Chapter 170 Lili Xiang with the mask off, Arctic shell tuna sashimi!!

"What's the situation? Boss Chu can still order food casually here? "

Kohei Sojin, who was relatively close to the food truck, suddenly exclaimed, looking incredulous.

He was one of the early people to join the food scene.

I haven't heard of anyone who can order dishes here in so long.

Isshiki was also surprised.

Secretly speculating about the origin of the silver-haired woman.

He really wants such treatment.

"Chu Jun, who is this woman? Why does she have special treatment? "

Tianyu glanced at Qiluoli, who was painted with death Barbie blue.

Secretly, he was pondering the relationship between the other party and Chu Feng.

Can make Boss Chu, who has always paid attention to principles, break the vows.

The relationship between the two is certainly extraordinary.

Poison Island Rinko, who was enjoying the food, also put down the spoon, and a hint of surprise flashed in his autumn-like eyes.

"Chu Jun, Junzi is also very curious."

As he spoke, Poison Island moved his position.

Connor saw that another guest was coming, and very sensibly took the initiative to give way, and hobbled to Thor's side.

Faced with the inquiry of a group of old acquaintances, Chu Feng smiled lightly: "Miss Qiluoli helped me a little before, so she gave her a little preferential treatment. "

"Why didn't Chu Jun look for me if something happened? I'm very capable! "

The corner of Tianyu's mouth twitched twice, probably wanting to learn the movements of other girls.

But she was used to having a face all day, and she looked a little strange.

How competent are you?

Chu Feng glanced at Tianyu speechlessly.

This guy has all day except for fighting and being a group of water, what else is his ability?

Shaking his head secretly, Chu Feng no longer took Tianyu to slash, but looked at the mask woman behind Qi Luoli.

"This young lady, don't sit?"

Lili Xiang stood motionless behind Kiroli like a log, like a dull robot in a science fiction movie.

"Lilixiang come and sit, here in Boss Chu, there is no need to wear a face county."

Qi Luoli turned her head, and her tone was quite helpless.

Her twin sister is weak and extremely self-lacking.

Only that mask on her face can give her a little sense of security.


Lili originally wanted to say no.

But seeing Qiluoli's serious look.

The hoarse voice stopped abruptly.

Lili Xiang couldn't refuse Qiluoli's 'order'.

Quiet sit in front of the window.

Lili slowly removed the mask from her face.


"Dear sister?"

Seeing the two identical faces in front of him, Tianyu Slash and Poison Island Junzi were a little surprised. Thor not far away was also a little surprised, but he didn't expect that the blue-lipped demon woman also had a twin sister. The dragon maid was secretly vigilant, and the threat of the twins was much more than that of the sick Tianyu.

Chu Feng glanced at the two sisters with interest.

Although there are already images of the two in mind.

But it's still fun to actually see it.

Two girls who look exactly the same in shape and even hair color, but have completely opposite personalities.

Could it be that twins complement each other's personalities?

Chu Feng has never been good at thinking about such academic topics.

I only feel that I have been in a hurry since sitting down, and Lilixiang with a red face is a little cute.

Of course, he never forgot the business in front of him.

"Arctic shell tuna sashimi, since you plan to eat it for two people, you can choose a large portion for 20,000 yen."

"Concubine Xiao, you can only eat up to three pills per person now, even if Miss Qiluoli has 10,000 pieces."

Chu Feng directly awarded the price.

At first, I just promised that Qi Luoli could order three dishes at will.

Meal money, still have to be collected!

"No problem."

Qi Luoli smiled elegantly and paid the bill directly by card, not caring about the 80,000 yen at all.

She 'collected rent' at the Hundred Flower King Academy.

It's tens of millions a day.

A private Hyakukao Academy where gambling is prevalent.

If students want to open a casino to make money, they have to pay rent to the student union.

This alone is enough for Qi Luoli to make a lot of money...

Remove Arctic shellfish and bluefin tuna from under the countertop.

Chu Feng would definitely not prepare these ingredients in advance, they were all points that had just been bought in the mall, and the ingredients that could be purchased after simple processing could be purchased in the mall.

The flesh of the three colors of red, orange and white is bright.

Just looking at it makes people quite appetizing.

"Superb shellfish!"

Qi Luoli's eyes lit up.

She has loved eating this stuff since she was a child.

The moment you see bright red feet.

You know that this Arctic shell is of extremely high quality.

I thought I would come and order food.

Chu Feng may not have suitable ingredients here.

Who knew that the shellfish taken out by the other party had completely exceeded her expectations.

Arctic shellfish is one of the important edible shellfish of neon, mainly distributed in the waters near Hokkaido.

This shellfish, which lives in icy seas, grows extremely slowly and takes about a decade to form a natural and unique sweet taste.

Chu Feng smiled and nodded, did not immediately deal with shellfish, and preferred to cook tuna.

A rectangular piece of fish with a bright red color is placed on the board.

On the soft pieces of meat, there is an even fat texture, like a frost fall, Chu Feng chooses medium fat, mainly distributed in the belly and back of tuna.

The meat in these areas contains moderate fat, about 15%-20%, which is very suitable for sashimi.

As for the Da Nan meat with the highest fat content, the taste of raw eating is not as good as the medium fat Yongling Dao on the dragon wandering body.

Under a faint blue shimmer.

A piece of rectangular tuna meat was cut into the same fillets by Chu Feng along the frost fall, the thickness of the fillets was moderate, each piece was a standard 0.75 cm...

The tuna sashimi should not be cut too thin, otherwise it will lose the fatness of the fish.

Plating, side dishes, and finally the processing of Arctic shellfish.

The shellfish meat is cut thinner than the fillet, about 5 mm.

Fan out in the middle of the plate.

At first glance.

Like a lotus flower in bloom.

Chu Feng's process of making dishes was fast.

Qi Luoli and Lili Xiang don't know how to cook.

I just thought it was amazing.

The movement of the figure in the dining car is full of alternative beauty.

But Isshiki and Kohei Sojin had already stood up at this time, staring intently into the window.

They could roughly see Kaede's movements clearly.

Under the clouds and flowing knife work.

Each piece of fish and shellfish is exactly the same thickness without the slightest error.

The blade caresses the fish like a veil.

The faint smell of seafood suddenly wafted up.

People can't help but swallow.

Chu Feng just made a simple seafood sashimi.

But let Isshiki Kei and Kohei create the truth, there is a feeling of watching the top masters painting, the free movement, is really indescribable.

Not for a moment~

A plate of exquisite seafood sashimi appeared in front of Kiroli and Lilixiang.

Arctic shells, tuna, shredded radish, wakame.........

The large plate is full of familiar ingredients.

But it is such a platter, but it gives a luxurious feeling.

Qiluoli, who has tasted the delicacies of the mountains and the sea, can't help but be dazzled at this time.

Lilixiang blushed, couldn't help but secretly glance at Chu Feng, only felt that this chef was so powerful...

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