Chapter 272: Someone took a helicopter to eat the food of the fast food truck?!!

A bowl of soup for five thousand?

It's outrageous!

Tobe thinks the price is a bit too much. Even if you're the only seller on top of the mountain. But you can't ask for a price too much, right? Miura, who took off her hiking hat, gracefully brushed a handful of curly blonde hair that fell to her chest. A little disgusted glance at the disgusting bean juice.

She never cared about the price.

Sometimes food is especially expensive.

But the appearance and smell of this bean juice... I'm sorry!

Xie Min is unfair!

She doesn't have that heavy flavors yet.


Miura was attracted by the aroma of pancake fruit.

The rich fried aroma made it subconsciously swallow saliva.

She was already hungry, and smelling this fragrance again, Miura Yuko suddenly became even hungrier.

The pancake fruit is quickly out of the pan until golden brown.

And then~

Miura Yuko saw a cute-looking girl with black hair completely ignoring the hot mouth, blowing two breaths into the food and stuffing it into her mouth.

It was like I hadn't eaten for three days.

"Oh Nishi~~"

The black-haired girl suddenly let out a moan that was enough to be locked up in the small black room.

The two eyes seem to be narrowed into a crescent moon, and they look cute.

In fact, if it is not so contrived, and the black attribute is removed, Kawashima Rei is also a cute beautiful girl.

I didn't care about the surprise of Miura Yuko and others.

Rei Kawashima has completely indulged in the deliciousness of the pancake fruit.

"This pancake fruit is simply the best in the snack, sweet and salty to chew, and slightly spicy, the vegetable leaves are crispy and crispy, coupled with the freshness of the ham, it is really delicious..."

Rei Kawashima chewed the food in her mouth.

Don't forget to share this delicacy with netizens in the live broadcast room. (000)......

I believe that most of the audience behind the network at this time is this expression.

Is it really good to broadcast this early in the morning?

Xiaoli, please be a person! Many people are already drooling. Then he quickly ordered a takeaway. As a previous netizen said. Eat takeout while watching mukbang.

Round it off.

They also eat the dishes of a grand chef.

"Ahhh~ there are actually people live broadcasting."

Hai Lao Nami didn't know when she went around behind Kawashima Rei, and just happened to see the dense barrage on her mobile phone.

At this moment, she suddenly became interested, and the appearance of a fast food truck on the top of Mt. Fuji was a very strange thing in itself.

Holding the red-framed glasses on the bridge of his nose, Hai Lao Ming smiled and said, "Hayama, do you want to taste them?" "

The handsome-looking Hayama Hayato nodded slightly, after walking for so long, he was indeed a little hungry.

"Then let's get five pancake fruits first, I'll treat you!"

Hayama Hayato said boldly, not taking this little money to heart at all.

Miura Yuko gave him a blank look and said with a smile: "You should have been treated, we just accompanied you to climb the mountain." "

Yubihama Yui just smiled and didn't speak. If you are embarrassed to refuse Hai Lao Naru's invitation.

She won't come to Mt. Fuji this season.

Hayama Hayato swiped his card to order food, then found a table and sat down.

The five people gathered around a small table, which suddenly seemed a little crowded.

Although the glasses lady felt a little awkward, she still secretly endured it.

Himena, who has a somewhat withdrawn personality, actually doesn't like places with many people

Tobe Sho glanced at Kawashima Rei, who was eating indecently, and said in a low voice: "Do you think the food here is really that delicious?" She won't be the boss's invitation, right? "

Hai Lao Ji Nana held up the red-framed eyes, and said expressionlessly: "I have already ordered food, what are you still entangled in this for?" Whether it tastes good or not, you'll know later. "

Although it is not explicitly stated. But she was also a little skeptical.

After all, there are stalls on the top of the mountain?

No matter how you think about it, it is not the work of normal people.

"I don't think so, that girl's expression can't be fake."

Miura raised an objection.

The girl on the other side looked happy, obviously enjoying it very much.......



As if the sound of a lawn mower running sounded.

It's like an oversized fly flapping its wings desperately.

Miura Yuko and the others were stunned.

"What's going on?"

"This... How does it sound a lot like a helicopter? "

"No, how can there be a helicopter coming to Mt. Fuji at this time?"

"Look over there..."

Several people looked in a certain direction in unison.

I saw a luxury helicopter crossing the mountain and slowly landing.


The strong wind hanging from the rotor blades directly lifted the hair of several people. (0_0)

Miura Yuko and the others were stunned.

Even Rei Kawashima, who was eating, opened her mouth wide.

The white fuselage is printed with paint, and it looks like a private jet.

"The owner of the plane won't come specifically to eat the food truck, right?"

Yui Hihama asked weakly.

It was the only possibility she could think of.

It's impossible to take a helicopter to the top of the mountain to see the scenery, right?

"Good fellow, rich people are really extravagant, where you want to go, you can fly directly to the sea old name Ji Nana can't help but complain, and at the same time I am very curious about the identity of the owner of the machine."

Being able to fly to the top of Mt. Fuji during this season is not something that can be done by money alone.

Before several people could recover from the shock, the door of the plane had opened, and a group of girls came out of it.

"Boss Chu, we're here!"

At the head is Sonoko Suzuki, who has short brown hair.

Today, she still wears a white headband that seals her appearance.

Behind him were the dignified and elegant Ayako Suzuki, as well as Mao Lilan and Jia Baili Chufeng nodded slightly, and a trace of surprise flashed under their eyes.

Two sisters of the Suzuki family ascended the mountain in a private helicopter.

He wasn't surprised at all.

If the Suzuki Foundation does not even have this energy, it is embarrassing to claim to be a world-class consortium.

Mao Lilan and Yuanzi are originally best friends, and it is normal for her to appear on the plane.

But is Jia Baili swollen?

Chu Feng didn't remember when she had such a good relationship with the garden, and now even the plane could rub.

Shaking his head, he pouted and pondered the girls' questions.

As long as there are guests to visit, it is a good thing, anyway, idle is boring.

With a formulaic smile on his face, Chu Feng spoke, "What do you want to eat today?" "

"Of course, all of them."

Suzuki Yuanzi generously took out a black card, and the pattern of the little rich woman was directly full.

Mao Lilan's eyes were quick, and he directly grabbed the hand handed out by the garden, and shook his head: "No, how can I let you treat every time, I am embarrassed to do this." "

"What does it matter, as long as everyone is happy."

Yuanzi said nonchalantly.

"No, I won't follow me in the future."

Maori Lan strongly disagrees.

In fact.

If it weren't for Suzuki Sonoko's stalker, he would have taken her with him.

Maori Lan will not come at all.

It's not that I hate food trucks.

Quite the opposite~

It's that the stuff here is so delicious.

She is afraid of addiction!

Yuan Zi couldn't screw her, so he sighed helplessly: "Okay, then each pays for it." "

However, considering that Xiaolan still had a waste uncle to raise at home, she did not dare to let the other party treat her.

Boss Chu has a few more portions of things here, and he can eat the Maori family until bankruptcy.......

Pictured: Yui Hihama!

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