Chapter 148 Chunguoting Western Restaurant, Overlord Oysters and Golden Salmon Roe!!

Ginza, Chunguotei.

Stepping into the restaurant, the lights are soft blue.

French plane leaves resembling creepers on the walls accentuate the restaurant

In the exotic restaurant, every corner is clearly carefully furnished.

It can be seen that Kikuchi Yuango has put a lot of thought into this restaurant.

The area of Chunguoting Western Restaurant is not large, only less than 100 square meters.

After all, there is a full-reservation system, and there are very few guests received every day.

From a profit perspective.

This method is not efficient, it is completely a boutique route.

But the number of guests decreased.

Chefs have the time and energy to create more dishes.

Of course~

The price of the dishes made by the eight-star chef is certainly not low.

A staple dish usually sells for more than 200,000 yen.

Chu Feng took Thor and Connor into the Chunguo Pavilion.

He looked around with interest.

The tranquility is truly comfortable.

Kikuchi Sonogo was dressed in a tight chef's uniform, and his exaggerated figure was vividly outlined.

Next to her stood a petite girl in the same costume, who should also be from the Chunguo Pavilion.

"Boss Chu, thank you very much for coming."

Mu Kuchi Yuanguo's delicate childlike face was full of joy, obviously very happy.

"Kikuchi, long time no see."

Chu Feng smiled slightly, which was regarded as a greeting.

For this little natural flower season girl, he still has a good impression.

"It is the honor of Yuanguo that you can accept my invitation."

Kikuchi Yuanguo still had a happy smile on his face.

The magical food truck owner can visit the Chunguo Pavilion, which no one in the group has ever done.

After eating eggs Benedict that day, she was keenly aware of the improvement in her cooking.

For chefs, the later it goes, the harder it is to improve.

Only through hard practice and study can we go further.

But when you change to Chu Feng, everything becomes a breeze.

Just eating a dish was like adding a little experience, which was beyond her imagination, and Mujiuzhi Garden Fruit was originally at the peak of eight stars.

Western cuisine added two points, after this period of precipitation......... She feels like she has reached nine stars, but she hasn't been certified yet.

Mu Jiu knew that Yuanguo was now full of gratitude to Chu Feng.

When she invited Chu Feng, she just planned to come up with a newly created dish.

But after finding out that he was promoted, Kikuchi Yuango felt that ordinary cuisine could not express his gratitude.

In search of better ingredients, she has been delaying until today.

Fortunately, everything is ready.

"Please wait a moment, the cooking will be ready immediately."

“......... Trouble you. "

Facing the enthusiastic Mu Jiu Zhiyuan Guo, Chu Feng could only give a polite but embarrassed smile.

After setting up the stall for so long, it was all others who ate the dishes he made, and he was really a little unaccustomed to visiting the door.

Kikuchi Yuanguo's smile was very sincere, just to express his gratitude, without any stammering at all.

No matter how unsociable he was, Chu Feng could also see the other party's thoughts, and the soft girl in front of him had everything written on her face.

'What a sincere girl! Chu Feng sighed with emotion.

The relationship between food trucks and diners is inherently simple.

Pay for meals and take what you need.

It was the first time he had met such a simple and stubborn person.

After getting the gift, the first thing that came to mind of Mujiu Zhiyuanguo was not to get more, but to invite him to dinner?

It's really silly and cute! Will~

Don't look at Mujiu Zhiyuanguo, who is usually a little dull and rarely chats in the group.

But brushing the food group every day, you can probably guess Chu Feng's true level.

At least top-notch, and possibly a grand chef.

Faced with such an existence, today she is full of energy and wants to present the best cuisine.

Chu Feng and Thor casually found a location.

The Chunguo Pavilion usually opens in the afternoon.

Now there are only three of them in the restaurant.

It didn't take long ~

The petite cooks carry a plate on the table.

Her name is Little Chiandi, and she is also from the Far Moon Academy.

