As the eldest lady of the Kakukiri family.

In the future, Erina is destined to take over the entire Far Moon Group.

He was promoted to high school with the rank of junior high school chief.

And as soon as he came, he won the seat of the tenth jie of Yuanyue.

Erina, naturally, pays more attention to the grades of first- and second-graders.

Among them, the most talented people are the focus of observation.

After all.

These people may become her team in the distant moon in the future.

The assessment results handed in by Shiomi Jun this morning are somewhat different from the past.

Erinai obviously noticed that some people who had poor grades in the past did well in this unexpected test.

One of them is a good object to observe.

Although the grades have been hovering between B+ and B-.

But each time the test results were surprisingly stable.

And this time,

The other party got an A!

Recall carefully,

This person also appeared at the school gate yesterday.

Erinai is smart and can guess it with a little thought.

Most of the other people who have improved significantly have also eaten the dishes of fast food trucks.


The change in God's tongue is not accidental.

That Chu Feng's cuisine can really bring some kind of improvement!?

Erina, who suddenly felt that things had become a little fantastic.

But I have to believe it.

The same group of people, the probability has changed.

Eliminate everything impossible, and the remaining answers, no matter how ridiculous, are the only truth.

The best proof is the sudden evolution of the 'Tongue of God'.

Erinah was silent.

Start thinking about such changes

What kind of impact will it have on Yuanyue Gakuen?

Students' culinary level has improved.

Definitely a good thing.

But this is a sudden boost.

Are there drawbacks?

Again, a very serious question.

She felt a headache and pressed her hands to her temples.

Eventually, Erina decides to go home at night to ask her grandfather.

The old man is well-informed and may be able to solve his own confusion.


It's still early morning.

Open my eyes at half-past six.

Chu Feng clicked on the system interface for the first time.

【Congratulations on getting the new recipe: Six Shrimp Noodles (Five Stars)】

[Today's stall location: No. 23 Nimachime Commercial Street]

【Today's stall time: 18:00】

【Price: 10,000 yen】

"Six shrimp noodles? is it actually the long-lost six shrimp noodles?"

Chu Feng's heart froze.

How to make six shrimp noodles.

It was as if it were an empowerment entering his mind.

As yesterday, the system publishes tasks along with new recipes.


"Why did yesterday have two snacks and today only the same?"

Chu Feng was a little confused.

"Yesterday was your first time out of the stall, and the system specially prepared an extra choice for you. "

The system patiently explained, and the sound was like a machine.

"So, actually, I just did the same yesterday?"

Chu Feng was speechless.

It seems that the system, like him, likes to do more and talk less.

Such important information was not informed in advance.

Fortunately, both snacks were sold yesterday and could be cashed back, otherwise he would have lost his life.

Shaking his head with a wry smile, without paying any more attention to the system, Chu Feng began to study the new recipe.

The reason why the six shrimp noodles were lost was not that they were difficult to make.

It's a staggering level of sophistication and luxury.

Its production process is enough to shatter the three views of most people.

Find noodle restaurants all over the Dragon Kingdom, large and small.

It is estimated that only a simplified version of the three shrimp noodles can be found.

Take the shrimp roe to dry, the shrimp fried crisp, the shrimp brain cooked;

Finally, the shrimp shell is boiled in oil, soup, and ground into flour and noodles.

The complexity of its production is simply outrageously tedious.

A lot of preparation alone takes a day or two.

Who has the leisure to sell this?

So it is not for nothing that some ancient crafts have been lost.

Fortunately, the system has separate shrimp, shrimp seeds, shrimp brains, and shrimp shells for sale, saving Chu Feng most of his time.

Now he only needs to boil soup, oil, and noodles to complete the original tedious preparations.


Around half past five in the afternoon.

Kobayashi Gentian specially went to the office building and called his good friend Akane Kubo Momo.

"So, Xiao Linzi, you advanced to the Seven Stars because of a plate of takoyaki?"

The purple-haired girl holding a bear puppet opened her mouth weakly.

It seems that I want to tell my friend that this can't happen in reality.

But she has always disliked talking, and she is a little poor at this time.


The other party suddenly advanced to the seven-star

This is an ironclad fact.

It broke through without seeing it in a day.

Akane Kubo actually wanted to know.

What the hell did the good girlfriend go through last night.

Fantastic food truck?

The man who makes magical dishes?


Xiao Linzi, are you sure you don't have a fever?

Thinking that he had figured out the key, Akane Kubo was also stunned.

Xiao Lin Gentian, who is usually grinning, actually knows to find a man?

It's a bit unexpected.

However, compared to dishes that can raise people's level.

Akane Kubo Momo felt that this guess was slightly more reliable.

After all, blind love will always stimulate people's potential.

This is how it is performed in many TV series.

"Little Peach believes me, Boss Chu's craftsmanship will definitely not disappoint you. "

"Uh-huh, I definitely believe Xiao Linzi, and I also want to know, what kind of man can make you obsessive?"

Akane Kubo Momo held the puppet bear and smiled rarely, a pair of small eyes bent into a crescent.


Erina, Scarlet Sand, Tian Sue, and the people who had tasted Chu Feng's cuisine yesterday all rushed to the school gate.

Summer three-day promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Immediately recharge(Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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