Chapter 216 IGO coming, Wu brothers and sisters messed in!!

"One punch kills, the death time is no more than fifteen minutes, and only the most essential part is removed?"

"It seems that the person who killed the demon snake can't look at the rest of the meat at all."

A short-haired blonde woman of about twenty-four or five years old, with healthy wheat-colored skin, looked extremely solemn.

"Merrisman, you can't be mistaken, right? This is the demon snake, killed by someone with a punch? "

The blue-haired man with three scratches on his left face said in disbelief.

"Ah, how many times have you said that you want to call me Lord Merisman."

The woman with short bright blonde hair glared at Ah Yu dissatisfied.

The standard melon seed still had a little disgust on his face.

There is also a seductive black mole on the side of the bright red lip.

The black tights.

It completely outlines her explosive body.

"Ha~~ We are about the same age, let me call it that, doesn't it seem that you are very old?"

Ah Yu snorted.

He is not an IGO person, and certainly will not meet Merissman's requirements.

It's just that~

Looking at the demon snake with its head shattered and a piece of flesh missing from its back and abdomen.

His face gradually became solemn.

Devil Serpent!

Capture level 21!

Kill such fantastic creatures in one punch. Even if you cast autophagy firepower.

Ah Yu asked himself that he couldn't do it.

"It seems that ~Ice Hell is coming a very powerful guy~~"

"Ah, Ah, what if we run into 'him'?"

Xiao Matsu, who was short in size, suddenly became nervous.

He is just an eight-star chef with almost no combat power.

"Don't worry, I will protect you when the time comes!"

Ah Yu patted Komatsu's shoulder.

That being said.

But he didn't have any bottom in his heart.

Merisman saw the nervous Komatsu and gave Ah Yu a blank look

If it weren't for this guy's insistence on bringing this burden, otherwise he wouldn't have come to Ice Hell

She would not agree to an eight-star chef with no combat power joining her team

He glanced back at the middle-aged man and blonde girl hanging at the back of the line

Merismann came from sorrow, and suddenly felt helpless.

Why do people who invite this time always like to bring 'drag oil bottles'?

The middle-aged man with a kokuji face wears a loose kimono with a katana hanging from his waist.

Just standing in place is like a sharp sword. The girl with medium and long blonde hair didn't look very old.

A pair of scarlet eyes without any emotion.

At this time, he stared expressionlessly at the corpse of the demon serpent.

What is even more speechless is the girl holding a long knife in her hand.

To come to the ice hell wearing only a gothic skirt is simply looking for death.

Merisman shook his head secretly, not bothering to care about this group of unreliable teammates.

The world of gastronomy has suddenly changed.

Space No. 5, which had been controlled by the Gourmet Club in the past, expanded dramatically.

This is something IGO did not expect.

But because of that.

Merisman, who is closest to the location of the spatial aberration, has the opportunity to sneak in here.

And the master she can contact the fastest. Only Ashi and Narugami Tadakatsu are nearby.

Narugami Tadakatsu!

The pill self-manifestation flow is the strongest. The head of the Narugami clan.

Another blonde girl.

It is his daughter Narugami Toraharu.

I heard that he is the strongest genius that the pill self-manifestation has ever seen.

"Let's go, Century Soup, you can't let others get ahead."

Merissmann looked serious and strode into one of the caves. Ah Yu followed, followed by Komatsu and Father Naru. Everyone didn't ask IGO how it knew where the soup of the century was.

Just like Merris had a way to enter Space 5 door.

People from food clubs and other organizations also have the ability to sneak into other spaces.


Although each space door has a corresponding fixed coordinates. But it is possible that it is also in the same area as it is adjacent to it. For example, IGO's No. 1 space gate 1 is the Tiandescending Islands.

And all the way to the north, is the Ice Continent.

As the food world continues to merge with the real world. The previously closed area has gradually opened. Gradually breaking the pattern of the gastronomic world.


This vast world will be fully revealed to humanity.

The other side.

A man and two women were also scurrying around in the dark cave.

The man has short hair and a hideous face, and looks like a humanoid monster.

He was shirtless, and his muscles were like black iron, covered with dense scars.

The other two girls have similar faces, long and short black hair, both rare beauties.

The short-haired girl carried a sniper rifle on her back and carefully followed the man.

It is clear that he is in an extremely dangerous place, but he has to speed up his pace.

"Wu Lei'an, you madman, why did the old lady follow you into this ghost place?"

Wu Feng Shui don't mention how depressed.

Originally, the three siblings were going to participate in the boxing wish competition.

Now you should be standing on the deck of a luxury cruise ship heading to an island in the Pacific Ocean and enjoying the tranquil sea breeze.

In fact, Wu Feng Shui also enjoyed such treatment for a few minutes.

Who knew that the cracks that suddenly appeared on the sea level aroused Wu Lei'an's curiosity. This guy with a strange personality and impatience actually jumped directly into it.

Wu Lei An.

Even in the Wu family, it is an abnormal existence.

Not only powerful, but also cruel and belligerent.

At the same time, he is also the main force of the Wu family to participate in this boxing competition.

Although he was speechless about Wu Lei'an's impulse.

But Hao Gang is also Wu Feng Shui's own brother.

So 100 she subconsciously pulled Wu Jialouluo and jumped into the mouth that suddenly appeared.

And then~

Wu Jia Louluo, who looked confused, found himself in the crystal clear iceberg.

Wu Lei'an ran towards the depths of the iceberg with a look of excitement.

"Wu Lei'an, this idiot, one day I will kill you!"

The dagger pierces a bug that comes out of nowhere.

Wu Jia Louluo shouted and cursed, and quickly retreated to the side.


The injured bug exploded directly, no less powerful than a small bomb. If it weren't for Wu Jia Louluo's fast flash, this one would have hurt her.

In fact.

This isn't the first time she's encountered this explosive bug.

Wu Jialouluo, who had eaten a sullen loss, did not dare to let the explosive insects get close at all.

With a gray face, she always paid attention to the situation around her, while staring viciously at Wu Lei'an's back.

All blame this damn guy!

It was only then that their group would fall into this danger.

The strange creatures that could emerge from the pitch-black cave at any time had already made her and Wu Feng Shui overwhelmed.

Fortunately, there have not been any fantasy creatures that have exceeded level ten.

If there are more advanced monsters here.........

Wu Jia Lou Luo was not sure to get out alive.

This moment.

She hated her reckless cousin.

Pictured: Narugami Toraharu, from the short knife girl!

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