Chapter 135 Tropical Paradise, a family of three!!

"Good morning Boss Chu, aren't you out today?"

As soon as Wei Nai, who had short black hair, went out, he saw that the door on the opposite side was also open.

Chu Feng, who had short hair, took off his chef's uniform and wore a simple black T-shirt and jeans.

Instead of wearing her maid outfit, Thor changed into a yellow T-shirt and black hot pants.

Connor's appearance has not changed, she still has a double ponytail and a national-style skirt.

He jumped out the door with knee-high white socks on his little feet, looking quite excited.

All right~

Little Conna is lovely no matter what.

Looking at Chu ~ Feng's group who seemed to be going out to play.

Micronay was a little stunned.

Being a neighbor for a few days, she already knew about it.

The mysterious Mr. Landlord is a family man.

Except for morning jogging and stalls, I basically don't go out.

It's so rare~

Boss Chu actually knew to go out to play? Micronay was slightly surprised.

But is this 'family of three' both visual and swollen? It's like a young couple going out with their young children.

When this thought popped up in Mina's mind.

Chu Feng nodded slightly, "I'll come out again in the afternoon, what about you, where to go so early?" "

"On weekends, I just have time to go to the welfare club to help."

See Micronai with a sweet smile on her face.

Chu Feng had a groove stuck in his throat, and he couldn't spit it out.

The devil from hell happily runs to the welfare club early in the morning to do volunteer work? Are you sure Lucifer won't be?

"What about Jia Baili?"

Chu Feng was suddenly a little curious about what the other tenant was doing.

Speaking of which, I haven't seen this lazy angel in days.

"She? Last night I played games all night, and I haven't slept yet. "

Why aren't your only two guests normal?

The holy light that Jia Baili got from eating ramen that day was added in vain.

Never mind~

As long as they don't destroy their houses.

Since he was going to play at an amusement park, Chu Feng didn't drive a fast food truck.

The three took a taxi to Tropical Park.

It is the most famous large-scale amusement park in Seikyo.

Tropical Park consists of several parts, such as Adventure Pioneer Island, Wild Taikoo Island, Science Cosmos Island, Magical Fantasy Island, and Fantasy Fairy Tale Island.

Along the way, Connor was particularly excited.

Thor changed his usual and was a little silent.

Where should I confess? Roller coaster? Dinosaur Land? Or Neverland?

Thor has checked a lot of information these days and knows everything about Tropical Paradise.

But there was one thing that made her very entangled.

Where exactly should I express my thoughts to Chu Feng?

The dragon maid, who has become accustomed to human life, began to think about love like a girl, full of expectations in the ups and downs.

As for Connor?

Thor doesn't care anymore.

Even with a tow oil bottle~

It couldn't stop her determination to confess.

Today, no one wants to get in the way of her dating!

After paying the ticket, enter the tropical paradise.

There are not many tourists early in the morning.

Walked around a little.

Connor's gaze lingered on a stand selling ice cream.

Chu Feng smiled heartily and took out his wallet: "Hello, trouble give us three ice creams." "

Handed to Thor and Connor, one each.

Little Connor, who was expressionless, his eyes lit up slightly.

A little happy~

She seems to enjoy eating ice cream.

On the ice cream stand was a woman in the uniform of an amusement park employee, who looked to be in her forties.

Looking at the guests who were eating ice cream in front of him, he smiled politely: "Thank you for your patronage, I didn't expect you to have children at such a young age, and besides, the little girl is so cute..."

Connor: (⊙o⊙)...

Connor, who was licking the ice cream, suddenly froze.


What daughter?

When did I become the daughter of Kaede and Lord Thor? Little Conna looked confused.


Thor on the side laughed directly.

Even Chu Feng had a smile on his face.

Reached out and rubbed the purple-haired little loli's head.

"She's actually our sister."

"Ah~I'm really sorry~~"

The woman in the booth quickly apologized.

Until watching the backs of the three gradually fade away.

She was still a little confused.

That little girl is actually their sister?

Why is the sense of déjà vu of 'a family of three' so strong? After eating ice cream.

Connor clamored to go to the haunted house.

Endure several horror films.

She already felt fearless.

The proud dragon race must face their fears.

The haunted house of Fantastic Fantasy Island is just the right time to test your guts.

Fifteen minutes later.

Conna tightly grasped Chu Feng's hand, and came out of the haunted house with tears in her eyes, the fat little face that had completely turned white because of the fright.

Chu Feng didn't expect it either.

Connor was actually directly scared and crying by a hanged ghost played by a staff member.

The haunted house is originally dark, the scene props are made particularly realistic, and the staff is full of various professional skills, and it is just like the real thing when dressed as a ghost.

Connor, who had to hold his head with a pillow to watch a horror movie, was paralyzed in less than five minutes after entering, and was dragged by Chu Feng along the way.

"Conna-chan, you are also a dragon, can you earn some face for our dragon clan."

Thor saw a pale Connor and sighed helplessly, both angry and amused.

The dignified dragon race is actually afraid of ghosts, and it is still pretended to be a human being......... Even if there is something like Sadako Gaconuts, it is not a matter of dragon breath.

Gently touching Conna's head, Chu Feng said gently: "Those are all fake, they are all pretended by the staff, and I will get used to it when I come to play a few times in the future." "

Hearing Chu Feng's comfort, Thor on the side couldn't help but roll his eyes.

She found that Boss Chu was really not suitable for comforting people...

How many more times do you want to play? Are you trying to scare Connor-chan silly?

Thor shook his head and smiled, not paying attention to this little episode.

A haunted house is clearly not a good place to confess.

The atmosphere is too weird~

Showing love in a dark and eerie environment? Thor is not that hentai yet!

Then the three went to the Science and Technology Museum, Dinosaur Land, Nature Museum......... But these are not the confession sites in Thor's plan.

Glancing at Connor resentfully.

Thor had a bit of a headache.

Obviously last night we discussed and followed the play route she had made.

Who knew that as soon as she arrived at the amusement park, Connor would take her words as a deaf ear, and only think about playing with herself, which was completely like a jumpy rabbit.


The dragon maid sighed, but quickly perked up.

The stall is not out until 5 p.m., and there is still plenty of time.

Connor hasn't been to the amusement park, so it's better to have fun first.

"Chu Feng, let's go take the roller coaster!"

Thor, who had regained his spirits, spoke.

"Okay, it's almost time for dinner after sitting down."

Chu Feng did not object.

Anyway, he has little interest in amusement parks, and Thor and Connor can play whatever they want.

The three began to line up.

In the crowd~

Chu Feng suddenly saw several familiar figures.

The first is a man and three women, one of whom seems to have a good relationship and behave very affectionately.

There were also a man and two women, sixteen or seventeen years old, obviously still high school students, and they were talking and laughing.

Finally, there were two men in black, one thin and tall, the other strong.

Good fellow, a car of people who are about to ascend the sky, all a group of familiar faces five...

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