Chapter 177 Those who are late can only eat noodles, food righteousness, and meals on the plate!!

[Congratulations on the number of ratings reached 1000, and the reward food was a meal on the plate! ] 】

This time, the system prompt tone was very short, but it surprised Chu Feng a little.

Food is the embodiment of human appetite. A very small number of people who have gourmet cells can awaken the gourmet demons that lurk in them.

When the gourmet cell is developed to the extreme, humans and gourmet demons will fight and fuse.

Either become a demon or achieve the pinnacle of humanity.

Food is an important product of this process.

Among the gastronomic captives, there are many kinds of food techniques.

The first category is the embodiment of ideas, knives, forks, chopsticks, pots, pans and other embodiments.

The second category is organ strengthening, which is also the most ubiquitous one.

For example, strengthen hair, immune cells, internal organs and so on.

The third category is supernatural abilities, such as devouring the heart of the cook, clairvoyance, or capturing the life force of the target.

In fact, according to the setting in Food Captive, the food evil child is really not a good thing.

Like an alien born powerful, after dying, he is unwilling to turn into an appetite demon.

While this alien species can bring great power to humans, it is also extremely dangerous.

In case you encounter a bad temper and ambition, in addition to communicating with it like an uncle, you must also prevent being taken away by it.

Chu Feng was very lucky~

The gourmet cells produced by the system do not have this thing.

But it is also destined to be unable to develop food skills.

I didn't expect that after a thousand positive reviews.

The system gave him this very intimately.

A meal on a plate.

Logically speaking, it should be regarded as the first type of ideological incarnation.

But the food meaning produced by the system is obviously different from the information that Chu Feng saw on the IGO intranet.

This food technique can form a sealed small space, and the trapped target is like a meal on a plate, and the strength is reduced by 30%.

Moreover, with the continuous development and evolution of food meaning, the size of space and the proportion of weakening can increase in turn.

Hmm~ very practical skills! Chu Feng nodded secretly.

Although I don't like fighting, the art of multiple enemies seems to be good.

In particular, the system no longer gave the real estate this point, which made Chu Feng very satisfied.


The roadside flower beds around the food truck were already full of people.

The steamed Shenglong dumplings were also steamed several times.

The prepared dumplings sold out quickly.

The Yuanyue students are quite sensible.

There are no three floors inside and three floors outside the food truck.

Except for Kobayashi Gentian who continues to shave rice.

The remaining ten members left one after another.

There is no such terrifying amount of rice as Kobayashi gentian.

No one wants to stay here and suffer the torment of scent.

After the reputation of the fast food truck was beaten out.

Troubles followed.

That's when things sell too fast.

It's less than an hour.

The Thang Long dumplings have all been sold out.

There are only a few bowls of rice left.

There is still a surplus of dough.

These things that do not bring critical hits.

Chu Feng didn't care much either, thinking of selling it as soon as possible and closing it early.

But at this time, the Yuanyue students who were squatting on the side of the road to enjoy the food looked up in unison.

"Lord Commander-in-Chief? Chief Chef Dojima? "

"HUB Food's Thousand Tables Summer Buds and Thousand Tables of Sisters."

"Gourmet Shigeyuki Kada and food program producer Minatohan Makito."

"Lord General and the five judges of the autumn selection are here..."

"I wonder what kind of expression they will have when they know that the Shenglong dumplings are gone?"

"Haha, listening to you say this, why do I suddenly want to laugh a little..."

"If you want to find death, then laugh out loud, next year today I will light incense for you."

"Forget it, Lao Tzu still wants to survive until graduation."

The students who ate the dumplings of Thang Long whispered to each other.

Many people took the initiative to open a way and 'welcome' the arrival of Xianzuoweimon and others.

"So, the dumplings are sold out?"

When he learned the news, Dojima Silver first glared, and then sighed helplessly, not hiding his loss.

Just now he heard that there were students dancing dumplings in the seminar, and he was looking forward to seeing it.

Who knows that it is late, not to mention the Shenglong dumplings, there are not a few bowls of egg fried rice.

Xianzuoemon now couldn't care about the regret of missing the main dish, and quickly ordered two bowls of golden egg fried rice.

If you start later, you really only have to eat noodles.

Seeing General Marshal Yuanyue speak.

The two sisters of Thousand Tables Xia Ya and Thousand Tables Sisters followed.

The twin sisters are extremely similar in stature.

The style of dressing and dressing up are very different.

As the CEO of HUB Foods, a leading curry industry, Summerbud Senyo, dressed in a sexy white short skirt, looks more mature.

The cold appearance gives people a sense of déjà vu of a queen.

And the chief operating officer of 'HUB Food' is much quieter.

The dark blue long skirt reached the naked feet, and the long golden hair shawl resembled a dignified lady.

In the end, only four bowls of egg fried rice remained.

Facing the other two strange guests, Chu Feng had to spread his hands to show that he could not do anything

Shigeyuki Tata, who have always been known as foodies, and the people of Minatohan Roll are not particularly regretful.

The opportunity to taste the craft of a grand chef......... Don't talk about eating noodles.

Even if they steam the dough, they can swallow it.

It didn't take long ~

Kohei Sojin and other talents arrived.

Looking at Chu Feng who was ramen in the fast food truck.

Isshiki couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Sure enough~ people who are late can only eat noodles~~" In fact, it was already between the moon and the sky.

Look at the dwindling auditorium.

The person in charge of the AB venue and the top eight players already had a hunch that the business of fast food trucks would be very hot, but they did not expect it to be so good.

No way, although a small number of viewers left, there were still 687 episodes gathered between the moons and days to watch thousands of people.

Moreover, this autumn selection also saw an unprecedented high score, and the players who advanced to the knockout round were required to take the stage to speak.

So Erina, Alice and the others, who came out late, are not particularly depressed and then ~

Kohei Sojin and seven other people who were late to Yeon-yeon subconsciously looked at Tashoe who was squatting on the side of the road.

"Xiaohui, you are miserable, you dare to run before the game is over."

Ordering a bowl of soul noodles, Alice jumped in front of Tashoe Megumi, her face was serious, and she said seriously.


Tashoe suddenly stayed in place, the paper tray in her hand slowly fell, and she completely forgot that there was another 'appearance' link at the end.

After the previous rating came out, Yukino ran out.

Coupled with thinking about Chu Feng's cooking, she didn't expect this stubble at all.

Secretly glancing at Xianzuoemen, Tian Suoe couldn't help but feel an agitated spirit, and shrunk his head in fear.

"Haha~~ Alice don't scare this classmate, anyway, it doesn't matter if the final scene is or not."

Senzoemon laughed loudly, not meaning to blame Tian Suoe at all.

The first contestant with a perfect score since the start of the autumn selection deserves special treatment.

"Grandpa, how can an appearance speech be considered a scene? That's the coveted treatment of all contestants! "

Erinai said dissatisfied, subconsciously withdrawing her mouth, and the last link was her proposal.

Of course, Erina will definitely not admit that she is very envious of Tasho Megumi, who can eat Shoryu dumplings...

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