
Not at all!

The tongue of God cannot find the flaws in it.

It clearly shouldn't be like this.

At this moment, Erinai was extremely surprised and depressed.

How can ordinary ingredients make perfect dishes?

North Sea Watch, South Mountain Cabbage, Deep Sea Skipjack


In fact, these ingredients are not cheap.

Turtle cubs in the North Sea alone.

One pound on the market can buy three to five thousand yen.

But who is Erina?

The famous Tongue of God.

Usually the dishes that are brought out by various well-known restaurants for her to taste.

Prices start from 100,000 yen.

Three to five thousand pieces of ingredients.

In her eyes, it was nothing at all, it was still just ordinary ingredients.

However, after a simple meal, these ingredients have now evolved into the ultimate deliciousness.

Eat six octopus balls in one go.

Erinai knew there must be something wrong with it.

But ~

I can't taste it at all!

She naturally didn't know that Chu Feng's ingredients all came from the system, and after special improvements, the taste would be completely different.

At this moment, Erina's face was stunned in place, her face full of dazedness.

For the first time in her life, she doubted her tongue.

Crimson saw the eldest lady's lost soul.

I wanted to comfort me, but I didn't know what to say.

Her portion of takoyaki has also been eaten.

Although I don't have a god's tongue, I understand the perfection of this dish.

Erina's sense of taste is more sensitive than anyone else's, and her experience must be deeper than herself.

Even his body and mind have been greatly impacted, and the shock of the other party can be imagined.

Crimson was silent, only feeling that the man in front of him was really terrifying.

Talking about this takoyaki alone, I am afraid that the commander-in-chief of Yuanyue will be ashamed of himself.

The expressions of the two little girls were fully visible to Chu Feng.

However, he did not say much, and there were some waves in his heart, but he hid it well.

The recipes taught by the system allow him to combine the ingredients of the optimized future almost perfectly, while promoting the deliciousness to the extreme.

But is what he makes really perfect?

The answer is definitely no.

With the seven-star chef level recognized by the system, Chu Feng could not be flawless.

The reason why Erina can't taste it....

The reason is simple: the perfection of God's tongue is not enough.

The so-called God's Tongue, in fact, is a food analyzer.

Once the deliciousness exceeds the processing limits of the analyzer, the problem is naturally not noticed.

However, this guy's divine tongue should be improved.

[God's Tongue +5].

Just now.

Chu Feng clearly saw the prompt that appeared above Erina's head.

It's just that the system tone never appears.

I don't know if I can draw skills from Erina?

Take the plate from the two of them.


Chu Feng asked politely, "How is it?" Are you satisfied with my roadside snacks? "

The system's positive evaluation criteria are a bit strange.

Customers don't have to admit it.

But it must be recognized from the heart.

Look at the dazed look of Erinai and Scarlet Sand...

I guess I haven't had time to think about this yet.

Chu Feng felt obliged to remind the other party.

He has always been a very kind person.

Erina: (⊙0⊙)....

Crimson Sand: (⊙_⊙) ....

The two beautiful girls had different expressions on their faces.

It's easy to tell the difference between being confused and speechless.

They found that the expressionless food truck owner in front of them was really infuriating.

The way we looked just now, can't we prove that your cooking is delicious?

Do we really want to be satisfied if we say it in public?

I suddenly want to beat him up!!

However, the height and size of the two sides were compared.

Erina, Scarlet, and Scarlet could only cry silently in their hearts.

They have grown so big, they have never been so embarrassed, and now they are still in the mood to stay.

Ignoring the strange gazes of the people around her, Erinai strode into her car, clenched her fists, and got into her car.

At this moment, she gritted her teeth and secretly swore that after going back, she would regroup and come again tomorrow.


【Ding! Takoyaki was well received by customers, triggered an eightfold critical hit, and the reward: 80,000 yen! 】

【...... Trigger a fivefold critical hit, reward: 50,000 yen! 】

What about skills?

Where are Erina's skills?

Cashback tone,

At the moment, it did not bring pleasure to Chu Feng.

He now wants to draw skills more.

It's hard to meet a protagonist, and if you don't even catch a skill, you feel a bit of a loss.

Fortunately, the system didn't keep him waiting.

【Ding! Congratulations on getting a skill draw...].

【God's Tongue, Western cuisine, neon cuisine, savvy, knife work...】

[Skill is being extracted...].

'God's tongue, it's best to draw this...'

'It's really not good, Erina's Western cuisine and savvy can also be.' ’

Although he never wanted to become a celebrity chef, having a super sense of taste can make Chu Feng feel good in the industry.

Since he chose this line of work, he wants to strengthen his strengths as much as possible.

[Ding, congratulations on winning the skill: God's Tongue! ] 】

[Trigger a hundredfold critical return ...].

[Congratulations on acquiring the skill: Divine Taste! ] 】


It really hit the tongue of God!

What kind of fairy luck is this?

Chu Feng was in ecstasy, and realized that his sense of taste had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Gently scoop a spoonful of the sauce prepared for takoyaki.


The tongue is like a tight parser that begins to decipher the ingredients of the salad dressing.

Vitamin 0.65%, protein 2%, water 50%....

Chu Feng prepared tomato salad dressing, and the production process was already rotten in the chest.

However, no matter how familiar it is, it is impossible to directly digitize the ingredients in the past.

But with the 'taste of God', he was able to do this easily.

Even precision instruments are not required to verify, and the above values are absolutely correct.

At this moment, Chu Feng was more confident than ever!


PS: Collection, flowers, evaluation tickets!!

Summer three-day promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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