Chapter 133: The cooperation between Tsundere and Poisonous Tongue, Mai Sakurajima's friend!!

In front of the window.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu's face was a little unpleasant.

His face was flushed like ripe apricots in the June sky, and he glared angrily at Chu Feng.

The evaluation of 'clear porridge with steamed buns' made her embarrassed and almost deducted a three-room living room.

I thought that the magical Boss Chu would become his fan.

Now I found out that this is a black fan!


I feel dull and tasteless, so why do you still watch it?

Of course, Chu Feng would not admit it, because the illustrations inside were very good-looking.

The painstaking work was despised, even if this person was Chu Feng, who could make magical dishes, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was still very unconvinced.

"What are your high opinions?"

She had already restrained herself and did not activate the poisonous tongue skill.

Although now go back to the first volume of "Love Metronome".

She also had a faint and tasteless feeling.

But it was pointed out in person~

The proud Kasumigaoka Shiwa was still a little unbearable.

The face is dull!

Chu Feng didn't seem to see the embarrassment and irritation of the black straight girl.

Originally, she wanted to tell her feelings.

You can't blame him for telling the truth.

"In fact, you can completely add new roles, two female and three supporting roles, love triangle and four corners of love, and then the main role of the plump crazy stock speculation, until the last moment will not be revealed."

Chu Feng talked eloquently and gave some suggestions casually.

In the past, many romance novels were engaged in this way, which whetted the appetite of readers.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was a little surprised, Chu Feng's thoughts actually coincided with her.

"You still know how to write?"

"Understand a little."

Seeing Chu Feng nodding, Ying Lili's eyes couldn't help but become a little strange.

If memory serves, the other party also answered her last time.

No way~

Is it another understanding of 100 million points?

Boss Mo Fei Chu has strong writing ability.

Wouldn't it be top too?

Ying Li was very knowledgeable and did not ask more.

She didn't want to go through the blow she shouldn't have at her age.

Chu Feng's talent for painting had long made her decent.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka shut up a little depressed.

Since there is no way to provoke the thorn, there is no way to refute it.

It's better to enjoy the dish in front of you.

Crispy golden crab yellow ham baked with vegetables.

The inside is as soft as frozen pudding.

Take a bite.

The fragrance is overflowing, and the mouth is full of fragrance.


It's an unparalleled treat.

Eiri and Kasumigaoka Shiwa quickly forgot the unpleasantness just now.

Poison Tongue and Tsundere sat quietly in front of the window, leaving only a slight chewing sound.

Chu Feng nodded in satisfaction.

This is what a food truck diner should look like.

Enjoy the food and enjoy the rare tranquility.

Under the influence of deliciousness and cooking.

Eiri's refusal to admit defeat and Kasumigaoka Shiwa's embarrassment and shame seemed to become worthless at this moment.

Immersed in the sea of buttery crab roe, feeling the freshness of vegetables and the mellowness of ham, I found that eating and drinking is the most basic meaning of life.


"It's as delicious as ever."

Ying Li's little face turned red and gave a thumbs up.

Whether it is the Dragon Emperor seafood porridge that I drank for the first time, or this crab yellow ham baked vegetables, it brought her the ultimate enjoyment.

Indulging in the thrill of delicious food is simply overwhelming.

It was rare that Shiwa Kasumigaoka did not refute the blonde girl's words.

Nodding in agreement, he said, "Only a few ordinary ingredients can be used to make such a delicious, it can only be said that it is worthy of you!" "

See the girls who live together for the first time without gunpowder.

Chu Feng showed a 'comforting' smile.

Harmony is precious!

It is clear that it plays an extremely crucial role in this.


Chu Feng thought of an interesting idea.

"Isn't Yingli just trying to enter the illustration industry, and this time she won the silver award, or do you want to cooperate?"

Anyway, in the original work, Eiri helped Kasumigaoka Shiwa do illustrations.

It's just that in this world without An Yilunye, the two didn't have a chance to know each other before.

Chu Feng suddenly had a little bad taste, creating this opportunity for them to bring the plot back on track a little.

Big Boss Chu will definitely not admit it~

In fact, I want to enjoy the works of Eiri Kashiwagi Masachisutra.

The two Toyonozaki Takayama no Hana, who were enjoying their food, suddenly fell silent.

Ying Li Li looked at Chu Feng a little strangely, as if he was surprised that the other party would make such a suggestion.

Shiha Kasumigaoka obviously thought more.

I just saw the painting of Yingli pear.

Very good indeed.

Even more polished than her previous illustrators.

But working with this obviously proud junior? Shiyu Kasumigaoka really hadn't thought about this problem.


It seems that this is an excellent cooperation plan.

Hideri Kashiwagi is quite famous in this sub-world.

Eiri itself intends to enter the illustration world.

The cooperation between the two is mutually beneficial, and it is indeed a win-win situation.

Two talented girls in different fields began to seriously consider it at this moment, forgetting that they were still looking at each other unfavorably just now.

The influence of peace is terrifying when used on ordinary people.

The two genius girls, who were almost enemies, shook hands and made peace in an instant.

Chu Feng smiled heartily and said no more.

A hermit with deep hidden merit and fame.

After eating the vegetables baked.

Eiri and Kasumigaoka Shiwa exchange contact information to discuss cooperation, and it is not until they return home that they gradually realize that something is wrong.

"Damn, Miss Ben's brain was kicked by a donkey, and she actually agreed to cooperate with the poisonous tongue woman (dead house girl)?"

Eiri and Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who couldn't figure out what was going on, lay on their beds and regretted it.

Not only is the tone similar, but even the content of self-talk is surprisingly consistent.

But at this point, a verbal agreement has been reached.

The two who are also proud will definitely not be able to backtrack.

"So, what should I do in the future?"


Yingli and Kasumigaoka Shiyu have tangled faces and complicated feelings.

This night, blonde tsundere and black poisonous tongue are destined to be sleepless. The impact of 'putting peace first' is terrifying.

But it is impossible to change a person's mind permanently.

And when diners come back to their senses, they won't suspect anything.

Just when you are in peace, make different choices.

After all, the food truck food always calms people down quickly.

Their own suggestions are taken by diners.

Chu Feng, who was in a good mood, continued to wait for the arrival of the next guest.

Although the lively night market is rarely frequented by pedestrians, the fast food truck business is located.

It didn't take long ~

Mai Sakurajima, who temporarily returned to normal, also came.

"Chu Jun, we met again."

After joining the food group, Free Girl quickly realized that the change in herself was all because of the food truck's cuisine.

This benign change made Mai Sakurajima, who has always been forced to smile, happy from the bottom of her heart.

For Chu Feng, she was grateful and had a trace of respect.

So today she pulled her best friend to patronize each other's business.

Chu Feng also saw the girl next to Mai Sakurajima.

He has long brown hair shawl with slightly wavy curls, and he is dressed plainly and tall, and the flat place is a match for English pears.

This is definitely a girl with outstanding appearance.

Even if he is plain, he still wears a white shirt and jeans with a monotonous color.

A glimpse of the explosion can also make people's eyes shine.

'How did she know Mai Sakurajima and look very good?' ’

Looking at the two beautiful girls holding hands and shoulder to shoulder, Chu Feng couldn't help but be slightly stunned.


He already recognized the identity of the brown-haired girl...

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