Chapter 103 Girls with a big heart are always more likely to get favors!!

【Western Cuisine+1】

【Molecular Cuisine +2】

【Dark Cuisine+2】

Immersed in the delicacy, Erinai and Alice have a hint flashing above their heads.

The girl who had just returned from Lowe was obviously lucky and won the lottery the first time.

Is it just Kohei Joichiro's hint that is swollen?

If memory serves, Kohei Sojin came for the first time, too.

How keen are their father and son for dark cooking? A slot stuck in his throat, and Chu Feng was suddenly speechless.

Luck was good today.

From Erina and Kohei Joichiro, respectively, [Western cuisine] and [carved work] were brushed.

It is a pity that the crit multiplier is not high, and the increase is not large.

Western cuisine has risen from proficient to top-notch.

Chu Feng was only one skill away from the special level.

And his carving skills were promoted to mastery.

It's a pity that today, Tian Suohui, the Emperor of Europe, is not powerful.

The three girls of the Polestar Liao all handed over white rolls.

They left shortly after the arrival of Senzoemon.

After all, eating with General Marshal Yuanyue, the girls couldn't let go at all.

It didn't take long.

Senzoemon and the others finished enjoying this rich dinner and left after checking out.

With Chu Feng's permission, Erinai pulled Alice into the food group.

Boss Chu's personality is a little cold, and the group members generally dare not pull people without permission.

Thor looked helplessly at the fragments of clothes scattered on the ground, complaining while cleaning.

"Boss, do you say that the old man of the Xue Che family is sick, and he will burst his clothes at every turn if he eats?"

"Uh~ That's because there is a special spiritual power flowing in the bloodline of the Xue Che clan, and when it is eaten to the extreme, it will form a spiritual pulse to destroy the clothes on the body. "

"What a strange bloodline, what is the use of this spiritual pulse?"


(Chu Feng is also not very clear)

"Why didn't the old man blow up his pants?"

"Maybe it's some kind of strong will. "

"What about Erina, she also has this skill?"

Thor blinked, his face full of curiosity.

"I don't know, I haven't seen it anyway. "

Chu Feng replied seriously.

Although there was a picture of Erina's explosive clothes in the original book.

But at least she came here a few times to cook, and nothing like this happened.

But this is also good, the girl's family exposed what kind of system in public.

Thor didn't figure out for a long time what the 'cracked clothes' of the Xue Che family were for.

Is it purely for good looks?

When she cleaned up, soon there were guests again.

Business is good tonight, and diners are coming one after another.

"Powerful chef, we meet again". "

Coming was a French curly-haired turtle crane city Mary, who was greeting Chu Feng in a broken neon language.

Behind her, stood the expressionless ghost wheel.

"What are you two going to eat?"

Chu Feng asked politely, it seems that today it was the two of them who grabbed the permission of the five swords to go out.

"Roast duck? Are these all duck dishes?"

Turtle Crane City Mary sat elegantly in front of the window, as if the noble lady was just this sentence, how Chu Feng listened to it, the more wrong it became.

What is a dish made entirely of ducks? Can you speak~?

This French chick wouldn't deliberately take the opportunity to scold me, right?

See the dictionary that Turtle Crane Castle Mary placed next to her arm.

Only then did he remember that the other party's neon language was not very good.

And then~

The big-hearted Boss Chu decided to forgive this ignorant girl.

The ghost tile wheel was happy, and ordered directly: "A constant summer roast duck." "

As for why order this?

Very simple~

The first thing displayed on the LCD screen of the fast food truck is Changxia roast duck.

"Then I want a copy too. "

Mary Kamizuru eventually decided to follow suit.

Seeing the names of the dishes with similar fonts, she was instantly dizzy when she was not good at neon language, and she couldn't tell the difference between various dishes.


The faces of the two girls with very different styles showed the same expression.


Ghost Tile Wheel and Turtle Crane City Mary experienced the ultimate enjoyment on the spot.

"oh~lala~~ It turns out that these seven ducks are delicious!"

Turtle Crane City Mary French and neon language are mixed, and her flushed face is full of comfort.

"Shut up, eat well, and stop using your lame grammar. "

Ghost Wawa had a black line and glared at the blonde girl beside him with some dissatisfaction

Somehow, she always felt that Mary's words today carried some kind of ambiguity.

"Your friend is right, take time to read more books in the future." "

Chu Feng secretly nodded in agreement, and then said seriously.

This returnee girl obviously does not understand the mysterious Eastern culture at all. (⊙o⊙)...

Turtle Crane City Mary looked confused.

I don't understand why the ghost tile suddenly became angry.

I didn't even understand what Chu Feng's words without a beginning and no end meant.

Read more? But I've always done well in school.

Turtle Crane City Mary couldn't figure it out.

But she is not a good-natured girl.

Boss Chu is powerful, and she does not dare to provoke it.

But what are you ghost wheels.

Everyone is the same as the five swords of the world, what qualifications do you have to say about me?

But the next second.

Thinking of the delicious duck meat and the taste of fruits and vegetables in front of her, she subconsciously restrained her impulses, and her mood gradually began to calm down.

Forget it, for the sake of food, go back and find her to understand.

Seeing that Mary of Turtle Crane City quieted down, the ghost tile wheel tasted duck dumplings again.

She didn't expect that what looked like a duck leg was actually dumplings.

Simply delicious!

Ghost Walun's handsome face quickly rose a blush, and subconsciously wanted to moan.

But she quickly held back.

As a descendant of Kashima Shinden Naoshin Kageryu, she has undergone various rigorous practices since she was a child, and she will not easily indulge in enjoyment.

Boost your strength!

That's what she's here for today.

As for Turtle Crane City Mary.

Secretly glanced at the other party.

This guy closed his eyes and turned crimson, obviously already addicted to delicious food~


The descendants of the ancient martial arts family, only strength is everything, and food and everything is illusory.

That day, he lost to Tianyu again, and Ghost Walun was very unwilling and eager to quickly improve his strength.

And the information they got from the poison island Rinko, the man in front of them was their hope.


Why do you still not feel after eating two duck dumplings?

Ghost Wawa knows that the chance of getting a gift here is only 30%.

Thinking of this, the depressed ghost tile wheel stuffed the last duck dumplings into his mouth, and then ordered another stir-fried roast duck.

Eat more~

If this dish doesn't work, change it.

Maybe I still have a chance today.

Ghost Wheeler and most people who first discovered the magic of fast food trucks are like gamblers, thinking that they can win the jackpot by buying more.

That's not the case at all

The system will only randomly select a rated number of people per day to give gifts.

Ghost Tile Wheel was unlucky, apparently not selected, and it was useless to eat more food in the fast food truck.

Chu Feng glanced at Turtle Crane City Mary.

【Western Fencing +1】

All right~

Girls with big hearts are always more likely to get favors...

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