Chapter 205 Beef with Spicy Sauce, Xiaohui's support group!!

There was a strange fragrance in the venue.

Not surprisingly.

Kohei Sojin was the first to serve the dish.

Uncover the lid in front of five beautiful judges.

Stacks of thick and even slices of beef are neatly placed on plates.

"Kohiriryu secret sauce beef, please taste!"

Kohei Sojin is very messy, one-handed spread.

The slightly smiling face was full of confidence.

"It's the first time I've seen beef with charred sauce on the surface, so I have to taste it."

Leonora, who was elegantly demeanor, gently picked up her chopsticks and directly pinched a piece of the meat of the beef white-haired Cindy Laila beef.

Although Kohei Sojin is not too thin.

But under the light, it still looks like a layer of light red tulle. There is no fullness of ordinary beef, only the extreme tenderness. At the judges' table, Leonora was the first to try it.

The mouth is both a slightly spicy feeling.

A tingling on the tip of the tongue.

The sudden feeling is less offensive.

"Medicinal pepper!?"

Who is Leonora?

Not only the Minister of the Tsuki Institute for International Studies.

He is also the first chef to be promoted to nine stars with molecular cuisine.

At the same time, he is also a representative of Nordic molecular gastronomy and dream food research.

With her such a superb level, she naturally instantly judged the source of the spiciness.

Medicated peppers are not chili peppers.

It is a kind of Zanthoxylum peppercorn that specializes in medicine. Compared to other similar hemp.

The hemp smell of medicinal peppers is not strong.

Instead, it has a slight spicy taste.


Dry Hinatako, who took a sip, laughed and continued, "You sprinkle a little pepper powder evenly while roasting beef under high pressure flames, right?" "

I didn't expect that using only this kind of spice could give the whole dish a spicy taste.

Mizuhara Fuyumi nodded slowly, and said expressionlessly: "I owe you can come up with the fresh aroma of white hair Cindilella beef with medicinal peppers." "

"The taste of star anise, pepper fennel and other spices, combined with the aroma of the beef itself, is indeed eye-catching."

Dry Hinata and Mizuhara Fuyumi's affirmation.

Immediately, Kohei Chuangzhen's confidence increased.

An irrepressible joy could not help but appear between his eyebrows.

But then Kadosaki's words were not as good as the previous two.

"The matching of materials is a bit like Boss Chu's marinated pig's trotters, but the fusion of ingredients and spices is 108,000 li behind. Your dish only brings out the three layers of spicy, floral and meaty flavors, far from exerting the limits of these ingredients..."


Kohei Sojin looked confused.

Compare this secret sauce beef dish with Boss Chu's dish? You're really thinking too much of me!

The expression on Kohei Sojin's face was a little crotch-pulling.

I wanted to complain, but I didn't dare.

It's not just because Kadosaki is a judge for this final.

Anyone who faces that 'fierce and evil' face, and gaze that seems to be about to eat people.........

It is estimated that no one has the courage to express a right opinion.

Kohei Sojin admitted it very sincerely, and stood in place without saying a word.

"Senior Sister Taki, although Kohei-san's cooking is not perfect in some places, he can achieve this level at his age, it is already very powerful..."

Mukuchi Yuanguo, who is beautiful in heart and has a sweet voice, solved Kohei So's real embarrassment in time.

Everyone is a group of friends, and they can't watch the senior sister make the junior brother unable to get off the stage, Mu Jiu Zhiyuanguo smiled sweetly and continued: "At his age, we can't cook such a dish." "

The oil queen color was planted all over the area, and then muttered a word.

"Hmph~~ I didn't say that he did a bad job, and we didn't have a dream ingredient to try at that time."

In fact, Kadosaki Taki has no bad intentions.

It's just that I feel that Kohei Chuangzhen is a little deliberately imitating Chu Feng's cooking, and he is slightly unhappy.

Of course she knows it.

This is not an imitation.

After all, Kohei Sojin had never eaten the marinated pig's trotters that day.

The other party just listened to the description of the group of friends, and figured out a little fur on his own.

This imagination alone beyond his peers has already amazed Kadosaki

However, Kadosaki Taki, who has a fierce personality and has been quite obsessed with corporal punishment since his student days, has never been good at praising others.

Plus he hasn't forgotten Chu Feng's taste of braised pig's trotters yet.

The materials used by Kohei Sojin are very similar to it.

Kadosaki Taki naturally subconsciously compared the two.

The result can be imagined~

The braised pig's trotters of the fast food truck at least throw off the sauce beef of Kohei Sojin on several continents.

But overall, the dish was well received by the five judges....

"The transfer student is so powerful? The judges spoke highly of it! "

"The first time you made a dish with dream ingredients, you can do this, and this guy really has two brushes."

"The special way of incorporating spicy into beef has not destroyed the original taste of the meat, which is indeed a bit powerful."

"Sure enough, beef with spicy sauce is yyds~"

", don't promote your ideas again~"

"I just want to know now, Xiaohui's light pot of beef soup."

"Is there any chance of victory?"

"It is estimated that it is a little difficult, and it is difficult to produce a rich taste when the beef is roasted in clear soup."

"Don't look at the judges who can't seem to look at the triple texture of sauce beef, but many of our students, even if they use ordinary ingredients, can't make such a complex taste..."

"Do you want the transfer student to win the final championship? It's unpleasant just to think about it! "

"Xiaohui, come on, you must not lose to this megalomaniac."

Smell the faint spicy smell wafting from the center.

The atmosphere in the audience climbed to the extreme at this time.

Many of Mr. Tasuso's supporters shouted.

Especially the group of middle-aged men and women in the southeast corner had the loudest voice, and they almost beat the gong and drum

This group of people is from Fukuda Prefecture, Hokkaido, a small seaport city that is not wrong~

They are all from Tiansho's hometown.

A woman standing in front with a single ponytail and dressed in white.

It is Tansho's mother.

The Yuanyue Gakuen autumn selection will not only be attended by the teachers and students of the school, but also by celebrities from all walks of life and the families of the participants.

It's clear.

This group of fishermen and housewives responded.

It was specially made to cheer Xiaohui up.

Futian County is a small place.

There have never been any celebrities.

The only famous one in the past hundred years.........

Maybe it's Tasho's grandfather who is good at hanging cutting. I was able to reach the finals in the fall selection of Far Moon Gakuen. Tashoe has already started the history of Futian Prefecture.

Such a genius came out of his hometown.

How can simple villagers wait for news at home? So~

A strange support regiment was born.

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