Chapter 218 Ravaging the Ice Plain Dragon, isn't this nonsense?!!

"Such superb combat skills, it seems that we all underestimated him a little. "

Staring at the battle not far away, Thor had a hint of surprise in his tone.

Dragons are born with strong physique and magical magic.

There is no need to develop other skills, and you are not good at it.

When encountering a powerful enemy, just open a big move to draw A.

The fighting skills displayed by Yujiro Vanma really amaze the dragon, but only that.

Chu Feng did not have any surprises, and said with a smile: "People who dare to walk in the ice hell naturally have some skills. "

Yujiro Vanma's strength was all in his expectation

It's just that the other party's moves are natural, as if they have become the instinct of the body.

Chu Feng said that he couldn't learn.

Yujiro Fan kept dodging in the air.

The ice field dragon roared angrily.

The forelimbs and tail are constantly waving into the air.

But he was never able to touch the small creature in front of him. Yujiro Fanma's movements are definitely not dexterous.

More than two meters tall, close to half a ton of weight.

He was destined to not be able to dodge all attacks as easily as Chu Feng.

But for the Icefield Dragon, it is a relatively narrow space.

Every time he jumped and landed, it seemed to have been carefully calculated, and every time it was just right.

This man is by no means embarrassed, and every dodge is accompanied by the next attack.

Whether it is punches and feet, or the use of body collisions, they have exerted their strength to the extreme.

Watching Yujiro Fan Ma's performance is like enjoying a visual feast full of violence.

He undoubtedly developed human fighting skills to the limit.


The angry Ice Field Dragon began to roar, and the cry sounded a little sharp, and it seemed to be a little panicked and uneasy.

"It's calling companions. "

Connor glanced at the behemoth in front of him, and his tone was extremely flat.

"Connor-chan, it's time for us to strike. "

Not far away came the roar of the earth.

Thor still had a faint smile on his face.

Two icefield dragons just appeared around the corner of the cave. Thor and Connor had shot out like sharp arrows. Chu Feng hugged his chest with both hands, still having no intention of making a move.

The two dragon maidens will not change their bodies.

It's enough to hang a big lizard with the 'name of the dragon'....

"There is a battle ahead!"

Feeling the shaking of the earth, Ah Yu looked sharply overhead.

Then hold Komatsu under his armpit and dodge falling rocks and ice blocks.

"It's such a big movement, it seems that the monster level in the deepest part of the hell iceberg is not low. Merisman deftly dodged a boulder, his short blonde hair fluttering in the wind. "

If you look closely, you can see that every time she moves, she is towards the deepest part of the cave.

Narugami Tadakatsu and Narugami Toraharu dodged the falling object expressionlessly.

It is really impossible to avoid it, and the katana in his hand is enough to split a cracked stone.

"It seems that the person who killed the Demon Great Snake has finally encountered an evenly matched opponent. "

Narugami Tadakatsu's face was solemn, and while smashing the falling stones, those eyes never left the front hole.

Narugami Toraharu had an evil smile on his face, and his scarlet eyes stared at the backs of Merisman and Ayu.

"Father, let them go to the lead first?"

The evil smile flashed away, and when Narugami Toraharu spoke again, his expression was already innocent.

"Good daughter, how can you say such a thing? Lord Merisman is a good friend of our Narugami family. "

Narugami Tadakatsu was a little displeased, but the speed of his advance did not change, and he was still far behind.


Narugami Toraharu suddenly wanted to laugh a little.

His father is really as cold-blooded as ever.


The word never appears in Narugami Tadakatsu's dictionary.

This one is to create the 'strongest work'.

A man who does not hesitate to give birth to a child through marriage between close relatives.

Come to think of it~

Narugami Toraharu couldn't help but think of his sister who was far away in the Aiji Symbiosis Academy.

I don't know about Inaba Moon Night, who holds the title of the strongest work......... Is there any growth now?

It had been a long time since she had seen her half-sister.

It seems that I will have to find time to go to the symbiosis school in the future.

As for the dangerous hell iceberg......... Narugami Toraharu did not have the slightest fear. Although powerful creatures abound here.

But she's confident in her speed.

"Yujiro Fanma!"

As soon as they entered the huge cave, Father Naruto and his daughter heard Merrisman's words.

The man known as the strongest creature on the surface?"

Narugami Tadakatsu stopped, obviously a little surprised.

Ah Yu walked towards the rock where Merisman was hiding and muttered in a low voice: "I have heard this name, it is said that he was once an invincible existence in the fighting world, but even if it is him, it is impossible to kill the demon snake in one punch, right?"

Food hunters and the martial arts world have never crossed.

Ah Yu did not know the strength of Yujiro Vanma.

But as a veteran food hunter.

He was well aware of the horror of the Great Demon Serpent.

Ah Yu had never heard of it.

Who can kill fantasy creatures with a level of more than 20 in one move.

Until carefully walked to Merisman's side.

He didn't get any response.


Merisman doesn't need to say anything more now.

The scene in front of him had already made Ah Yu's mouth open wide.

I saw that in the vast cave, a red-haired man was fighting fiercely with the ice field dragon

There is no doubt that this person is the legendary Yujiro Vanma in the martial arts world.

At this time, he vaguely gained the upper hand.

If nothing else, it should be able to defeat the Icefield Dragon.


The other two 'battlefields'.

But it made the determined Ah Yu tremble.

That can no longer be called a battle.

Rather, it is a one-sided ravage.

The crushed party.

It was the ice field dragon that Ayudu was afraid of.

And the level 55 ice field dragon pressed to the ground and beat violently......... It's just two girls!

Can you believe it?

If someone had told Ah Yu about this kind of detachment from reality before.

With a violent temper, he definitely slapped the past.

Isn't that?

There has to be a limit to joking.


At this moment~

The absurd scene really happened in front of him.

Among them, the blonde girl in a maid's outfit, looked about sixteen or seventeen years old

The whole person stood on the ice field dragon that had softened into a puddle of mud, and stomped his little foot in dissatisfaction.

It seems to be a little complaining that the other party's strength is too weak, and she has not yet let her have fun.

And the other side.

An even younger girl, probably seven or eight years old.

The pink face is very cute, and the cute appearance is very pleasing.

But it was such a little loli, but in mid-air, a left punch and a right punch constantly hit the jaw of the ice field dragon.

It was as if the other party was a wooden stake standing in place and not moving, allowing her to practice the extremely rough boxing technique.

(⊙△⊙) Ah Yu was directly dumbfounded.

For a while, I was so frightened that I didn't dare to breathe.

Slowly turned his head to look at Merrisman's side face.

This is known as the national treasure of mankind" and has a wealth of knowledge and gastronomic master.

The delicate body began to tremble slightly, and cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

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