Chapter 257: Megumi Kato and Yukinoshita Yukino's First Meeting!!

Snow-white knee-length skirt, red long-sleeved coat, and those delicate little white shoes

The girl with short black hair leading Shiba Inu came like a little fairy who fell into the dust in the painting.

Another mature woman wore a professional outfit, and a crisp white shirt highlighted her plump figure.

Chu Feng calmly looked at the mother and daughter walking towards the fast food truck.

It was just a bit of a surprise, and then I didn't care much.

Since he has already met Hideri Sawamura and Shiwa Kasumigaokaoka. It is also normal for Megumi Kato to appear in Chiba Prefecture. Chu Feng only hoped that these two visitors would not be frightened by the price of the dishes. In fact, he has only watched a few episodes of the passerby heroine, and he does not know much about Megumi Kato's family background.

As for the setting of the heroine of the passerby?

In Chu Feng's opinion, it was a gimmick to fool people.

Is Megumi Kato ordinary?

In fact, it is not ordinary at all!

The other party just has no personality, plus no sense of existence, which makes her ordinary and ordinary in many roles.

Megumi Kato is neither as eye-catching as Kasumigaoka nor has a bright blonde tsundere double ponytail like Eiri Ri.

She is just an 'ordinary girl' with an easy-going personality and no excessive expressions.

Take a closer look at this passerby heroine.

The facial features are straight, the height is not short or tall, the skin is also delicate, the convex place is convex, the concave place is also quite concave.........


It really belongs to that cute type.

Just as Chu Feng looked at the mother and daughter.

Megumi Kato and her mother were also staring at the food truck's LCD screen in a daze.

Except for the puppies who were still barking with excitement, the food truck was surprisingly quiet.

5,000 yen per dish!

It was indeed beyond the expectations of Kato's mother and daughter. Ritako Kato's hometown is in Chiba Prefecture.

It coincides with the weekend.

Ritako takes Megumi Kato home to visit her relatives.

The original plan was just in time for lunch, but who knew that something happened on the road and there was a long delay.

It was past two o'clock when they resisted the Inamao coastline.

Megumi Kato is going to buy some fruit and go to visit her grandmother.

Who knew that as soon as the car stopped, Chai Hu kept shouting.

This little Shiba Inu, Megumi Kato has been raised for a while and has always been very obedient.

The first time I didn't listen to greetings, it was in Shibuya.

At that time, Chai Hu broke free of the dog leash and ran to the side of the road to eat unknown food.

And now, the dog is more excited than last time.

Staring at the food truck, it was as if he had finally found his real home

It's so angry, I forget everything when I see something delicious, and I owe me so well to you

Megumi Kato complained a little depressed, but also became a little curious about the cuisine here.

But looking at the price displayed on the LCD screen.........


"Well, it's so expensive!"

The dog leash in his hand swayed up and down with the pull of Shiba Hu, and a word-and-go popped out of his mouth with an expressionless face.

"It's a bit expensive indeed!"

Ritako Kato frowned slightly, and her expression was slightly embarrassed.

His own puppy obviously wants to eat what is here, and the look of the rope is something that everyone can understand that he can't wait.

However, as the masters, they are motionless here, which is really a bit eye-catching.

Retsuko Kato glanced at the curious passers-by without a trace.

After just a little hesitation, I ordered two dishes happily.

No matter who it is, as long as the economic conditions allow, they will give priority to their own face when encountering this situation.

Beating a swollen face and filling up a fat person, it is estimated that I am referring to me now, and I only hope that the food in this fast food truck will not be too unpalatable.

Well~ Shiba Hu is so excited, presumably the taste will not be too bad~~ After paying, Rissuko Kato meditated in her heart.

Same as the Yukishita sisters.

She ordered a Wen Xin tofu and shredded green pepper pork.

He is a senior white-collar worker at the Suzuki Group.

Ritsuko is not yet intimidated by this price.

