'Fierce Bull Green Dragon Slash, Lin-level secret technique?'

Chu Feng found that the secret techniques and skills were different.

It is divided into five levels: advanced, special, lin, dragon and god.

The skill level can be increased, but the secret skill is fixed.

The power of the secret technique is closely related to the strength of the user.

'I wonder what kind of effect I can achieve now?'


Chu Feng thought out of his mind and decided to find an opportunity to get a cow to try.


A voice strong enough to pull into the small dark room sounded.

I saw Akane Kubo Momo's bright eyes widened.

His cheeks bulged slightly, and a small hand desperately grasped 'Butch' under the board.

Butch is a bear doll.

"What's going on?"

Chu Feng's brows frowned slightly.

This girl won't want to vomit, right?

The noodles we made are so delicious, you actually want to vomit?

What do you mean, you came to smash my signboard, right?

Kobayashi Gentian was slightly stunned, but quickly reacted, put down his chopsticks and gently patted Akane Kubo Momo's back.


Dare to choke ah~

Almost didn't scare Lao Tzu to death~

Chu Feng was a little skeptical of life just now, and almost thought that something was wrong with his face.

"Little peaches slow down, don't swallow dates like children. "

Xiao Lin Gentian forced a smile, and the hand that slapped couldn't help but become a little heavier.


Akane Kubo's big eyes almost bulged.

Just slowed down, almost didn't beat her overnight meal.

"Stop stop stop ~~ Little peach is going to be angry!"

Akane Kubo Momo looked very unhappy.


Kobayashi Dragon's smile was a little embarrassed.

"Little peach, don't be angry, if you want to blame, blame Boss Chu's noodles are too delicious, my sister forgot to control the strength for a while. "

"Hiccup ~ don't call yourself sister, little peach is the same age as you... Hiccup ~~ Xiao Lin Zi is not cute at all now. "

Akane Kubo burped twice in a row, glared at her best friend in dissatisfaction, and then stared at the remaining half bowl of noodles.

I really want to keep eating.

But her little belly didn't seem to fit it.

The two girls who are one big and one small are bickering, which is still very pleasing to the eye.

Just suddenly pulled on himself, Chu Feng felt inexplicable.

The noodles I make are delicious, and can you still make you unable to control yourself?

Find a reason is so lame, really worthy of you, raw Xiaolin gentian.

At this time, the famous second seat of the far moon was squinting, and Yu Guang stared at the only half bowl of noodles left in front of Akane Kubo Momo.

Her share has been wiped out, not even a drop of soup left, even if her stomach is already very swollen, she still looks unfinished.

Akane Kubo glanced at her best friend warily, and finally picked up the hand that pulled 'Butch', and the two small hands tightly protected her bowl.

"Little Peach, you look like this, you will lose my ~~"

"Heh, don't hit me with the idea of this half bowl of noodles, if you still want to, go to Boss Chu~~"

"Forget it, I ate enough today. "

"I regret going to eat Baumkuchen~~"


Talking and talking.

Akane Kubo Momo and Kobayashi Gentian both had a look of remorse on their faces.

Now Akane Kubo Momo has fully approved of Chu Feng's cuisine.

This bowl of perfect six shrimp noodles alone.

She knew she couldn't make it.

Even if you call Xiao Yingzi, who is the first seat of the ten masters...

It is also impossible to do it.

Simple ingredients, ordinary seasonings, the production process is not difficult.

But both Kobayashi Gentian and Akane Kubo Momo have been simulated several times in their minds.

Can't do it ~

Impossible to do~

At least in their past perceptions, no one could be so flawless and flawless.

"So, Boss Chu's cooking level should be far beyond Seven Stars, right?"

I saw Akane Kubo Momo holding on to eat the last half of the bowl of noodles.

Kobayashi looked up, a smile appeared on his face, and looked curiously at the man in the fast food truck.

Chu Feng just smiled and said nothing.

How does he answer this?

You can't tell each other you're just a seven-star chef.

Anyway, no one believes the truth, it's better to pretend to be profound.

Kobayashi Gentian asked no more.

I already have the 'answer' in my heart.

You can make the perfect dish at will, and Chu Feng's star rating must be very high, maybe it has reached nine stars.

"Hiccup ~~"

Akane Kubo started hiccup again.

No way, the small belly is too protruded, not burping is uncomfortable.

Little Butch had already stuffed Xiao Lin Gentian to her, and she sat quietly on the stool, her two small hands constantly rubbing her stomach.

Neither of them left, ready to take a break.

Xiao Lin Gentian kept talking to Chu Feng.

Most of the time it's her who is talking.

Chu Feng prefers to be a qualified listener.

It's just that during this time, Yu Guang swept towards the two girls from time to time.

No hint!

There is neither a '+?' nor a draw skill.

Two 'non-chiefs'!

Chu Feng subconsciously ignored it.

Yesterday, Xiaolin Gentian brought him top knife skills.

Don't you think 10,000 is a bit expensive?"

A cold voice sounded in the ears of the three.

Chu Feng and the others turned their heads at the same time.

A tall purple-haired girl with delicate facial features was seriously looking at the LCD screen on the food truck.

Perhaps she is wondering: why are people still patronizing such expensive noodles?

The girl wears a loose kimono, but it is difficult to hide her excellent figure.

With a white oak knife on his waist, he has a bit of heroism in his intellect.

Chu Feng saw that the girl was a little familiar, but he couldn't think of which part it came from.

Just about to say something, who knew that Xiaolin Gentian took the lead and helped him:

Such a good dish, the asking price of 100,000 is not expensive!"

Akane Kubo nodded her little head with deep empathy, and then lowered her head and continued to rub her belly.

It's so full~ I won't be able to sleep tonight, right?

With a comfortable and satisfied expression on her face, Little Peach began to think cranky.

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