Chapter 109 Anne is really here, Annie is here with Erina's mother!!

"Well, it's pretty. "

Opening the album, Chu Feng glanced approvingly at the double ponytailed girl.


Ying Li Lihai's blue eyes lit up, and a touch of surprise suddenly appeared on her face.

"Boss Chu, let me also take a look~~"

Mai Sakurajima temporarily pushed the steak aside.

Food truck dishes can be eaten every day.

The opportunity to admire Boss Chu's paintings is not very common.

The slender little hand took the album from Chu Feng.

Mai Sakurajima looks at it from scratch.

"These are my drawings, and Boss Chu's paintings are at the end. "

Eiri reminded in a low voice.

Mai Sakurajima smiled sweetly: "You draw so well, you are worthy of being the trump card of the school's art department." "

"Whatever, I'm far worse than Boss Chu, you will know when you see the end." "

The little face turned red, and Ying Li was a little embarrassed to get up.

Before that, she could definitely accept the praise of others.

After all, she has always felt that her talent for painting is not bad.

But since he saw Chu Feng's divine skill.

The tsundere girl felt like a 'crumb'.

She didn't dare to talk about talent in front of Chu Feng.

Mai Sakurajima quickly turned to the last page.

Dark blue food truck high-end atmosphere.

Lifelike, as if on paper.

It seems that it may come out of the painting at any time.

Chu Feng's mystery, Thor's cuteness, and that conspicuous golden double ponytail...

The whole painting is vivid, and the happy appearance between the food truck owner and the diners seems to be truly presented in front of him.

Thinking of Chu Feng's heart-warming behavior just now, Mai Sakurajima smiled heartily, and her heart was indescribably warm.

"It's so beautiful, I didn't expect Boss Chu's painting skills to be so good." "

"It's just doodling, and it's all English pears doing the coloring. "

"If it's Boss Chu, it must be better than me. "

Ying Li's tone was a little frustrated.

She has tried to be as perfect as possible, and Sayuri is by her side to guide.

But the final finish.

It always feels a little bit less interesting.

The mystery of the food truck is not fully created.

"You did a great job, the layers are strong, the color division is delicate and even, so let's take it to the competition. "

Chu Feng shook his head, not wanting to talk about painting anymore.

He was a chef and had no plans to enter the art world.

At this time, Chu Feng himself did not even notice.

He has begun to acknowledge his identity as a 'chef'.

Ying Li was a little embarrassed by the praise, and said with a blushing face: "Uh-huh, then we will participate in the JIA Illustration Grand Prix together." "


"What are you pulling me up for?"

Chu Feng was stunned for a while.

Unexpectedly, this girl still wanted to pull him.

Why does he participate in this kind of competition as a fast food seller? The prize money has not yet been set up and he earns more in a day.

"Please, Boss Chu, if no one appreciates such a good painting, it may be too pitiful." "

Ying Li said quietly with a red face.

If you are seen by those classmates of Toyonosaki, it will definitely shock many people's jaws

The proud ace of the art department, the famous young lady, when did he whisper so lowly.

But Eiri doesn't care.

Those are just characters at school.

In the food truck, where is it so tiring.

Boss Chu, who has a hard mouth and a soft heart, will not feel pitiful for the double-ponytailed girl.

The group of them who first entered the food group knew that in fact, Chu Feng was sometimes very talkative.

"You sign this painting yourself and take it to the competition, I don't mix it anyway." "

This time, Chu Feng did not have a soft heart, and he just wanted to be an ordinary person with a low profile.

"Alas~That's all it can be~~"

Seeing that pretending to be pitiful didn't work, Yingli sighed.

Then Li Whirlpool smiled lightly and showed his little tiger teeth, and the speed of changing his face was called a fast.

It's just that no one noticed the sly smile in the girl's eyes.

After talking about trivia.

English pear began to enjoy today's meal.

Thirteen spiced fried steaks.

Just smelling the beef on Mai's dinner plate in Sakurajima, she was already hungry, and Yu Guang had peeked at it many times.

If it weren't for the fear that Chu Feng would think that he was not doing his job, Ying Li would have ordered food a long time ago (⊙o⊙)...

Something seems wrong? Yes~

Selling fast food is Boss Chu's business.

Eiri suddenly realized.

Just now, Boss Chu's heart became so hard, is it because she didn't order?

When the dishes are in front of you.

Yingli didn't think of anything anymore.

I just want to taste the delicacy in front of me.

When the two girls were satisfied to leave.

The time has come to half past one.

Sitting leisurely in the fast food truck, Chu Feng waited to close the stall on time.

The chairs haven't been hot yet.

A high-grade black car was parked in front of the food truck.

The car logo Chu Feng did not know.

Just by looking at the assembly line model, you can see that the price is not cheap.

A driver wearing black sunglasses in Heisy slowly opened the rear door after getting out of the car.

Driving in sunglasses?

This guy kind of doesn't take traffic rules seriously.

Isn't he afraid of a car accident?

Chu Feng has long wanted to complain about those guys in film and television animations who only like to play cool, and he doesn't care about personal safety at all.

Boss Chu is different, he never gets distracted when driving, obeys traffic rules, and never speeds more than thirty yards per hour in the city.

Drive steadily, never had a problem.

All right~

Except for the occasional look, don't let Thor put his tail out the window.

Two women walked out of the high-end sedan.

Chu Feng knew them.

One of them had only been seen not long ago.

Anne, First Executive Officer of IGO.

And the other.........

It seems to be Erina's mother.

Erina's mother.

Daughter of Sakukisen Zoemon. 'Why is this woman here?'

Chu Feng muttered to himself, not paying much attention to it.

Now that Anne knew of her existence, it was normal to lure in IGO's special executive.

Wearing a kimono, Kakukiri really looks young and doesn't look at all like someone with teenagers.

Long orange hair, except for the eyebrows that are a little weird, everything else is good This woman's eyebrows are very characteristic, only a small tuft that is relatively broad.

"Annie, the man you said can satisfy me, is he?"

Tsutsuki did not walk towards the food truck for the first time, but turned to look at Annie with a little doubt.

"Yes, Lord Zhenji, Boss Chu's craftsmanship is absolutely satisfactory to you. "

Annie, who was wearing a long white dress today, replied with a respectful expression and a sincere expression.

"It's really a humble stall, it's really hard to believe that he is the new Nine Stars. "

Xue Che glanced at the five folding tables placed outside the fast food truck, and his brows suddenly wrinkled, obviously dissatisfied with the environment here.

The eldest lady of the Xue Che family who came from a noble background.

Never eaten at a stall in my life.

If it weren't for the most trusted disciple Annie.

She swears that the food here will definitely satisfy her.

Xue Che Zhen will never return to Weijing on the spot.

But look at the humble stalls in front of you.

Let's be honest~

Kakuki was disappointed...

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