Chapter 107 Fan Ma Yujiro, Special Chef Boss Chu!!

This moment~

Yujiro Fan was shocked.


Those scarlet eyes subconsciously bloomed with a hot light.

In the solemn eyes, there seemed to be a trace of long-lost fighting intent.

As a combat depth poisoner.

Just run into strong opponents.

Yujiro Vanma is always easy to get excited.

The fighting instinct hidden deep in the blood factor.

It seems to be urging him to push the limits all the time.


Yujiro Vanma is 'combat dependent'.

But he's not a fool either.

A blonde maid who is obviously countless times stronger than herself, and a mysterious food truck owner.

Run to challenge them? That's not pushing the limits.

That's a direct delivery!

Now Yujiro Fan Ma is no longer the stunned young man he was when he first debuted.

Now he is more like a seeker, pursuing his own evolutionary path.

The red light in his eyes quickly dissipated.

Yujiro Fan looked calmly at the steak in front of him.

The fatty gravy exudes a charming aroma.

The beef is fried until golden brown and immediately swallowed in one bite.

Yujiro Vanma did exactly that.

The index finger and thumb, which are far thicker than ordinary people, directly pinched a piece of fried steak, as if he didn't care about the boiling heat just out of the pan, and opened his mouth and stuffed it on the spot.

This scene~

Directly frightened Mito Yumei, who had just finished a dish, stupidly. 'This Nima~non-human~~'

The fleshy girl said she was frightened.

See new guests eating like dates.

Chu Feng didn't feel strange.

With a height of more than two meters and a visual weight of at least 100 kilograms, he is obviously a battle-hardened martial artist.

With his comprehensive index of more than three hundred points, it is estimated that he is not this guy's opponent.

It is impossible for Chu Feng to know all the anime characters.

So he also doesn't know the origin of the red-haired man.

However, this kind of non-human appearance in the daily city is very eye-catching.

"The tenderness of the horse meat and the chewiness of the beef are indeed the taste of iron horses running ox. "

"The tender steak with thirteen spices, mellow and juicy, I haven't eaten such a great dish in a long time." "

Yujiro Fan Ma let out a hot breath and gave a thumbs up to the food truck.

He orders his own food.

The self-created 'air miso soup' has been featured in IGO's food column for ten times.

At least Yujiro Vanma has always believed that his level of cooking is not low.

But after eating thirteen spiced fried steaks.

He realized the gap between himself and the top chefs.

The food made by this person in front of me is even better than the dishes of some special chefs.

Yujiro Vanma did not hesitate to praise himself.

Whenever you enjoy a good meal.

He always shows gentleness that is diametrically opposed to his fierce appearance.

The red-haired man's praise, Chu Feng was used to it.

People who have eaten food trucks say yes.

Satisfying diners is just the bare minimum here.

Now more of his attention is on Mito Yumei.

【Basic Theory +1, Theory +1】

Players who hit people with the ball come out on top in their first entry.

Just the basic theory?

Chu Feng didn't know if Mito's luck was good.

If you have a choice.

She should expect to be more looking forward to the improvement in meat cuisine.

Congratulations on drawing skills: basic theory!】

[Trigger a hundredfold critical return............]

【Your theoretical knowledge has been upgraded to the top!】

【Between your seven culinary skills reaching the top, congratulations on becoming a Grand Chef!】

System tones keep ringing in my head.

Chu Feng couldn't help but be stunned in place.


Yesterday, the father and son of the Xue Che family and the two sons combined so many people, and they only brushed out the two skills of Western cuisine and carving.

I didn't expect that today I actually made up enough conditions for promotion to the special level on Mito Yumei.

Sure enough~ this is very random! After becoming a special chef.

Chu Feng carefully sensed his own changes.

All right~

In fact, not much has changed.

Cooking skills have improved.

A more thorough understanding of the heart of cooking.

Right now~

He could faintly hear the trembling sound of the beef on the counter.

Guided by this strange sound.

Chu Feng could even roughly see the structure inside the ingredients.

The image that comes to mind is a bit blurry.

But it made him more handy when cooking ingredients.

Smile heartily.

Chu Feng once again experienced the joy of upgrading.


This joy is far from over.

