Chapter 155 Between the moons and days, the super luxurious jury!!

Deep in the Far Moon Academy, the mansion of the Xue Che family.

"Miss Erina, Lord Zhenji, Boss Chu has agreed that the location of the halberd is set between the moon and the sky."

Crimson put down her phone and reported to the mother and daughter sitting opposite.

"Huh~ Although I knew that someone would find Chu Feng, I didn't expect that the people from the food club would appear so quickly, or the branch minister Bukiwuz."

Shūki hung his shoulders, looking a little languid, with a meaningful smile on his face.

"Mother, I heard that Bukiwuz has long reached the peak of the nine stars, his strength is strong and insidious, and he is very good at handling dream ingredients......... Boss Chu against him, will there be an accident? "

Erina's tone was a little worried.

"Huh~~ Have you forgotten Chu Feng's level? He's at least a Grand Chef too! A guy who relies on fantasy ingredients to reach nine stars can't be his opponent at all, let's just wait to see the show. "

Shinki almost laughed out loud as he spoke.

At the same time, the intelligence of the secret food club is backward.

There were actually people who were so simple as to believe that Chu Feng was just a nine-star chef.

But it's understandable.

Most chefs will be certified as stars immediately after making the cut.

Only a strange person like Boss Chu would treat star ratings as a child's play.

I didn't taste the food truck in person.

It is simply impossible to understand what level his level has reached.

This is destined to be a one-sided showdown.

Bidding farewell to Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo with pear blossoms, Chu Feng left the Spring Fruit Pavilion.

The tears of the soft cute girl are really unbearable.

"Kaede, is it really no problem to set the test site at Far Moon?"

"Hasn't IGO been trying its best to hide the existence of fantasy ingredients?"

On the way home, Thor asked puzzled.

"Today, over the weekend, only a small number of resident students stayed in Yuanyue, and it is estimated that except for Shijie and a small number of lecturers, not many people can qualify to enter the moon and day."

Chu Feng knew very well that the halberd was settled so quickly, and there was also a real push from Xue Che.

It seems that this special executive of IGO also wants to use this halberd to let Yuanyue show his face.

The Kakukiri family is quite powerful in their country, and Senzoemon is the leader of the neon cuisine world.

However, compared to behemoths such as IGO and Gourmet Club, the popularity of Yuanyu Gakuen is obviously not enough.

Chu Feng didn't care about Xue Che's sincere little calculations, so he should also help Conna find favors in school.

And he also wants to take this opportunity to warn the major forces that it is best not to provoke himself in the future.

Thor and Connor don't know this, but as long as it is Chu Feng's decision, they unconditionally support it.


Eight o'clock did not arrive.

Many people have already come between the moons and days.

The members of the ten masters who have not yet left the school, the lecturers who stayed in the school and the senior management of the Yuanyue Hotel, celebrities in the business and political circles.........

Even IGO and the food club sent people over.

The auditorium is extremely luxurious.

But IGO and gastronomy will be on display.

The others did not dare to talk loudly, so they could only whisper and exchange their heads and ears.

But no matter what, everyone is looking forward to this sudden halberd.

Halberds between nine-star chefs are usually rare.

The most recent time was the leapfrog challenge that Chu Feng launched against Shinomiya Kojiro.

What a coincidence~

The halberd between the high-star chefs for two consecutive times was related to Chu Feng.

And this time, the scene is more popular than ever.

Not only did he use fantasy ingredients, but Bukiwuz also proposed to gamble with his life, which was undoubtedly a life-and-death battle for him.

On the other hand, look at Chu Feng~

Just pay a hundred pounds of red fur pork.

Dream ingredients are truly precious.

But this amount of red-haired pork, the market price is up to 350 million, or old yuan.

A nine-star chef, the head of the gourmet club, is his life worth only this little money? Simply outrageous!

This moment~

HUB Food's Senjo Natsuya and Senomo Sisters, IGO's First Class Executive Anne, Dekora, Kraki and others, Togetsu past graduates Dojima Gin, Shiomi Jun, Kanhyuga and Kikuchi Sonoko.

People who had suffered losses in the hands of the Food Club couldn't help but secretly give a thumbs up at this time, and they couldn't wait to say something to Chu Feng right away......... Well done!

Of course~

Everyone knows that there is an IGO behind this halberd, including a live broadcast for chefs with more than seven stars in the culinary world.

The battle between IGO and the food club began thirty years ago.

Although now it seems to be peaceful.

There are many chefs in the gourmet club, and there are also IGO star certifications.

But secretly, there are rumors and frequent skirmishes.

The two behemoths have developed to this day, and they will certainly not go to war easily.

But if there is a chance to disgust each other, neither will be polite.

People who have lived in the upper class for a long time are well aware of this.

Under the spotlight.

A mature woman with blonde hair and a shawl appeared in the center of the venue.

"I didn't expect that the emcee of this halberd eating was actually Miss Crachi, a first-class executive."

Isshiki, who was sitting in the back row of the audience, muttered softly, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes

Even the emcee is a first-class executive, what kind of honorable figure should the jury be?

"It's normal, after all, it's a showdown between the peaks of the nine stars, and there are also high-level members of the food club."

Teruki Kume stared at the center of the venue with squinted eyes and an expression of no concern on his face...

As Chu Feng's little fan brother, he was full of confidence in Boss Chu.

In fact, as long as anyone who has tasted the food truck cuisine will feel that Chu Feng's winning face is even greater.

Although Bukiwuz became famous earlier, it was only a rumored figure for the students of Far Moon.

In contrast, they trust their tongues more.

Boss Chu's cuisine is not an ordinary delicacy.

Crachi wore a white evening dress today.

As soon as she appeared with the microphone in hand, she went straight to the point.

"Welcome to the guests and the chefs in the live broadcast room, I believe you are no strangers to me, and I don't need to talk nonsense, let's introduce today's jury first."

As soon as Crachi's words fell, the lights of the venue shone into the entrance passage.

"The first judge is our honorable special executive, and he is really big."

The plump and languid Tsutsuki walked slowly into the venue wearing a kimono.

"Special Executive? IGO is really a big deal, and even found such a character to host the halberd. "

"Shōkiri? I remembered that she was the tongue of the gods of the previous generation of the Xue Che family, and the rumors didn't say that she had disappeared a long time ago? "

"I really didn't expect that she would become the special executive of IGO, and the Xue Che family is really not to be underestimated."

"I'm curious now about the identities of the other two judges."

Under the light, an aging figure of Dragon Bell appeared.

"Demon Eater King, Zoemon Gate!"

"Interesting, IGO is trying to fight the arrogance of the food party."

"I wonder who the third one is? Is it still someone from an international gastronomic organization? "

"It should be impossible, the food club that has always collapsed, it is absolutely impossible to agree."

Sure enough.

When the lights fall on the audience.

Everyone looked at the masked man.

"Starkin, one of the three first chefs of the gourmet club."

"I didn't expect that even Starkin came, I heard that he was in the food party, but his strength was in the top three."

"Interestingly, it is rare for the deputy chef of the gourmet club and the special executive officer of IGO to gather together."

This moment~

Even if they don't know Chu Feng's people.

All became deeply interested in this rumored food truck owner.

What kind of talent can attract such a luxurious jury?

Anyone who has been in the culinary world for a little longer will not think that Starkin and Shōkiri are here for Bukiwuz.

Could it be that this Chu Feng's level is more than nine stars?

People who have never tasted fast food truck cuisine have similar thoughts in their minds.

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