Chapter 235: Snake Yumeko Who Eats Shrimp Without Shelling!!

"So in the eyes of Chu Jun, am I just a guest of the fast food truck?"

An elegant voice sounded in front of the window, and the conspicuous double twisted braid hairstyle suddenly came into Chu Feng's eyes.

"Yes, will grow up?"

Saotome Yari turned back suddenly, and her voice subconsciously trembled.

After two years of enrollment, she is well aware of the horror of this silver-haired woman.

Snake Kaoru Mengzi turned her head slightly, saw Momo Kaoru Luoli wearing a red school uniform and black silk wrapped in long legs, and immediately smiled: "President Momo, you are also here." "

Momoku Qiluoli glanced at the black straight girl sitting in front of the window.

The eyes were slightly complicated, but he didn't say anything more, and sat directly next to the snake Yumeko.

Behind it.

Also followed by the masked Momoku Lilika and Igarashi Qinghua.

There were only five seats in front of the food truck, which happened to be occupied by this group of guys.

The appearance of Momoku Luoli immediately caused a sensation among the nearby students.

No one thought of it.

Distinguished members of the student council came to the cafeteria.

"Will the grown-ups actually come to the cafeteria for fast food?"

"And the vice president and the clerk!"

"Who is the owner of this food truck?"

"Looks like you're familiar with him?"

"How delicious is the crayfish that can be eaten by the president?"

"I remember, he is Chu Feng, the youngest special chef in history?"

"Is he? The grand chef with a proclivity for stalling?"

It is rumored that even the Food Club does not dare to provoke him!"

"Silence, the special chef is not disgraced!"

"No wonder the grown-ups came in a hurry just after twelve..."

"The cuisine of the special chef, I really want to eat it..."

"Twenty-one catties, it's a pity that I lost all the money in the morning." "

"Now that I think about it, the dishes of the special chef only sell for 20,000, which is not expensive at all. "

"How about we go to the student union and borrow some money?"

"Hiss~ borrow money from the student union? interest can scare people to death!"

"Anyway, if you have more debts, you will be pressed, and if you have more fleas, you are not afraid of itching." "

Even if it is reduced to domestic animals in the private Hyakukao Gakuen.

This group of students is also the children of neon elites. Although it is not possible for everyone to pay attention to the culinary world.

But someone always recognized Chu Feng's identity.

A special chef who drives a food truck all day long.

It is estimated that there is only this master under the sky.


The news spread instantly.

Almost the entire cafeteria knew about it. Many people who were preparing to cook left in a hurry.

I should have gone to the student union to borrow money.

In two years, it has become a student union similar to the Polar Organization, of course, with loan services.

Anyone can borrow money from the student union at any time if they need to, but the interest rate is ridiculously high.


Fifty Lan Qinghua frowned, and instantly stood up and drank fiercely, his face was a little unpleasant.

Will grow up to eat here, actually dare to make a noise? ~

The cafeteria instantly fell silent.


The Student Council has absolute authority throughout the school.

Momoji Qiloli glanced at Igarashi Qinghua with satisfaction.

She also doesn't like to be too noisy when eating.

Those beautiful green eyes stared at the fried crayfish.

A layer of oil is attached to the bright red shrimp shell.

The enticing spices of shrimp come to your face.

It's mouthwatering.

"Can you eat?"

Although the arrival of the student council members surprised Saotome Nyaari. But her focus now is always on the food in front of her.

Snake Yumeko also looked expectant.

Look at the dishes that seem to have been completed.

There was a hint of confusion in her eyes.

Finger on chin.

Snake Yumeko tilted her head and said, "Ahhh, why doesn't it smell spicy?"

Saotome Yari was also a little puzzled.

"Because the cooking isn't done yet. "

Chu Feng replied with a smile.

The guys in front of them seem to have never eaten spicy crayfish.

And then~

He started heating the oil.

There is not much oil in the pot, only a little. Sprinkle with a little rock pepper, stir-fry a few times, grab a handful of sliced dried chili peppers and throw them into the pan.

Make chili salt crayfish.

Dried shredded chili peppers should not be fried for too long.

Over time.

The shredded chili pepper will zoom, which will affect the appearance very much.


The ultimate spicy taste rushed into everyone's noses.

Snake Kaoru Yumeko and Saotome and the others were even coughed by this chili smell.

Most of the neon dishes are relatively light.

They rarely experience this spicy taste.

"So spicy!"

Saotome frowned slightly, seemingly not very accustomed to heavy taste.

Snake Yumeko was very interested, and subconsciously licked her lips.

Any feeling that she has never experienced can make her excited... The expressions of the three of Momo, Qi, and Luoli remained unchanged.

I wasn't scared by the spicy taste at all.

Because the person cooking in front of you......... It's Chu Feng!

No matter what this man does, it is the ultimate delicacy.

Anyone who has eaten food trucks will not doubt this.

After two deep frying of the crayfish, put it in the pan.

Stir-fry quickly. Time is short. It is estimated to be only half a minute.

And then~

Two plates of creamy dishes were placed in the snake Yumeko and Saotome Buda, and the back of each crayfish was cracked under the frying and stir-frying.

The oil-red shrimp mixed with cyan salt pepper and black and red chili shreds give it a particularly tempting and spicy flavor.

This dish is full of color and aroma.

Just looking at it is an appetite worker.

Saotome seems to have forgotten that she doesn't like to eat spicy.

Both eyes stared directly at the dish in front of them.

His throat surged twice, and he was about to make a move, but found that the snake Yumeko had already started eating.


A crisp voice sounded in the ears.

Saotome was taken aback.

This guy eats shrimp, but he doesn't peel the shell? Saotome was completely shocked.

"What are you going to eat? Crayfish are going to be shelled?"

A little contemptuous white snake Yumeko glanced.

Saotome Nha Yari was a little embarrassed for her.

It is common sense to eat shrimp and shell them!!


The crisp voice sounded again.

I saw the snake Xuan Mengzi with a dumbfounded and confused expression, and said curiously: "Ah shh~ Why peel the shell?

Saotome couldn't take this at all. Yumeko the snake chewed the food in her mouth. A look of satisfaction suddenly appeared on his pretty face.

Really stupid enough not to know this common sense, but such a fragrant thing, what a pity to peel off.

Anyway, the shrimp shells fried until crispy are not inedible.

The crispy sensation was not only refreshing, but also delicious!

PinYi Pin ~~Hmm~ What a fragrance!

Snake Yumeko's blood-red eyes narrowed completely.

The intoxicated expression on his face gradually became exaggerated.

On the slightly reddened pretty face, the look of satisfaction is almost the same as in the anime...

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