective layers. Qiu He has just tried it. Ordinary flames cannot damage the tough webs spewed by these C-level monsters.

But Lin Tianyi has a way!

He first took out a black pill and put it in his mouth.

The black flame ring began to slowly emit light, and the cold fire of the bone spirit stored in it continued to be nourished by the divine power of the moonlight, growing and expanding again.

He bulged his mouth, used the index finger and middle finger of his right hand wearing the black flame ring as a medium to touch the mental labial groove in the middle of his lower lip, and blew hard.

A large amount of pale flames spurted out from Lin Tianyi's mouth.

These flames fell on the magic spider web and spread out immediately. The white flames danced and exuded an extremely cold feeling.

As a magician, Jiang Ya could easily feel that the flames spouted by Lin Tianyi were very different from the huge fireball she used her spells to trigger.

Although this flame exudes a cold aura, and all the cobwebs show transparent crystals that appear to be covered by ice and snow, the tissues within them have been completely consumed and destroyed, leaving them with no outer shell.

As the nameless wind blew up from the ground, a large number of cobwebs turned into ashes all over the sky.

With their home destroyed, the most furious person was of course the C-level spider monster that was qualified to live in a cave.

Compared with the D-class monster spider stationed near the light gate, the C-class spider has a flatter and wider body. Although it is only as tall as a coffee table, it is not like the D-class monster that is as big as a lion and has amazing jumping ability, but each of its slender hairy legs is It is as long as a normal human's arms, and is covered with long brown hair. It looks like an enlarged version of a raccoon that has been pulled into a spider.

They crawled very fast, making strange sounds along the cliffs of the abyss amidst the fly ash turned into cobwebs.

At the same time as the noise appeared, Jiang Ya and others seemed to be trapped in some kind of illusion.

The surroundings turned into a cool forest in an instant. The huge sky-curtain beasts in the sky enveloped the sun like clouds and flew away leisurely. The sunshine fell on the camp. The shield warrior Wei Shan was roasting the meat of the killed monsters in a campfire. Sizzling sound...

It is an airborne neurotoxin!

Lin Tian had taken targeted precautions early in the morning. At the moment when the illusion came, he bit into the detoxifying pill that Gu Xiaochao had given him in the last [Pewter Script].

The medicine took effect quickly, and Lin Tian reached out and made a move, causing Albedo's ankle to make a sound like a silver bell.

Zhan Wu cooperated with [Princess Wind Chime's Golden Anklet] and started to cast it. A large number of spider monsters came up and were instantly froze in place...

Lin Tianyi has the means to solve these troublesome C-level monsters, but since he discovered that Albedo can absorb life force to strengthen himself through double casting, he does not intend to miss such a good opportunity...

I have some free time, so I will update one more chapter

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