Chapter 168: The Power of Peace, Connor's Little Friend!!

The noise of the children did not affect Chu Feng's cooking at all.

It's just a bunch of kids spoiled by their parents, it's normal to look down on roadside stalls.

After all, being born into a wealthy family, such a performance is reasonable.

Therefore, when making dishes, Chu Feng integrated more cooking hearts.

Since you have become a diner of a fast food truck, how can you have a high and low opinion.

If you want world peace, you have to pick up the dolls and make them feel loved.

Not for a moment~

The diners at several tables calmed down in their hearts, and their eyes lost their former sharpness.

The eyes of parents looking at their children, and the eyes of husbands looking at their wives, gradually became gentle.

Uncontrolled sums are precious.

This moment has reversed the values of celebrities from all walks of life.

"Mom and Dad, this slippery egg is so delicious, can I ask for another bowl?"

A boy about ten years old suddenly spoke, looking at his parents with a full face.

The child's father gently reached out and pressed his hand on the boy's head, smiling and nodding.

"Qiuhua, eat more, remember that you used to like tofu the most."

A young congressman in his thirties personally scooped a spoonful of mapo tofu for his beautiful wife.

The wife smiled, since entering politics, her husband has not treated himself so gently for many years.

At this moment, time seems to go back to the college days, and the two recall the beauty of love.

There are also slightly older, slightly sensible children who serve dishes for their parents, and the family is happy.

The guests who came after the Suzuki family changed their normal attitude, and at this time they all seemed to have changed as one person.

Suzuki Sonoko, who had a full meal, watched this scene in amazement.

I don't understand at all why this is so.


With a confused look, she looked at Chu Feng's eyes as if she was looking at a chef god, perhaps only the chef god's cuisine could instantly change the attitude of the world.

At least the children who had been noisy about not eating roadside food just now eat happier than anyone else.

Shiro Suzuki looked at the figure in the window strangely, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but evoke a smile.

Knowledgeable, he had already guessed that this was Chu Feng's cooking heart.

Although I don't know much about this aspect.

But he probably knows ~

This thing represents the chef's heart.

After eating Chu Feng's dishes, Suzuki Shilang, who was focused on the mall, suddenly had the urge to spend more time with his wife and children.


The diners who came later were more affected than he was.

Thinking of the words of the group of children before, Shiro Suzuki was dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, Boss Chu, who is superb in cooking, also has a childish side.

The Suzuki family took their leave.

Like most of the people who came today.

In addition to tasting the dishes of the special chef.

Shiro Suzuki also means to befriend Chu Feng.

Ordinary special chefs, it is obviously impossible for the Suzuki family to deign to patronize the roadside food.

But a special chef with both culinary skills and strength must also be valued as strong as the Suzuki family.

Even if you can't make deep friends, it's good to have a familiar face.

Celebrities from all walks of life in neon business and politics more or less hold this kind of thinking.

The people who watched the halberd eating between the moons and the sky yesterday could not forget the scene when Chu Feng suddenly disappeared.

After all~

The mysterious person who can make the food club retreat, no one dares to ignore it now.

Chu Feng didn't care what this group of people thought.

Deepening the influence of the chef's heart is just a whimsical bad taste.

Valuing peace is also a huge impact at this moment, and sooner or later this group of people will return to their nature.

The most difficult thing to change in the world is the human heart, and Chu Feng is not a saint, so he has no idea of changing the world at all.

It is enough to ensure that the food truck is peaceful and the guests enjoy the food happily.

"Kaede, Lord Thor!"

At this time, Connor, who was carrying a school bag, appeared in front of the window, and a surprise appeared under his eyes.

Chu Feng didn't tell her in the morning that he would set up a stall not far from Didan Primary School today.

"Connor-chan is out of school."


"Would you like to eat something and go back together after I close the stall?"


Connor accepted Chu Feng's proposal without hesitation.

But the next moment~

A tangled expression appeared on that pink little face.

Because she was followed by two little friends.

Riko Saikawa and Ayumi Yoshida.

Connor is a child who values his friends.

Can't leave friends alone to enjoy a good meal.

Seeing through Connor's thoughts, Chu Feng smiled and said, "The two children will also come together." "


"Wouldn't it bother you too much?"

From here, you can roughly see the personalities of the two children.

The brown, curly-haired girl grinned widely, making no secret of her thoughts.

Looking at her surprised expression, you can tell that she really wants to taste the food truck dishes.

The other girl with short black hair was obviously much more polite, and although she wanted it too, she also knew how to be polite and humble.

"It's okay, let's all come and sit here."

Seeing Thor pull up the dark board in front of the window, Chu Feng smiled and beckoned.

Connor chose the stool in the middle and called for the two friends to come over.

In fact, it was also the first time she ate food in a fast food truck, and it felt a bit new.

Ayumi Yoshida was still hesitating, but seeing that Riko Saikawa had already sat down, she followed suit.

Ever since tasting Connor's bento at noon, the two little ones have never forgotten the taste.

When they learned that the owner of the food truck full of guests on the side of the road was Connor's brother, the two couldn't help but swallow.

There is no other reason.

The smell of the roadside is too strong.

But see the price displayed on the food truck.

Ayumi Yoshida still smacked her tongue secretly.

10,000 yen per dish.

It was astronomical for her.

Riko Kawawa doesn't care.

With a wealthy family, she has no concept of money.

Looking at Chu Feng, who was seriously cooking.

After sitting down uneasily.

Ayumi Yoshida suddenly envied Connor a little.

With a big brother who looks good, cooks well, and looks very kind, Connor is so happy.

The thought that only arose at noon resurfaced at this time.

"Hmm, the shrimp eggs are so delicious, how do they feel better than the noon ones?"

Riko Caikawa ate a spoonful of slippery eggs, and her big eyes instantly lit up, and she couldn't help but exclaim.

When Chu Feng heard this, he glanced at the white-haired loli in surprise, knowing that Connor must have distributed the bento to his friends in school.


Seeing Chu Feng looking at himself, Kang Na thought that the other party cared about this matter, and quickly wanted to explain.

Haijin constitutes a rice weaving with a book mouth, a picture.

"Very good, it seems that Conna-chan gets along well with her friends at school."

Big Boss Chu has always been very good to his own people, and he doesn't care about this little thing at all.

It's just a few dishes, and you can make it at your fingertips.

He was more concerned about Connor's life at school.

Now it seems ~

The 'little guy' with a somewhat introverted personality is doing well at school...

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