Chapter 232 Food Conference Event, Xue Che Thistle and Caibo Chaoyang!!

Food world, pine forest!

Forest of Danger, the headquarters of the Food Club.

Only four people sat at the table full of exotic beast meat. On the first place is an old man wearing a black hat and white hair. Not only is the hair thick, but even the eyebrows are white.

This person is the chief chef of the gourmet club.........

And the other three are the chefs Kulomad, Burnres, and Kalleu.

Kulomad still wears a tall chef's hat and chews weirdly colored bugs in his mouth.

Bernres was tall and had an insect on his head, and he didn't know if it was a living creature or a decoration.

Karyu wears sunglasses and a pointed hat that resembles a bee's tail on his head, and his shape is a bit nondescript.

The four high-level leaders of the gourmet club, other than the president, rarely gather together.

Every time you get together, something big happens.

There was a hint of surprise on the fairly normal face under Karyu's pointed hat.

Then he saw him say in a deep voice: "Chef Doles, is Ji Linbach really dead?"

Until now~

Karian was still a little unconvinced.

Although Ji Lin Bache is only the assistant chef, his strength is not weak. Compared with their chefs, it's just a little worse cooking.

Such people.........

He died in vain.

It was beyond everyone's expectations.


Dorus nodded slowly, and said with a solemn expression: "Yesterday they lost contact with the headquarters, and Bernres personally went to the Ice Continent, and finally found the body of Demon Lynbach in the ice. "

Karian and Kulomad looked at the stout man in unison.

Bernres seemed to feel that the atmosphere was a little dignified, and said half-jokingly: "I think, after the dream creature kills people, it should not bury people in the ice, right?"

"It's not funny at all. "

The corners of Kariu's mouth outlined an arc.

If it weren't for the presence of the chief chef, he would probably have laughed out loud.

Kulomad glanced at the two colleagues who had no heart and no lungs, and said sharply: "Now is not the time to laugh, it is not difficult to see from the wounds on the corpses brought back that the enemy is very strong, almost killing Limbache in seconds, who of you present can do it?"

Kallau and Bernreth were silent for an instant.


None of them have this strength.

"So, who killed Limbache?"

After a moment of silence, Karyu spoke again, his expression much more serious than just now, and it was obvious that he had realized the seriousness of the matter.

"It's not clear. "

Kulomad shook his head and said in a deep voice: "The spatial door has changed, and now there are spatial cracks everywhere in the world, and the expansion of the explorable scope of the food world is also accelerating dramatically. "

"Now not only the Ice Continent, but even the Forest of Danger, there are many people who have strayed into the food world. "

They used to be fixed in the areas that could be explored in the gastronomic world.

Although knowing that these areas are expanding from moment to moment.

But it is not as fast as the naked eye can see now. The scope of the food world has become larger, and the variety of dream ingredients has gradually increased. It should have been a good thing, but now it has made high-level officials from all walks of life anxious.

After all~

The sudden mutation did not give anyone time to prepare at all. The three sous chefs nodded in unison and did not say anything.

Anyway, it's not them who died, what is there to worry about.

Most of the people who are willing to join the food party come for dream ingredients.

They just want to strengthen their own gourmet cells and don't care about anything else.

Dorus didn't expect this group of selfish guys either.

After thinking for a moment, he continued: "The death of Demon Limbache is irreparable, and the only thing we can do now is to clean up the trash fish in the dangerous forest. The headquarters of the gourmet club will never allow outsiders to exist!"

Karyu pouted and suddenly asked, "What about the century soup?"

"The century soup is gone, and only the corpses of three ice field dragons are left at the scene. It was Bernres who answered him. "

Karliu's eyes widened suddenly, and he said in shock: "The three ice field dragons are all dead?

"I don't know, anyway, there is not a drop left of the century soup!"

Bernreth shrugged, and the insect's wings flapped twice

The three deputy chefs were depressed for a while, they had been salivating over the century soup and violently tearing off a piece of meat from the leg of the beast, Doles muttered: "I will inform the president of this matter, you inform the ministers of the six branches, let them pay attention to the trend of the present world, whether anyone has the century soup." "

In fact, Dorus was also very depressed.

Lately, the food festival has been really unfavorable.

First of all, the fifth branch minister Bukiwuz died, and now the deputy chef Ji Limbach is also dead, and the century soup that he has been looking for has also been rushed by... Nothing went well anyway.

Dorus shook his head, his pale beard was windless, and decided to give these things to the guild leader for a headache.

In a villa on the outskirts of Songjing.

The thistle, who has a large back, sits elegantly on the sofa and lifts Erlang's legs, occasionally tossing his toes.

Caibo Chaoyang sat across from him, and he took off the red veil with a faint smile on his face.

"There is news from headquarters that Ji Limbache is dead. "

Tang Che Thistle tapped the arm of the sofa with his fingers and said slowly.

"Huh~ There is a vacancy in the position of assistant chef, don't you plan to fight for it?"

Caibo Chaoyang laughed, not seeming surprised at all.

"We have only been in the food club for a short time, and if we suddenly climb to a high position, sooner or later we will be pulled down. "

Xue Cheji calmed down, and then changed his words: "What's more, my goal is not the position of a deputy chef." "

After looking at the man in front of him for a long time, he smiled and said: "Your ambition really doesn't stop there, but the position of chef or chief chef is not so good to compete." "

"What's more......... You can't even put a single Xue Che family on the table now!"

Caibo Chaoyang's words were sharp, pointing directly at the soft underbelly of the paralyzed thistle.

But the man still looked leisurely, and seemed unmoved at all.

"Who would have thought that the old man hooked up with that Chu Feng?"

"I won't make a rash move until I find out his origins!"

The thistle spoke slowly, as if it was completely lifeless.

Without stimulating the other party, Cai Chaoyang suddenly felt bored, and changed the topic: "But the group of people in the food club is really waste, so close to the ice continent, I haven't looked for the century soup for so many years, and now it has been taken away by others......... You said, the person who killed Ji Lin Baqi and took away the ingredients, could it be Chu Feng?"

He squinted slightly and glanced at the young man on the other side.

Xue Cheji shook his head and said, "Don't worry about ordinary mind, you are not his opponent now." "

He is well aware of Chaoyang's enthusiasm for cooking.

The food demon awakened by the other party is like this, and it seems to be full of greed for it.

"Huh~ You can rest assured of this, I will not easily make risks, I will only slowly look for suitable opportunities, and you don't want to give up the Yuanyue Group, right?"

"That's of course, what belongs to me will be replenished sooner or later." "

The two villains of the halberd talked eloquently.

They all seem to be looking forward to the coming big era of food.

It's just that the two don't know that they have the same bloodline flowing in them...

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