Chapter 279 Learn the craft, thick skin and shudder!!

Qi Luoli was suddenly speechless and a little unhappy.

Such a little money is not allowed to increase the price, then her ordering opportunity is swollen? When a serious businessman hears that it can be 600 million cheaper, he is afraid that he will wake up laughing in his dreams.

But Kiroli is obviously not a serious person.

This little money is in her eyes.

Far less important than a free ordering opportunity.

So she was only slightly stunned, so she hurriedly asked, "What about the opportunity to order food that I said earlier?" "

Chu Feng stared at the silver-haired woman in front of him with a smile, and teased, "When did we say okay?" I'm just saying that there will be a chance later. "

(0_0) Qiluoli was dumbfounded.

Those pale green eyes widened.

Boss Chu, don't take you to tease people like this??? Qi Luoli was a little emotional, and subconsciously pouted that blue lip.

Not only Lilika and Igarashi were surprised.

Even Erina was surprised.

Usually, Qiluoli occasionally chats in the food group.

It is also a very cold tone.

I didn't expect such a small woman's side.


Kiroli is also a woman.

Although from a young age showed a mature side.

But under the influence of 'peace is precious'.

Every time he came to eat here with Chu Feng, he would let down his guard.

In time~

She also shows the soft side of women. Seeing Qi Luoli seemed really a little unhappy.

Chu Feng no longer teased the other party.

"Okay, then give you another chance to order."


"As we all know, I never lie."

"It's weird~ you just lied to me."

"I really don't lie to you this time."

Chu Feng once again returned to his previous seriousness.

Nodding slightly, Qi Luoli finally calmed down, showing a bright smile and the opportunity to order food freely, which is not something that money can buy.

Chu Feng didn't care about this.

Anyway, no matter what Qi Luoli wants to eat, she has to pay in the end, but there is no crit cashback.

Big Boss Chu, who already has strong strength and financial resources, does not care about one or two critical attack opportunities now.

Deal closed! By the way, there is a chance!

Qiluoli was satisfied and walked away with the maple leaf gold coin.

The rotor blades of the helicopter whizzed.

Chu Feng and Erinai watched each other leave, and they were also ready to close the stall.

Three hours were not laid out today.

Because it is impossible for anyone to climb Mt. Fuji one after another.

As the space door opens, the food truck reappears at the Sakura apartment. After a cold morning of blowing, Erinai said hello and went back to the house.

The white-skinned, self-seeker.

Connor is not at home, and most of them are looking for friends to play again.

Chu Feng smiled heartily, it seemed that Xiao Longniang took his words to heart.

Since you decided to go to school, you should make more friends and stay at home all day watching what TV looks like.

...... Room 305.

Back home, Erinai still didn't take off her sweater.

Just returned from the top of the mountain, the eldest lady was still a little stunned.

Alice followed her into the bedroom without hesitation, asking her what she had seen today.

The two sisters chattered non-stop, for a long time, and the expression on Alice's face was a little complicated.

Fortunately, I didn't go out by myself today, otherwise I would definitely not be able to hide from the taste of bean juice.

But because of the missed opportunity to experience the shuttle space, the whole person seemed a little frustrated.

The two casually made a meal at noon, and the time quickly came to the afternoon.

"Erina, let's go to Boss Chu's side."

"What are you going to do?"

"Of course it's help, he should have started cooking by now."

"Are you sure you don't want to go to the rice?"

Erinai was a little speechless, and looked at the time at exactly five o'clock.

"I said why did you keep looking at the time just now, dare you pinch the meal?"

Erina couldn't help but complain, in fact, she was also a little moved.

The chance to see the craft of a special chef up close is something no chef wants to miss. Although when preparing ingredients and setting up stalls, you can see Chu Feng cooking.

But food trucks are generally based on snacks.

There aren't many times to make home-cooked and formal meals.

Looking at Alice stunned, Erinai hesitated: "Going now, will it be too abrupt?" "

The eldest lady sometimes still can't let go of her body, and her face is full of tangles.

"Something abrupt? Let's go help and learn some technology by the way. "

Alice had a natural tone.

Learn the craft, thick skin and shudder!

Alice never knew what a lady was reserved.

In her eyes, improving her cooking skills is more important than anything else.


Erinai still didn't stand up to Alice's demagoguery.

The two came to Chu Feng's door lightly like thieves.


Alice knocked on the door.

It was Connor who opened the door.

"What are you doing here?"

The expressionless Connor spoke in a cold tone.

Alice smiled and said, "What about Boss Chu? Let's come and ask what we will cook tomorrow and see if there is anything we need help with. "

"Rub rice, rub rice, find so many reasons to do it!"

The corner of Connor's mouth twitched twice.

Alice's expression was all too familiar to her.

Every time Jia Baili comes to rub rice, she looks like this.

It's just that the latter is more direct and justified.

"Come in, Kaede is busy in the kitchen."

They were all neighbors, and Connor directly gave way without turning the other party away.

"Thank you Connor-chan! Connor-chan is the best! "

Alice suddenly laughed, and wanted to reach out and rub the silver-haired little loli's head, but retracted it awkwardly.

Remembering Connor's dissatisfied expression last time, she decided not to be bored.

Rubbing his hands and feet into the kitchen, Chu Feng was busy in it alone.

"Boss Chu, what are you doing?"

Alice doesn't treat herself as an outsider at all, just like she is familiar.

Turning around, he glanced at the white-haired girl faintly.

Chu Feng didn't care about the sudden arrival of the two sisters of the Xue Che family.

Since I have become an employee of the food truck, there is no need to worry about many things.

"Red Wine Snowflake Dinosaur Snake Meat."

Boss Chu's answer was still concise.

"Dinosaur snake meat? Level 21 fantasy creature dinosaur snake? "

Erinae was surprised.

His eyes subconsciously looked at the bright red piece of beast meat on the board.

Marbled animal meat forms a distinct red and white color, which is a snowflake steak where fat is deposited between muscle fibers.

Unlike snowflake steak.

The flesh of dinosaur snakes is firmer and the color is extraordinarily distinct. You can also smell the rich smell of meat from two or three meters away.

It's a dream ingredient, it's wonderful.

Just by smelling this meaty aroma, Erinai can already imagine its deliciousness. Staring at the piece of beast meat, her eyes lit up with a strong desire for knowledge.

Level 21 dream ingredients!

Definitely the highest level Erinai has ever seen.

Although the Far Moon Group has always been studying fantasy creatures. But compared to IGO and food clubs, it is always more than one notch worse.

Fantasy creatures above level 20 are "treasure-level" ingredients in the Far Moon Group. Erina, never seen before...

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