"Master Seshomaru, I finally found you." Xiejian came back with Moo, but it took a while for Seshomaru to find him because he had been walking around.

Seshomaru asked,"Is it done?"

Xiejian replied immediately,"Yes, Master Seshomaru, I have gathered about a hundred monsters to ensure that the news can be delivered as soon as possible."

"Well done"

"Hehe, this is what a little one should do."After receiving the praise, Xie Jian said happily

"What's the news from Inuyasha?"

Xiejian quickly turned over the information in his sleeves:"Nothing special, oh, it's just that the demon girl Rito went to Maple Village to take the grave soil and ashes of a priestess named Kikyo."

Seshomaru said to himself:"It's begun."

Xiejian said puzzledly:"Master Seshomaru, what did you say?"

"Master Seshomaru, please wait for me. Where are we going?"

"Go see someone"

"People? Humans? Master Seshomaru, who could allow you to see her?"

"Master Seshomaru?"

"Shut up"

"Yes, Master Seshomaru"


The ghost girl Li Tao is very famous, and it is not difficult to find her lair

"Master Seshomaru, the human you are talking about is the demon girl Rito?" Xiejian has also heard of Rito. Even in the monster circle, the demon girl Rito is quite famous.

"Master Seshomaru?"

Seshomaru:"Shut up."

Jaken said aggrievedly:"Yes, Master Seshomaru."

When Seshomaru arrived at Rito's lair, he saw Rito coming back, but he did not intervene. If he had intervened, Kikyo might not have come back.

Rito resurrected Kikyo mainly because he wanted to rely on Kikyo's ability to see the Four Souls Jewel to collect the Four Souls Jewel. Unfortunately, she took it for granted. As the most powerful miko after Tsuiko, Rito did not have the ability to control Kikyo. Even if Kikyo was resurrected incompletely, she could not control her.

Jaken saw Inuyasha and others who came to find Rito, and hurriedly pointed and shouted:"Master Seshomaru, it's Inuyasha and the others."

"Master Seshomaru, are you going to steal Inuyasha's Tessaiga?"

Seshomaru said impatiently,"If you keep talking nonsense, I'll throw you down."


Xiejian immediately shut his mouth. They were floating in the air now.

When Sesshomaru saw Kagome being captured by Rito, he knew that Kikyo was about to be resurrected.

When Kagome was put into the medicine pool, Sesshomaru also saw Kikyo's body.

Then Kagome's soul was introduced into Kikyo's body by Rito's technique and resurrected. After the resurrection, Kikyo killed Rito as soon as possible.

Sesshomaru looked at Kikyo:"Fifty years of grievances have begun again. Naraku's methods are really despicable and disgusting."

Sesshomaru knew all the plots and just wanted to see the famous scenes. If the dog system was still there, he would definitely be able to punch in, but now he can only watch.

Seeing Kikyo's right shoulder bursting with blood, Sesshomaru was surprised:"Speaking of which, Kikyo's body was originally a pottery figurine of grave soil and ashes, but it burst into blood. Has the wound caused by Naraku been resurrected?"

""Huh?" Xiejian expressed his confusion. What's so good about this? Master Seshomaru was even saying something incomprehensible.

It was a pity that Kikyo couldn't be resurrected after all, and most of her soul was called back by Kagome. Just like what Rito said, she was left with resentment.

Kikyo quickly escaped, and when she saw Inuyasha, she didn't want to die anymore. She was afraid that all her souls would be called back by Kagome. Inuyasha chased her and let Kikyo fall off the cliff just like in the original plot.

Xiejian remembered the past:"Master Seshomaru, I remember now, that miko was the one who sealed Inuyasha fifty years ago. Should we save her? She and Inuyasha don't get along. The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

"Master Seshomaru?"

Seshomaru ignored him and asked,"How do I get to Maple Village?"

"Huh? This way, Moo."Xiejian said that he was getting more and more confused about Master Seshomaru.

