Chapter 116 Toyonosaki's teachers don't seem to be reliable!!

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning had just left.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka walked towards the food truck.

Familiar black stockings, white headbands as always.

Chu Feng didn't know why the other party was keen on this outfit.

"Boss Chu, thank you for the gift."

This was the first thing Shiwa Kasumigaoka said after he came.

Dive in the food cluster for so long.

Although many times everyone is discussing how delicious the dishes made by Chu Feng are.

But Shiha Kasumigaoka still found some clues from the content of the chat.

She is definitely not the only one who has received magical gifts.

The proud Shiwa Kasumigaoka no Gaoka.

Apparently has accepted the fact that a plate of stir-fried meat slices changes his talent.

I didn't see that the arrogant Divine Tongue in the group was chasing Chu Feng's cuisine, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu did not feel that his reputation was louder than that Miss of the Xue Che family.

Since the other party can put down her pride in front of the fast food truck, why can't she?

Facing the politeness of the black straight girl, Chu Feng just smiled and nodded.

Then add, "What would Imashi like to eat?" "


Shiwa Kasumigaoka casually ordered the main dish.

After all, Chu Feng usually ranked it at the top of the menu.

"Please wait."

Chu Feng began to pull the noodles.

Dashing and freehand movements.

Even Kasumigaoka Shiyu's eyes lit up.

After all, Chu Feng's appearance is very capable of beating.

Enjoy while waiting for the food.

It is undoubtedly a treat for diners.

Kasumigaoka Shiwa will naturally be no exception.

Not for a moment.

She knew her wait was worth it.

The ultimate delicacy made her forget about writing for a while.

The mind is completely immersed in the sea of delicious food.

Chu Feng did not disturb the experience of the black straight girl.

Almost every diner who comes here has such an expression.

He and Thor were completely used to this phenomenon.

Right at this moment.

Shizune Hiratsuka also came, and brought a companion.

"Coincidentally, I met Shiwa-san here at the fast food truck again."

Seeing Shiwa Kasumigaoka who was eating noodles, Hiratsuka greeted with a smile.

"Hiratsuka-sensei, got a hangover again last night? Come to class and grab some foundation to cover up your wine. "

Shiyu Kasumigaoka could see at a glance that the woman in front of him drank at least until midnight last night.

"How can Shiyu-san say that about the teacher, Xiao Jing is naturally beautiful and very good-looking with a red face, if I were a man, I can't wait to marry her home right away, and the woman with short hair in the fiery red also has a red face, and the fashionable dress does not look like a teacher at all."

I saw her put her arm around Hiratsuka's shoulders and burp as she spoke.

God knows how much she drank last night.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at the two teachers who had no holy consciousness a little speechlessly, and couldn't help but complain: "Senishi-sensei, with the degree of development of modern medicine, it can fully satisfy your wishes. "

Then, she continued to eat ramen.

"Xiao Jing, the people in your literature department are so good at eloquence?"

"Chihiro, if you call me that again, I don't mind letting you enjoy the Straight Fist Set."

"We're good sisters, aren't you so ruthless?"

"You can try."

Chihiro did not play tricks this time, and no longer paid attention to Shiwa Kasumigaoka who was eating noodles.

After looking at Chu Feng with interest for a while, she said with a playful face: "No wonder you want to come here for breakfast, it turns out that you know a handsome little guy, why didn't you say this kind of good thing earlier?" "

"Huh~ don't confuse me with you, I just simply like the hopper here."

Hiratsuka gave his drinking friend a blank look, and then began to order, naturally it was ramen.

At this time, Chihiro Chihiro seriously examined the price of fast food truck dishes.

Everything is five thousand.

It's really special... Not cheap.

And then~

Chihiro Chihiro looked at Hiratsuka Shizune strangely.

Xiao Jing, I didn't expect that you were like this, and you dare to say that it was not for the little handsome guy?

Anyway, Chihiro Chihiro didn't hear that fast food there was so expensive.

No matter how delicious fast food can be, the owner is not a star chef.

A person as smart as Shizuki Hiratsuka can't come here for no reason.

So there is only one truth, she must have taken a fancy to this little handsome guy.

Qianshi Chihiro stared at Chu Feng's face again.


The appearance is indeed online, no wonder Shizuki Hiratsuka, an old woman, is also moved.

Chihiro Chihiro sat down next to Hiratsuka and looked at the man in the food truck ramen.

Don't say it, it's pretty good-looking.

So, she also asked for a copy.

Five thousand dollars, which is nothing to her.

Facing the new guest, Chu Feng nodded slightly.

It's just that the name Chiseki Chihiro still feels a little familiar, and it is estimated that it is a character in a certain number of parts.

Chu Feng, like most people, would only remember the general plot and main characters.

In an older anime, it is good to remember the names of the male and female protagonists, but after a hangover, I still come to class, and the teacher of Toyonoki is really strange.

Should they be said to be dedicated?

Or do you not take students seriously at all?

That's pretty unreliable.

While ramen noodles.

While glancing at Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

Then I thought of Eiri Pear, who also went to school at Toyonoki...

All right~

The students here don't seem to be very normal.

"Your ramen, please use it slowly!"

Two bowls of noodles were quickly made and placed in front of Shizuki Hiratsuka and Chihiro Chihiro.

And then~

They were caught in by the colorful ramen, and they couldn't move away.

Even if it was not the first 1.9 times to see Chu Feng's cuisine.

Shizune Hiratsuka still felt shocked.

Just like seeing famous Zhou sculptures such as Venus with a broken arm, the statue of Athena, etc.

The first feeling is perfection.

I couldn't have found a better adjective.

Chihiro Chihiro stared at Hiratsuka's side face in amazement.

That's when she really realized.

The woman in front of her seems to be really cooking for the fast food truck.

If the ramen runs so well, the owner won't be a star chef, right?

Chihiro Chihiro was quite looking forward to it, and ate the noodles with a hint of a smile.

Next second~

The expression on the woman's face froze completely.

It's like being frozen, as if giving up the ability to think.

At the moment, she had only one thought in her head.

How can there be such delicious ramen in the world?

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