Chapter 195 Evil King True Eye Messenger, Little Bird Swims Six Flowers!!

Pineapple buns are a very simple dish.

Just made with low-gluten flour, eggs, sugar, and cream, the bread and weinai are also delicious, but that's all.

Compared to Chu Feng's previous dishes such as beef ramen, pineapple buns are nothing at all.

But for Satania.

It was her first taste of the real thing.

The sweet delicacy constantly stimulates the tongue.

The red-haired girl couldn't help but make a sound that was enough to be locked up in a small black room.

The bread is soft and sweet and melts in your mouth.

It seems that all the essence is concentrated in this small pineapple bag.

Satania's whole mind began to float, and she only felt extremely happy, and a stupid smile suddenly appeared on her little face.

After eating a piece of pineapple buns, Jia Baili and Wei Nai stared strangely at the red-haired girl who overreacted.

Hello everyone, I have also been a classmate for two months.

Although Jia Baili did not go to class for a few days.

But he thought he knew Satania well.

This guy stands out in addition to sports.

Studying, painting, cooking, etc.

Completely an idiot with only muscles in his head.

With the intelligence of the other party.........

It's impossible to put on this expression that only comes from enjoying good food.


Can the dishes made by Boss Chu really cure taste disorders? A little surprised~

But that's about it.

Jia Baili quickly calmed down.

He had already seen Chu Feng's magic.

The dishes he cooks are even if they have many healing effects......... Seems like a normal thing, right?

The same is true for Wenai.

After being slightly stunned.

Reveal a rightful expression. (⊙_⊙)

This time it was Satania's turn to be dumbfounded.

"No, I can taste the pineapple buns here, you guys have this expression?" The red-haired girl was a little upset. "

They were all so excited, why didn't they react? Are you making too much of a fuss?

Satania couldn't figure it out and continued to nibble on bread.

"Hmm, it's delicious~"

"It turns out that this is the real taste of pineapple buns~"

"Sure enough, the taste is more wonderful than imagined~~"

The red-haired girl looked intoxicated.

Enjoy unprecedented deliciousness.

Before, she could only imagine the taste of pineapple buns.

Yet now~

The tongue and taste buds clearly and intuitively fed back this taste to her.

"It's delicious~It's so delicious~~"

In a trance.

Satania burst into tears.

A wonderful taste fills the tongue.

The bizarre creamy aroma constantly stimulates the taste buds.

Satania was so touched at the moment.

Just feel ~

There is no regret in this experience.

No way~

With such a delicacy, how to be satisfied with eating only once?

Satania swallowed a pineapple bun like a date.

Those orange-red eyes stared straight into the window, and then pointed at Chu Feng very middle-handed and said: "Decided, when I become a big demon and become a generalissimo, you will come to be my personal chef!" "

Hearing the declaration of the red-haired girl in front of him, Chu Feng was speechless for a while.

Wei Nai also looked at Satania strangely.

This guy with thick nerves.

Miss Thor's identity has not yet been discovered.

That's a real dragon.

Chu Feng, on the other hand, is a man who can subdue the dragon.

Let such an existence be a private chef, how big a face do you have? Jia Baili raised her hand to support her forehead, pretending not to know Satania.

"Private chef, huh?"

Inside the food truck, there was a bone-rattling sound.

The corners of Thor's mouth rose slightly, and his golden eyes flashed with a dangerous light.

Digging into the wall in front of her, isn't it a little too much to put the dragon clan in her eyes, golden dragon horns and green dragon tails looming.

But only a few people present can see it.

Even if his mood fluctuated slightly, Thor always kept in mind Chu Feng's instructions and tried not to expose his identity outside.

"Dragon~Dragon Clan??"

Satania stayed in place, her voice became distracted, and her eyes widened.

Don't look at her big grin all day, she looks like she is not afraid of the sky, but she is not very bold.

Facing the terrifying dragon clan in the legend of hell, Satania is still quite afraid.

Turning his neck stiffly, he found that there was no change in the expressions of Jia Baili and Wei Nai, as if they were not worried at all.

This is the legendary powerful and murderous dragon clan, why are you so calm?

"You guys ~ already knew?"

Satania asked laterally.

Jia Baili was too lazy to deal with this middle second demon.

Continue to eat the second pineapple bun you just ordered.

Wei Nai nodded with a smile and comforted softly: "Don't be afraid, Boss Chu and Miss Thor are good people." "

(⊙_⊙) Satania was confused.

I feel that my IQ is a little inadequate.

His eyes secretly glanced at the boss and maid in the food truck.

Very handsome man, looks very kind......... But how could a human be set up with a dragon?

Satania couldn't figure it out and instinctively picked up another pineapple bun.

The naturally optimistic middle two demons never waste extra energy thinking about complex problems.

At present, food is still dry rice, the most important.

Satania decided to savor the second dish, even if she went to school later.

After all~

That was the behavior of an A-class demon.

That's right~

In Satania's eyes.

Being late for school is already a very evil bad thing.

"Demon Generalissimo?"

Just when the redhead girl is enjoying a delicious meal.

A somewhat soft voice with doubts sounded.

Satania chewed on the crumbs and said vaguely.

"Evil King True Eye, you are also here."

"Yes, I'm coming!"

"Demon Generalissimo, can you already taste it?"

The short-haired girl known as the 'Evil King's True Eye Envoy' stared at a dull hair on her head, an eye patch in her right eye, a bandage on her left hand, and an extremely shocked expression on her face.

The girl, who is only about one meter and five meters tall, wears a white shirt and a black and red checkered short skirt, which looks quite cute, but her behavior is really a little strange.

Listening to the conversation between the two in front of him, Chu Feng felt embarrassed for them.

Devil Generalissimo?

Evil King True Eye?

Do you want to match you with another Golden Saint Seiya?

The short-haired girl wearing an eye patch in front of him, Chu Feng is naturally no stranger.

Birds swim six flowers!

The sister of Yu Juhua, a bird who had a relationship with each other yesterday.

A patient with severe secondary disease.

Obviously he is just an ordinary person, but he firmly believes that he has the ability of the Evil King's true eye.

Looking at the two middle-grade and second-class girls in front of him, Chu Feng couldn't help but have a little headache.

To be honest, he is not very good at dealing with such people, because normal people have a hard time communicating with them.

But Satania did not have the slightest self-consciousness and seemed to enjoy the role-play of the little bird Yuliuhua.

Perhaps in her cognition, she really regarded the other party as a magic envoy such as 'Evil King True Eye Messenger'.

Nodding slightly, Satania made an inviting gesture and said in a deep voice: "Delicious pineapple buns, do you want to order them too?" "

"Since you can make such a solemn recommendation from the Generalissimo, let me see the most perfect cuisine in the world..."

Little Bird You Liuhua sat down next to Satania, put down the black automatic umbrella in her hand, and quickly ordered a dish...

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