When they arrived at Maple Village, the Tree of Ages that stood out in the entire forest was easy to find, and Seshomaru landed under the Tree of Ages.

Xiejian pointed to the scar on the Tree of Ages and said,"Master Seshomaru, Inuyasha was sealed here fifty years ago."

He had looked for Inuyasha fifty years ago, when the Leopard Cat Clan attacked, and he thought that Inuyasha, as the son of Inu no Taisho, should be notified, but unfortunately, he had been sealed when he found him.

Seshomaru touched the Tree of Ages, and had an indescribable feeling:"I don't know if this tree can be transplanted. There is another tree at the Flying Demon Moth, we can think of a way."

The Tree of Ages here must not be moved, and moving it may have an impact, because even the Flying Demon Moth's tree can affect modern society.

However, it will take some time for Manjumaru to find Inuyasha and the others, so wait a little longer, there is no rush.

Arriving at the Bone-Eating Well, Seshomaru jumped down.

Xiejian exclaimed,"Master Seshomaru?"

When Xie Jian climbed up the bone-eating well and looked into the well, he saw no one and immediately panicked.

"Master Seshomaru! Master Seshomaru was eaten by the well! Wuuuuu!"

Moo beside him also came over, and Jaken hugged him and cried,"Moo, it's over, it's over, Seshomaru was eaten by the well."

Moo pushed Jaken away in disgust and walked aside. He didn't believe that Seshomaru would be eaten by the well.

"Master Seshomaru"


Looking at the scene around him, Seshomaru said happily:"I really came through. It should be the ability of the dog system. Otherwise, I would definitely not be able to get through. Let's go back first. I have to get some gold on me when I go back. I can also buy some modern things when I come here. It doesn't seem good to rob."

When Seshomaru returned to the Warring States Period, he heard the sad cry of Jaken, mixed with the cry of"Master Seshomaru".

Seshomaru was full of black lines on his head, crying.

He kicked Jaken away and flew up directly. Jaken was about to curse, but when he saw it was Seshomaru, he immediately changed his face and said happily:"Master Seshomaru! That's great, Master Seshomaru was not eaten by the well. Master Seshomaru, wait for me"


After leaving Maple Village, Seshomaru found Manganji Temple. His purpose of this trip was to find the demon horse Flame Horse. As a demon that appeared in the later period, its strength was definitely unquestionable. Unfortunately, it recognized Naraku's clone Hakudouji as the master and opposed the protagonist group, which was simply seeking death.

The legend of Flame Horse's origin is that a hundred years ago, a divine horse died in a fire. Later, its vengeful spirit appeared in the world and was reincarnated as Flame Horse with the eruption of a volcano.

There are rumors that whoever gets Flame Horse will get the world. This is just a rumor. Flame Horse's previous owner, Purgatory Ghost, is still sealed in the soil.

Flame Horse was originally a free demon horse, and it was also a fierce and very rare demon horse. Later, because of the rumor that whoever gets Flame Horse will get the world, people and demons kept fighting and snatching it. In the end, Purgatory Ghost survived. Flame Horse recognized Purgatory Ghost as the master. Then Purgatory Ghost rode Flame Horse to burn, kill and plunder everywhere, and finally sealed it to Shenquan Monk.

Then, because the baby of Naraku's clone was looking for the location of the last piece of the Four Souls Jewel, at the border between this world and the other world, monks and priests were killed everywhere. Monk Shenquan was also killed, and Yanti was unsealed.

Later, he recognized Naraku's clone Hakudouji as his master, but was killed by Inuyasha and his group not long after. It was a pity. This demon horse became exactly like whoever he followed.

Seeing Manganji appear in front of him, Xiejian's legs were shaking:"Master Seshomaru, there is a temple ahead, and there is a monk with powerful magic. Do we really want to go?"

He asked the monsters about the location of Manganji, so he naturally knew the situation of Manganji, and those monsters said it was so scary.

Seshomaru said:"Xiejian, you wait here."

Xiejian immediately admitted his fear:"Yes, Master Seshomaru, you have to be careful."

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