Like Kikuchi Sonogo, he is also a graduate of the class of '89 and is now the sous chef of Harukotei.

However, compared to the second seat of the 89th Ten Masters, Xiao Qiandie is obviously not famous.

"Guys, please use it slowly!"

Little Qiandie's eyes were full of curiosity when she looked at Chu Feng.

Although I learned about fast food trucks and magical dishes from the mouth of Kikuchien.

But she still doesn't have an intuitive concept.

I only know that the boy in front of me, who looks similar in age to them, has a very high star rating and is highly respected by Senior Sister Mujiuzhi.

But why is such a character not famous in the culinary world? This little Qiandie still couldn't figure it out, but still smiled and opened the lid.

"Caviar with King Ken oysters?"

Seeing the true appearance of the dish, Chu Feng instantly said the name.

Don't forget, his Western cuisine is now top-notch.

Caviar with oysters!

One of the classic dishes of France.

The rich flavor of caviar and the delicious and refreshing oysters, one tactful and the other straightforward, complement each other, making it a perfect match for French cuisine.

But the smell of seafood that permeated the air, Chu Feng knew that this was not ordinary caviar and oysters.

"Golden salmon roe and overlord oysters, Chef Kikuchi bothered."

Chu Feng sighed.

It's not that I marvel at the preciousness of this dish.

It's just that I didn't expect that Mujiu knew the garden fruit and was willing to take out fantastic ingredients to entertain himself.

Chu Feng has never lacked fantasy ingredients, as long as there are enough points, any of them can be exchanged.

However, for people in this world, dream ingredients are so precious that it is difficult for ordinary people to get their hands on them.

There are currently only two ways to buy fantasy ingredients.

IGO regularly sells a certain share of fantasy ingredients every month.

Usually for the upper echelons, it is difficult for people with a slightly lower status to grab their hands.

The second is through the black market.

People who qualify to enter the food world occasionally sell unwanted dream ingredients on the black market, and the prices are generally high, and it is all a matter of luck to buy the ingredients you want.

The identity of the eight-star chef seems to be high, but with the soft and cute character of Kikuchi Yuango, it is estimated that it is difficult to buy IGO ingredients.

The source of these two ingredients in front of him, Chu Feng could easily guess.

It's just that~

How did the introverted Kikuchi Yuango find the black market? Although do not understand the neon underground forces.

But Chu Feng still learned a little from Taoxun Qi Luoli.

Without the introduction of people on the black market, ordinary people's hands cannot reach in.

Just checked the price of two fantastic ingredients in the points mall.

For the eight-star chef, it is also a big burden.

【Name: Golden salmon roe】

【Capture level: 4】

【Habitat: Inside the belly of salmon】

【Weight: Approximately 5,000g in one salmon】

【Price: 100g/1.5 points】

【Among the hundreds of salmon, only one of them can collect the precious fish eggs in the belly, and the amount is very heavy, and the rice grain is about 10 grams large, so it is very delicious even if eaten raw.】 】

【Name:Please King Oyster】

【Capture level: 3】

【Habitat: Shiozawa Sea】

【Price: 100g/1 credit】

[The size is the same as that of ordinary oysters, but the taste is more delicious, and the gravy is more rich and delicious......]

Redeeming these two ingredients in the mall is not expensive.

According to the previous exchange standard, ten golden salmon eggs were only 15,000 yen.

And the overlord oyster is about 200g, the price is about 20,000.


Kikuchi Garden Fruit does not have a system.

Three Overlord oysters, plus twenty golden salmon eggs inside each... On the black market, it is at least ten times more expensive than the price set by the system!

How much did the silly girl spend on this meal?


Thinking of this, Chu Feng couldn't help sighing.

The favor of this meal seems to be owed a little big.

Although everything is voluntary by Kikuchi Sonogo.

But estimate the value of the other party.

Boss Chu suddenly felt a little overwhelmed...

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