【Congratulations on getting a chance to draw skills.........】

[Strength, speed, defense, fighting skills, ghost back, ghost brain.........]

[Skill is being extracted............]

'Ghost back, ghost brain, what kind of skill is this?' Chu Feng was slightly stunned.

He has not seen "Blade Fang".

Naturally, I don't know the skills innate in the bloodline of the Fan Ma clan.

Yujiro Vanma's back and brain take on a ghostly shape.

As soon as the ghost's back opened, the power skyrocketed, bursting out with power beyond its own limits.

The ghost brain can simulate anything in the mind, visualize and temper, and feedback everything to itself.

But even if Chu Feng knew.

It is estimated that I don't want to draw this skill myself.

He didn't want his body and brain to take strange shapes.

Anyway, there is a critical hit return system, and there is more than one way to obtain strength.

【Congratulations on winning the skill: Power!】

[Trigger a fifty-fold critical return..."

【Congratulations on the increase of your composite index to: 3000 points!】

Fifty times crit.

The comprehensive index has only increased tenfold? Chu Feng was full of doubts.

The system gives an intimate explanation.

[Simply increasing a power will only cause imbalance in the body, and the system has redistributed the obtained value after the critical attack returns, so that your body can achieve the perfect balance.] 】

The silent system is very reliable at critical moments.

Chu Feng instantly understood the reason.

Actually, he doesn't care how many times it is enhanced.

As long as there is an improvement.

In daily stall life, it is basically impossible to use force.

I am an honest businessman, so someone will not deliberately come to find fault, right?

Yujiro Vanma asked for three more fried steaks.

Just when ordering.

The shop owner turned into a different look in his eyes.


A furious aura and powerful blood qi rushed towards him.

The strength of the food truck owner is really not as simple as it seems.

The breath that the other party suddenly displayed.........

It has even reached the point of being on par with him.


How much strength did this young man hide in front of him? For a while, Fan Ma Yujiro could not figure it out.

'What do you mean?'

'Tell me not to order too much?'

Of course, Fan Ma Yujiro would not have thought that Chu Feng's strength had suddenly improved, and he couldn't control the skyrocketing power for a while.

He mistook it for a warning.

After all, dream ingredients are precious, even if the other party has a way to get Ben beef, there should not be much storage.

He wants more people to taste the deliciousness of dream ingredients. Under the subtle influence of 'putting harmony first'.

Yujiro Fan Ma made up a reasonable explanation on his own.

'Forget it, it doesn't matter if you eat less. ’

The red-haired man quickly made a decision.

He wouldn't admit that he was afraid of the terrifying power of the pair of men and women in the food truck...

Chu Feng naturally didn't know what the red-haired man was thinking.

He was still wondering why the other party only ordered five copies, with such a huge physique of a red-haired man... That's a bit small.

But the thought just flashed through my mind.

Chu Feng naturally didn't want the same person to order too many dreamy ingredients.

After all, except for the first one, you can enjoy the critical hit return, and the rest can only earn a fraction.

Dishes made from dream ingredients, ordinary people eat up to two or three servings, so he has not cared.

But when it comes to such a strange species in front of you, God knows how much to eat to be full.

Chu Feng was considering whether to add a limit.

Dream Ingredient Dish up to three servings per person per day?

What a happy decision!

Big Boss Chu doesn't like to be taken advantage of.

After re-adding a rule, Chu Feng clicked on the personal interface.

[Name]: Chu Feng.

[Age]: 20 years old.

【Positive rating】:358/500.

【Composite Index】: 3000 (the average average of ordinary people is 10)

【Chef Level】: Special.

【Kitchen Heart】: Harmony is precious.

【Skills】: God's Taste, God's Vision, Chinese Cuisine, Western Cuisine, Basic Theory, Knife Work, White Case, Cooking, Painter, Writing (except for God's Taste Advanced, the rest are top-notch)

[Secret Skills]: Fierce Bull Green Dragon Slash (Lin Level), Sun Breath Method (Dragon Level), 100% Empty-handed White Blade (God Level), No Slash and No Knife (God Level)

【Recipe】: Galaxy noodles, soul noodles, stir-fried meat slices, golden egg fried rice, French vegetable jelly, golden section roasted wheat.

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