Chapter 207 Engetsu Academy, the New Golden Generation!!


"Lying groove~ I heard it right, Tasuo Megumi has already touched the threshold of the kitchen's heart."

"She's just in the first grade, and now fifteen or sixteen-year-old students are so fierce?"

"It seems that Sister Tiansho is stable, and the champion has no suspense!"

"Xiaohui is mighty, the next ten masters will have a place for her."

"You said a nonsense, the autumn selection was originally to select ten masters candidates."

"In my opinion, Xiaohui's current strength is not weaker than Shijie!"

"People have to die more than people, I have been in Yuanyue for six years, and now I am about to graduate, and I still haven't figured out what a chef heart is?"

"Who is not, this thing all depends on understanding, now dry words into one sentence, I just want to say Xiaohui bull!"

"Come on, it's not because of Boss Chu's cooking, otherwise how could she be so fierce, it's like taking medicine."

"If you can't get grapes, say grape sour, it's not that the two of us haven't eaten in the fast food truck, it's different and has no effect."

"Not quite, I have improved my planting a little now, and the survival rate of the vegetables I planted has also increased a lot."

"E~ don't mention this, or you will go to farm after graduation, anyway, our vegetables are more expensive."

Words from five judges.

Instantly made the whole venue boil.

Chef Heart!

For most students in Yuanyue, it is an unattainable 'noun', some of whom have three years of junior high school and three years of high school.

Now they're all graduating.

I didn't even touch the shadow of this thing.

Integrate your heart and emotions into your dishes and make you feel your heart

Simple to say.

It's hard to do.

This kind of mysterious thing depends on understanding.

It can only be understood beyond words.

If you understand, you will understand.

No one can pass on their experience.

That's why.

That's why these students are so excited.

However, I am also more convinced of the magic of Chu Feng's cuisine.

Although this kind of thing is about luck.

Even if you eat food truck dishes.

It may not be able to advance by leaps and bounds like Tasho Megumi.

But people.

Just like gamblers.

Always with a fluke mentality.

What if you get lucky enough to win the jackpot?

Anyway, the enthusiasm of the students for the food truck was high again.

VIP lounge on the second floor.

"I didn't think Xiaohui was so powerful, and now Duba Jing has touched the heart of the cook."

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning was the first to speak.

It is enough to explain the shock in her heart at this time.

After all, she in the sixth seat of the Ten Jie has not yet realized this aspect.

"Yes, Xiaohui's luck has always been good."

Kume Teruki's tone was a little melancholy.

was actually compared by a junior high school girl.

Xiang Xinxin, he suddenly gave birth to a sense of frustration.

Come to think of it.

Kume Teruki couldn't help but sigh.

"So~ why don't I have such good luck?"

During this time, he did not patronize Chu Feng's business.

Why does it always feel that progress is not so obvious? Isn't it right to eat yourself?

Or is it too far away from Boss Chu when eating, and there is no luck bonus? Teruki Kume tilted his head and thought cranky.

Next time, do you want to take the position in front of the frame first? Kobayashi Gentian unceremoniously interrupted his fantasy.

"Just you, a great ape who has not fully evolved, still want to be as lucky as Xiaohui?"

Kobayashi Gentian struck unceremoniously.

JiuI Teruki's face was full of resentment, and he dared to be angry and did not dare to believe it.

Se Hui glanced at the depressed Jiu I Zhaoji, and said with a smile: "You guys say, the next ten masters, how many can Xiaohui rank?" "

"I should be able to enter the top seven, after all, it touches the realm of the chef's heart, and I can't find a way out for a long time."

Akane Kubo Momo did not hesitate to give the hairy boy another critical blow.

After all, it happened to be the eighth seat.

Akane Kubo Momo, who has a little black belly, simply said that the other party is now inferior to Tasho

Kume Teruki depressed +1!

"Senior Sister Tao is a little conservative, Xiaohui's level can at least enter the top five, after all, the realm of me and Ning Ning is still a little worse."

Isshiki smiled and said what he thought.

Xiao Lin Gentian glanced at the 'well-dressed' squint, and then said angrily: "Come on, don't pretend to be weak in front of everyone, your level of this guy is not much lower than ours." "

Her level has surpassed that of the Sz.

But he knows very well that this junior who likes to hide.

Sehui's strength.

It can definitely rank in the top five of this year's top ten masters.

That's right!

After the baptism of Boss Chu's cooking.

In the last two private discussions, Xiaolin Gentian outperformed Si Yingshi without suspense

It's just about to graduate.

The two did not open their halberds.

The current ranking remains unchanged.

Face the fierce gentian senior sister.

Isshiki only dared to shake his head and smile bitterly.

In fact, for Kobayashi Gentian and others.

Touching the threshold of the chef's heart is not too shocking.

After all, most of the ten masters are in this realm.

Fortunately, the most they were surprised by the speed of Tian Suhui's progress, and several people who sighed at each other soon stopped continuing the topic.

Instead, start guessing what the food truck will sell tomorrow? After all, Chu Feng only released dishes that morning.

Guess the new dish.

It has become an entertainment for members of the food group. Eizan Edatsu was also alone in the corner. It always felt out of place with the atmosphere.

He also really wanted to join the discussions.

Unfortunately, no one wanted to deal with him.

VIP lounge on the third floor.

Erina looked at the big screen in surprise. Just look at the thick white shiitake roast beef. She couldn't appreciate the taste of the dish.

But the evaluation of Onoyingla and others.

Or let her imagine a little.

Several simple ingredients blend together harmoniously.

"Unexpectedly, Xiaohui really did it."

In front of the floor-to-ceiling window, Erinai couldn't help but sigh.

Alice nodded again and again in agreement: "Yes, she is really powerful." "

Then, the eccentric girl turned her head to look at Xianzuoweimon and said with a smile: "Grandpa, you guessed wrong this time." "

Apparently, she remembers the prediction before the start of the game.

Now it seems that Chu Feng's eyesight is better.

"It seems that the old man's vision is not as good as Boss Chu." Xianzuoemon smiled, not caring about his granddaughter's ridicule at all. "

His gaze still fell on the petite blue-haired girl on the big screen.

It's like looking at a piece of jade that has gradually carved into shape.

"It's really scary, this autumn selection also opened the eyes of the old man."

After a pause, Xianzuoweimon continued: "But all this is still thanks to Boss Chu, without you, this child would not have made such great progress. "

Eight finalists were selected this fall.

Except for Ryo Hayama and Takme.

Almost all of them have eaten food trucks.

Although Kurokiba Ryo only tasted a soul calming noodle after the preliminary round.

But it's also eaten!?

Senzoemon is clear.

Including Alice and Erina.

This group of children can grow up so quickly, and they can't do without Chu Feng's help.

This moment~

This elderly Yuanyue commander-in-chief~

It is as if we have seen a new golden age of salaries coming.

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