At most, it's just a bit of a sense of wrongdoing.

After all, reason told her.

The stuff from the roadside stall is not worth the price.

Megumi Kato and Ritako sat down nearby.

The former quickly noticed the black long straight girl at the table next to him.


When I went out and met my classmates, Megumi Kato's eyes suddenly lit up.


Under the snow, who was slowly tasting the shredded green pepper meat, Xue Nai slowly raised his head, with a trace of confusion and doubt in his eyes.

When did this girl come? Does she know me? Why is there no impression?

Yukino frowned lightly, and said suspiciously, ["You are?"


The expression on Megumi Kato's face, who rarely took the initiative to say hello, suddenly froze.

Suddenly it felt a little embarrassing.

Just now, I was frightened by the price of the food truck food, and forgot for a while that I had a strange attribute.

Keiten Kato has a weak sense of survival, has an ordinary name and grades, has no friends, has not been a class councilor, and belongs to the type that is easily ignored

So even if she is in the same class, many people have no impression of her.

Na~ Yukoshita-san doesn't seem to be very good at interpersonal communication, and I don't remember that I'm normal~~

Megumi Kato comforted herself, without the slightest shame of being ignored.

I don't know how many times I have encountered this kind of thing since I was a child, and I have long been accustomed to it

I remember the most outrageous time when she went to the supermarket with her parents when she was in kindergarten.

After shopping, her parents left hand in hand, leaving seven-year-old Megumi Kato alone in the supermarket, as if she had completely forgotten that she still had her daughter.

If it weren't for the supermarket staff quickly contacting the Metropolitan Police Department, God knows what would have happened to her in the end.

This strange attribute that is often forgotten really troubled Megumi Kato at first.

But as she grew up, she was relieved to be her ordinary self.

Shaking her head and smiling, she introduced herself: "Yukinoshita-san, I'm Megumi Kato. "


Yukishita Yukino put down the bowl and chopsticks, opened her mouth slightly, and finally showed a surprised expression on her indifferent face.

After moving to Toyonozaki Gakuen, she was determined to help more people, so she established a service department where three or two kittens could not get together.

Because of this, the clever Yukino wrote down the entire school's information.

Ask yourself to draw a photo of a teacher or student, and you can accurately say the name of the other party and the class you are in.

Megumi Kato's name, she naturally remembered, and she could even recite the basic information of the other party.

Megumi Kato, second-grade Class B, whose birthday is September 23, sits in the window seat in the third row.

In order to make the ministry better developed, Shizuki Hiratsuka secretly gave them detailed information about the class.

"It turned out to be Kato-san, did you also come here specially to taste the food truck dishes?"

Yukinoshita Yukino returned to her usual indifference, and did not mention the fact that she did not recognize her classmates.

At the same time, she was also seriously looking at the short-haired girl with a cute bobo head in front of her.

Delicate skin, straight facial features, and just the right bust.........

Obviously a proper beautiful girl, why is she unimpressed? Yukinoshita Yukino, who has always been intelligent, can't figure this out now.

When Megumi Kato heard this, his expression was obviously stunned, and he tilted his head and wondered: "Ah, is the cuisine here famous?"

Yukino is famous in Toyonozaki, and the reputation of Kaoling no Hana is by no means unfamous.

Although his appearance is cold and harsh, his appearance and wisdom are the best, plus his academic and other achievements are also extremely good.

This mysterious beautiful girl.........

Like an unattainable snowdrop flower.

It is undoubtedly the dream lover of many boys in the school. ~Four

I heard that the Yukinoshita family is still a famous big consortium.

His illustrious background also adds a lot of rules to Yukinoshita.


Such a perfect rich lady actually came to Chiba Prefecture to eat the cuisine of a fast food truck!?

Megumi Kato almost thought that she had misheard, and a trace of suspicion appeared under her eyes.


Is the stuff really that delicious?

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