Chapter 255 Chiba Prefecture Inamao coastline, Wen Xin tofu and shredded green pepper meat!!

"Chu Feng, what is this?"

At this moment, Alice's pretty face was full of curiosity.

At the same time, I am very glad that I cheekily begged Boss Chu to take him in.

Otherwise, how would she have the opportunity to see such amazing kitchenware.

I thought that the Eternal Spirit Knife that was several times fresher was already magical enough.

Who knew that there were 'pots' in the world that could be automatically cooked without heating, and the white-haired girl had little stars in her eyes, and she was extremely curious about the origin of these kitchenware

Filling a pot of water again, Chu Feng said with a smile: "Turning dragon pot, a kitchenware that accelerates cooking." "

"Dragon pot?" x2!

Erinai and Alice were at a loss at the same time.

Obviously unfamiliar with the name.

The latter even subconsciously said everything in his heart.

"Where did you buy it?"

The voice just fell.

Alice's white face quickly turned red.

Apparently she also realized that she was a bit silly with this question.

Who would sell such amazing kitchenware?

The dragon pot is a treasure for any chef and cannot easily change hands.

Even if the person selling does not know how to cook, it is estimated that he will have to pay a medical price.

Anyway, Alice is sure that she will definitely not be able to afford it.


Chu Feng laughed and shook his head: "This thing is made of extraterrestrial meteorites, and there are few pieces in the whole world that can't be bought." "

Anyway, there are no small masters in this world.

Legend has it that the origin of kitchenware is not left to him.

Erinai and Alice have to believe if they don't believe it.

Busy times always pass quickly.

After lunch.

A few back and forth to carry the prepared ingredients into the food truck.

Chu Feng took Thor and Alice out.

Today Saturday.

Erinai could only stay at home alone, watching the food truck go away in frustration.

Chiba Prefecture is 25 kilometers from the city of Huangjing.

I walked this road the last time I came to Far Moon Resort.

Chu Feng was familiar with the road.

The road is calm.

The old driver, Chu Feng, drove smoothly and steadily.

The probability of an accident is almost zero.

Alice stayed in the small fast food truck kitchen, watching Chu Feng and Thor flirt from time to time through the small window, and was slightly poured a mouthful of dog food.

Seeing this scene, she couldn't help but envy Thor a little, and she could eat the dishes made by Chu Feng every day.

As interns, she and Erinaka eat at the boss's house.

Ordinary home-cooked side dishes make the sisters feel like they are enjoying a luxurious meal in the hotel.

Perfect taste that still lingers until now.

Subconsciously burping, Alice secretly glanced at the two in the driver's seat

Finding that the other party was also looking at him through the rearview mirror, he suddenly looked away awkwardly and his little face was slightly red.

No way~

The dishes made by Chu Feng were too delicious, Alice unconsciously ate a little more, and now her little stomach is still a little supportive.

Inamao coastline.

ി The terminus from Kyo to Chiba Prefecture.

The exterior wall of the station has a pattern modeled after the waves, and there is a bronze statue of a black cat outside, so it is nicknamed the cat hair coastline.

The food truck stopped smoothly opposite the station.

Behind the stalls is a large supermarket, with queues coming in and out.

As the largest tourist check-in mecca in Chiba Prefecture.

Near the station, there are famous attractions such as a game center, marine park, seaside aquarium, and Asama Shrine.

I heard that the top of the mountain where Asama Shrine is located has a panoramic view of the entire Mt. Fuji.

Chu Feng was not interested in tourism, but he knew that this was definitely a good place to set up a stall.

While Thor and Alice were setting up the tables and chairs, Chu Feng turned on the LCD screen of the food truck.

【Bunshin Tofu / 5,000 yen per piece】

【Shredded green pepper meat / 5,000 yen per piece】Today I have prepared two dishes.

The prices are all 5,000 yen. I didn't dare to decide that it was too cheap. In case you can't crit cashback. He lost a lot today.

Just set up the stall.

Two familiar love shadows appeared in front of the food truck.

Sisters under the snow!

"Yang Nai, such a coincidence?"

Chu Feng was a little surprised, he didn't expect to meet them in Qianye.

With a textbook smile on his face, Yukishita Yang Nai said sweetly: "What's the coincidence, we are waiting for you here!"

Glancing at the extended limousine not far away, Chu Feng immediately reacted.

The Yukinoshita sisters either came here specially to eat his food, or they came to Chiba Prefecture on Saturdays.

"Want something to eat?"

Looking at the short-haired girl in front of him, Chu Feng asked with a smile.

As for Yukishita Xuenai, I'm sorry, Boss Chu is not familiar with her.

"Wen Xin tofu, green pepper shredded meat, how about it?"

While ordering food, Yono did not forget to ask Yukino next to him.

The black long straight girl nodded slowly, but did not dare to look directly into Chu Feng's eyes

The last time I was pulled over by my parents to apologize.

Yukinoshita Yukino already knows the influence of Grand Chef.

It was a terrifying existence where the entire Yukoshita family had to bow their heads when they saw it.

Although she usually says that she doesn't want to rely on her family background, she can do things well by her own ability.

But Yukinoshita Yukino is actually like Spiegel in her heart, when she loses the deterrence of her family, she is just an ordinary high school girl.

Seeing Chu Feng again, Xue Nai felt more fear than embarrassment

Alice took a Fukuzawa ", washed her hands and began to shredded meat

She already knows the ratio of pork and seasoning. Nowadays, only mechanical mixing is required.

Hot oil, stir-fry, and work in one go.

Chu Feng didn't plan to let Alice cook for the time being. The other party's current level is not up to his requirements.

The reputation accumulated by the fast food truck.

It can't be destroyed in the hands of this girl.

Stir-fry in a frying pan!

Cook soup in a checkered pot! Two dishes at the same time.

Chu Feng still seemed to be at ease.

That's right~

Wenxin tofu is actually a kind of soup!

The sisters under the snow, who were sitting at the table closest to the food truck, smelled two diametrically opposed smells.

The stir-frying aroma is full of fragrance, which is simply mouth-watering. The other one, obviously feels very light, and indescribably rich. This diametrically opposed sense of wonder does not feel awkward.

Two dishes were served quickly.

Yono Yukishita picked up the shredded green pepper meat and put a large piece into a bowl full of rice.

Eating dishes with distinct colors and creating rice as white as jade, this young lady has exhaled a hundred times.


Swallowing a mouthful of rice wrapped in oil, Yang Naiha took a breath of hot air and said towards the food truck: "It's still comfortable for you to eat here." "


In the heart of Yono under the snow, coming to eat here in the fast food truck is simply the greatest enjoyment in life.

Chu Feng smiled 'implicitly', and in the face of the diners' praise, the best response was to keep smiling.

And his gaze, for the first time after the arrival of the sisters under the snow, looked directly at Yukino

Because just now, this black straight girl drank half a bowl of 'Wen Xin Tofu' Chu Feng now only wants to know, can it be returned with a critical hit?

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