Sequential Evolution

Chapter 572 Enlightenment

Is the gap between living gods and dead gods so big?

The lamp god only used Lin Tianyi's body to complete a roar of gods, and its power was enough to destroy the will of the god of life.

However, the lamp god's calculations were loud enough. He used Lin Tianyi's body to stimulate the burst of divine power without reservation, which was equivalent to using Lin Tianyi's power to stimulate the maximum effect of divine power output in a short period of time.

As the lamp god completed the transaction contract between the two people and directly took away half of the thought crystals, Lin Tianyi felt that the weight of the evil storybook suddenly sank, and then he felt that his whole body was completely exhausted. He felt that the life force was rapidly lost, as if a balloon had a hole, and he might die at any time.

"What's going on?!" Lin Tianyi felt that he couldn't lift a bit of strength on his body.

Whether it was physical strength, mental strength, divine power, life span, or even potential, they were all completely drained. If this continued for a few more minutes, the whole person would die directly because of the exhaustion of life span.

Lin Tianyi never expected that the revenge of the lamp god would come so quickly, and the side effects would be so great.

The [Blood-colored Kashila Power] that had originally consumed a lot of energy had been completely consumed by the lamp god.

The blood-colored warrior only had the remnants of genetic evolution, and no power to continue to help him recover his body.

It was like a cat that evolved into a leopard in some way, but after its lifespan was exhausted, it could only die in the form of a leopard, and the power that helped the cat evolve into a leopard no longer provided any help.

"Fuck, no wonder the lamp god said before he left that I had to survive first."

"So he was waiting for me here."

Lin Tianyi gritted his teeth in his heart, and his whole rag bag-like body did not hesitate to take out a dragon blood solidification pill from the evolver's backpack and stuffed it into his mouth.

As a large amount of pure dragon blood power quickly nourished Lin Tianyi's already exhausted body, his body finally returned to its normal size, his limbs finally had some strength, and his face finally flushed a lot.

However, this level of supplementation can only temporarily delay Lin Tianyi's death. All the energy in his body and even his internal organs has been completely drained.

In this state, Lin Tianyi can only rely on the fragrance to survive!

Using teleportation, he quickly returned to the gray alloy cabin and asked:

"Do you two have any more fragrance?"

Seeing Lin Tianyi's state, the two were shocked.

Lin Tianyi's body now looked like he had lost 100 pounds in a month. His skin was extremely loose, his face was full of wrinkles, and his head was gray. He looked like he was dying at any time.

The two saw the fierce battle just now, especially at the end, when the huge cloud monsters overlapped and actually formed the appearance of an outer god. It was really too incredible.

But what is even more incredible is that the outer god's devastating blow was completely resisted by the man in front of him using some unknown method. Not only that, at the most critical moment, the other party actually roared and directly shattered the god formed by the cloud. It was so terrifying.

Now it seems that Lin Tianyi did this, and it was not without any cost. It even completely exhausted the potential of the [Crimson Warrior] who had completed the first stage, which was really shocking.

Lu Lixi was shocked by Lin Tianyi in front of her, and hurriedly said:

"In order to help you become a Crimson Warrior, I have used up all the 10 grams of [Kashila Fragrance] I brought with me this time."

As she said that, she looked at Akashi anxiously and asked:

"Do you have it on you?"

Akashi's expression also became extremely ugly, and she hurriedly said:

"I am a synthetic human, and there are very few places that need fragrance, so I don't have it either."

Hearing what the two said, Lin Tianyi's expression couldn't help but be a little desperate.

Now, with his current physical condition, it is a difficult problem to fully activate the gray alloy to return to the violent search team. If he does not come up with a solution immediately, even if he has the Dragon Blood Solidification Pill to save his life, Lin Tianyi will definitely not be able to hold on for ten minutes.

Akasi immediately thought of a way and said: "There are many mechanical life prostheses on the starship, otherwise you can enter the hibernation cabin first, and wait for us to find the fragrance, and then come to save you."

Lu Lixi did not understand what the starship meant, but immediately made a more reliable suggestion and said:

"Didn't His Holiness the Archbishop of Life give you a red card?"

"The coating on that thing is the top-level Kashila fragrance, and the purpose is to save your life at a critical moment."

"You put it in your mouth now, and it can save your life directly."

Hearing this, Lin Tianyi immediately thought of his red card.

Isn't it the critical moment to use that card?

Without any hesitation, Lin Tianyi directly put the red card into his mouth.

As the saliva melted the Kashila fragrance, a surge of vitality immediately entered Lin Tianyi's body.

The originally exhausted organs began to regain vitality, and the shriveled cells were once again injected with energy, just like the trees after the rain, and Lin Tianyi's whole body quickly recovered to its peak state.

The shattered bones were recast, the missing flesh and blood were filled, and the stretched skin regained its elasticity.

Is this the high-level [Kashila Xiangsu]?

What an amazing recovery ability.

Feeling that he had walked through the brink of death, Lin Tianyi wiped the cold sweat from his head.

It was a close call.

He was just a little bit away from getting Wei'er involved.

He gritted his teeth and cursed the god of the lamp, but his face showed a tired look.

"I have consumed too much energy. I need to rest for a while. I probably won't be able to continue in the short term."

Akasi immediately said:

"You should rest. The spacecraft also needs to be repaired for a few hours."


Lin Tianyi responded and then fainted.

He did not faint directly, but fell into a stage of perception.

For him, the crystallization of thoughts was secondary to the roar of the god of the lamp.

Now that he is out of danger, he naturally needs to understand the essence of the roar of the god of the outer gods.

"The roar of the gods. It absorbs the power of heaven and earth, condenses everything in life, and mobilizes all the power at one point. It contains might, divine power, life, and the laws of heaven and earth."

"This is a kind of energy allocation, which is essentially a truth that heaven and earth cannot resist."

"Through this roar, I seem to have touched the real gap between mortals and gods!"

Thinking about the power of this roar, Lin Tianyi gradually gained a deeper understanding of gods and divine power.

He seemed to have learned 30% of this roar.

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