The moment the system turns on.

In addition to offering a starter pack.

The stall locations are also randomly screened.

Engetsu Gakuen, Toyonozaki Gakuen, Aichi Symbiosis Gakuen...

At that time, the system interface jumped too fast.

Chu Feng could only remember a few familiar places.


This is not the everyday world of food he imagined.

There are even armed girls who draw knives and cut people at every turn.

It is also unlikely to be normal.

Shaking your head to distract from distractions.

The world is not normal, and Chu Feng has no relationship with half a dime.

Now he just wants money.

Otherwise, you'll have to sleep in a fast food truck tonight.

It doesn't taste good.

As for how to attract customers?

Born in an orphanage, he began to find ways to support himself as a teenager, and Chu Feng also had some experience in setting up stalls.

What is the most important thing about food?

Scent, of course.

As long as the taste is fragrant enough.

Always attract one or two 'rich people'.

So he had to make some 'samples' first.

The fast food truck is amazing, even the cabinet has a fresh-keeping function, and there is no fear of spoilage of ingredients and dishes at all.

Next to the baking pan, there are two square grids.

One compartment contained boiling hot water, while the other contained ice cubes.

Scoop a spoonful of octopus cubes, blanch in boiling water, and chill the water slightly.

Put some octopus meat in each compartment of the baking pan and cover with a layer of chopped cabbage.

The alluring scent gradually rises, and with the breeze, it drifts into everyone's noses.

"So fragrant!"

"Fresh and refreshing mixed together, this smell..."

"There is not a hint of seafish, only the pure smell of octopus and the freshness of cabbage."

"How did he do it? Are the current roadside stall owners so high in terms of cooking? "

"He managed to arouse the interest of the old woman, but unfortunately the price is a bit expensive..."

"The little brother looks so good, it doesn't seem impossible to do it 10,000 times."

"Oh... What strange thing seems to have mixed in just now? "

"Give me a takoyaki that smells delicious."

"Groove! Is there really a fool willing to be the head of the wrong? Shocked Xiaoye for a hundred years! "

"Huh? Let me see which fool it is... No, I'm sorry Senior Sister, the fool who was shocked for a hundred years just now has nothing to do with me. "

"Hiss~~ Your kid is dead, even this senior sister dares to taunt..."

In the crowd of discussions,

A beautiful figure walked to the window of the food truck.

A shawl with long blood-red hair

The delicate face is slightly covered by slanted bangs.

The golden pupils reflect an inexplicable luster

The smiling pear swirls look beautiful.

Kobayashi gentian!

The second seat of the Ten Masters of the Far Moon.

A gourmet who specializes in cooking rare ingredients.

Chu Feng, who had already seen "Halberd Spirit", naturally recognized the girl in front of him.

Beautiful, in good shape, likes to cook, prefers travel adventures....

Such a girl, it is difficult for him not to remember.

But I didn't expect that my first guest was her.

But if you think about it, it doesn't seem to be a surprise.

Kobayashi gentian itself is a foodie who likes to taste food everywhere.

During the Moon Festival, more than 100 shops were eaten.

Now I can't help but come over and try it, it seems to be reasonable.

However, the onlookers of Yuanyue students exploded.

Especially the second-year high school student who called himself 'Xiaoye' just now, his face was even more full of horror.

He didn't pay attention to the people around him at all, and his eyes were all on the food truck owner.

I never expected that the first 'wronged head' would be the famous gentian senior sister.

This is a rumored terrifying woman who tears crocodiles and picks pythons alive, standing at the top of the food chain.

'If you accidentally taunt her, will you have a way to live in the future?' ’

I think of many rumors about violent seniors.

He shivered for no reason, ready to slip away quietly.

Xiaolin Gentian naturally won't go to the trouble of a certain junior.

She had quietly remembered the junior's appearance just now.

In the future, take time and find a reason to have a fair meal with the other party to show the care of the senior sister for the junior.

Xiaolin Gentian can swear that she definitely does not have the slightest idea of bullying, but simply likes to compete with her junior.

However, now most of her attention was focused on Chu Feng.

I have to say that the young stall owner in front of him, who looks only about twenty years old, is indeed very good-looking.

The short hair looks full of spirit, refreshing while retaining the handsome sense of fashion trend.

Xiaolin Gentian likes to watch movies when he has nothing to do, and the stars who admire the Dragon Kingdom the most are Yanzu and Yu Yan.

The boy in front of him is similar to them, with a face shape suitable for any hairstyle, and does not affect his appearance at all.

The clean face is very serious, and the 'moisture' sound made on the baking pan does not affect the other party's movements at all.

The bamboo skewer gently picks up the semi-finished takoyaki in the mold, spreads a layer of batter underneath, turns it over and covers it again....

One after another, fast enough to fly.

The whole set of actions flowed smoothly, as if it was natural, without the slightest mistake.

Kobayashi Gentian secretly marveled.

Watch each other make this incredibly simple roadside snack.

She even gave birth to a breathtaking sense of beauty in her heart.

It's as if a top chef is cooking the best meal.

"Good craftsmanship of the owner!"

Kobayashi Gentian praised with a smile.

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth rose, but he did not respond.

You can't boast about your cooking skills.

We are also systematic people.

Fundamentals don't go six.

The takoyaki in the mold has been basically set.

Sprinkle with a layer of chopped green onion and minced onion

The fragrance suddenly became more intense.

Remove the plates from the upper cabinet

Spread the bottom of the plate with a thick layer of sauce.

Then Chu Feng shot out like electricity.

Bamboo skewers are strung together with small balls in the mold and neatly arranged on plates.

A serving of six takoyaki, no more and no less.

"Your takoyaki, please use it slowly!"

After saying this, Chu Feng closed the oven, continued the process just now, and fiddled with four more portions.

Unlike other snacks, takoyaki has a crispy crust that effectively retains the heat inside.

For at least fifteen minutes, the taste will not be affected much.

Besides, if it really can't be sold, Chu Feng still has a fresh-keeping box.


PS: Collection, flowers, reviews!

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