Chapter 275 Three fresh wontons, Qi Luoli's ordering opportunity!!

"Groove! Another helicopter! "

"There are people on the top of the mountain who take special planes to eat, and the special chef is really good!"

"Private jet, are the young ladies so rich now?"

"Have you noticed that almost all the people who patronize the food truck are beautiful women..."

"The silver-haired royal sister just came, the queen's temperament is simply bursting, I don't know which eldest lady it is?"

"Taoxun Qi Luoli, the young master of the Taoxun clan!"

"That famous Extreme Dao Organization Bai Xun clan?"

The picture of the appearance of the two helicopters was broadcast live by Rei Kawashima throughout the process. This kind of good thing to increase popularity, she certainly will not miss. There was an uproar in the live broadcast room, and the barrage was flying all over the sky.

Although everyone knows that the grand chef is awesome.

But ordinary people ~

You can't taste the dishes of a special chef for almost the rest of your life.


This group of netizens does not have an intuitive concept at all.

Right now~

They probably know a little.

Where does the special chef cook? People came to taste the food.......

In front of the window.

Momoku Qiluoli came with long legs.

There was a faint smile on his delicate face, and his eyebrows were full of expectation.

"Chu Jun, we met again~"

Qiluoli's blue lips are lightly opened, and her voice is full of charm.

"Yes, it's only been two days since we last met."

The corner of Chu Feng's mouth twitched, and the other party's tone was as if he hadn't seen each other for a long time.

Qi Luoli felt that time had passed a long time.

After all, if you can't eat Chu Feng's cuisine in one day, it is like three autumns.

It's just that she is usually very busy, in addition to the Hundred Flower King Academy, there are family affairs to take care of, and it is generally difficult to find time.

Glancing at the pancake fruit that was still being fried, and the pot of gray soup, Qi Luoli couldn't help but frown.

She doesn't like oily food very much, and the bean juice is even more unfair to Xie Min, and that thing is a little unappetizing to watch.

"Chu Jun, isn't there something lighter?"

"There are only two dishes today, but you still have a chance to order at the buffet."

Boss Chu's memory has always been very good.

"Are you so anxious to repay the favor?"

Qiluoli pouted, and her beautiful eyes glanced at the man in the food truck.

The man in front of her was like a hurry to shake off the cowhide candy, which suddenly made her a little emotional.

Who knows, Chu Feng said with a smile: "This time it runs out, there will always be a chance in the future." "

Qi Luoli's eyes lit up, the dissatisfaction in her heart disappeared, and the corners of her mouth crossed an arc.

"It seems that Chu Jun has a business to use me again, I don't know what kind of deal it is this time?"


There are a bit more people on the top of the mountain now.

It was not convenient for Chu Feng to talk about the maple leaf gold coin.

This thing is going to be shot.

After thinking about it, it is most suitable to find Qi Luoli.

Who calls her home is Neon's biggest underground force.

Qi Luoli Wan'er smiled and said, "Well, I also ask Chu Jun to recommend a lighter dish." "

In fact, she didn't know much about Chinese cuisine, and she didn't think about anything delicious when she came

Although she loves Arctic shell tuna sashimi, she has one last chance to order food, and Qiluoli doesn't want to use it.

Since she didn't have anything special to eat, she simply handed it over to Chu Feng to decide.

The Grand Chef definitely knows more about cooking than he does.

"How about three fresh wontons? Fresh but not greasy, the taste is light, just suitable for eating in the current environment. "

Chu Feng laughed after thinking for a few seconds, recommending this traditional snack from the Jiangnan region.

"Three fresh ravioli? Yes~just listen to you~~"

Qi Luoli smiled, she just didn't like fried snacks very much, and the rest didn't matter.

In fact, there are also wontons on the neon side.

But it's basically fast food.

The kind that boils water for three minutes.

Authentic wonton restaurants, but there is no one.

As for the three fresh wontons, Qi Luoli really hasn't heard of it.

However, since it was made by Chu Feng, there was naturally no need to doubt the taste.

"What about you two? Same too? "

This time it was to ask Momo, Lilika, and Igarashi Qinghua. #日

The face under Lilixiang's mask suddenly showed a touch of surprise.

Igarashi Qinghua even blurted out subconsciously: "We can also eat??? "

Last time, when Qiluoli ordered food freely, there was no such good treatment.

The concubine laughed and sashimi, and the two sisters also scored to see and eat.

When did Boss Chu become so generous? Lili Xiang was full of doubts.

Qi Luoli was also slightly stunned.

Stared at the handsome face in front of him in surprise.

"Don't stare at me like that, you have to make wontons anyway, and it doesn't hurt to pack a few more." Chu Feng explained casually. "

Don't want to cause unnecessary misunderstandings.......

Finish all pancake fruits quickly.

Chu Feng began to make wontons.

The main ingredients of Sanxian wontons are pork, shrimp and fish.

When eaten, it is mixed with chicken broth, and it tastes excellent.

Chicken broth is a bit of a hassle to boil though.

But for Chu Feng, who owns the Dragon Turning Kettle, these are not a thing...

Add white flour to an appropriate amount of egg white to make the skin.

It is filled with fresh river shrimp, fresh blue fish and fresh pork leg.

It's very simple.

Not for a moment~

Three bowls of clear soup that exude bursts of heat are shiny and oily, and several pointed turtle belly, wontons resembling silver ingots lie quietly in it.

Qiluoli's eyes lit up, but she felt that this thing was particularly delicate.

Coming from a wealthy family, she has never eaten wontons.

Three minutes of fast food, there is no chance to appear in front of Miss Momo.

The first time I saw the real wontons, the white dough and the clear soup base made her feel comfortable as a fan of light.

Scoop up a little soup with a small spoon, take a sip gently, and the faint umami instantly occupies the entire taste.

The delicious chicken soup is not greasy at all, and the mellow game smell seems to indicate the extraordinary nature of the ingredients.

"Chu Jun prepared chicken soup in advance?"

Qi Luoli was a little curious.

Because I didn't see the other party boiling soup just now.

Chu Feng smiled and said nothing, just nodded slowly.

In fact, it was Thor who was boiling soup just now, and under cognitive impairment, no one found any abnormalities.

"Boss Chu, this soup is really fresh, what kind of chicken do you use?"

Just after tasting a mouthful of soup, Igarashi Qinghua couldn't help but shout, her face full of curiosity.

"If you know the raw materials, won't you be able to make soup for the adults every day in the future?"

Igarashi Qinghua made a small calculation, as if he had found a shortcut to attack Momoku Qi Luoli.

After all, the other party was obviously satisfied with this chicken soup.

"Nagoya chicken!"

Regarding the ingredients, Chu Feng did not hide it.

As a native neon, Kiroli should prefer the taste of native chicken soup.

Nagoya chicken is a famous breed of neon, which has a history of more than a hundred years, this chicken breed with yellow feathers all over the body and only a little black feathers on the tail, with a large skeleton but little meat, is very suitable for soup.

When Fifty Lan Qinghua heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he silently wrote it down.

Looking at her sparkling eyes, Chu Feng could guess her thoughts.

"Do you really know the ingredients to make a good soup?" It's too simple to think of the profession of chef! "

Secretly shook his head and complained.

Chu Feng was absolutely sure that this licking dog was just busy in the end.

Don't look at Thor, just put the ingredients into the dragon pot and don't care.

But the ratio of ingredients and auxiliary materials, Chu Feng has long explained this.

Of course~

The chicken soup made by Thor naturally tastes inferior to Boss Chu.

But it's not something that can be done simply by anyone...

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