Chapter 286 Live Magic, Glowing Cuisine Reappear!!

Faced with the question of Poison Island Tsuko.

Chu Feng did not explain.

Instead, the mold was unveiled directly.

In an instant!

The light bloomed and shone brightly.

"This is?"

This moment~

Everyone was forced to open their eyes by the hot golden light.

They all turned their heads or narrowed their eyes, not daring to look directly at the radiant edge.

"It's here, Boss Chu's unique luminous dish!"

"It's so dazzling, the light of this big magic panda tofu is even worse than the golden egg fried rice..."

"Si Guoyi, it seems that the rumors in the school are indeed true, and Boss Chu's cooking can really shine!"

"Lying groove~ Look, five plates are filled with tofu in an instant!"

"Wouldn't you? There is actually black tofu? "

"One black and one white two colors, that's why it's called panda tofu?"

"The dazzling light and the tofu cubes that fell in place in an instant were really like magic on the spot."

"Interestingly, this dish is not only visionary, but also full of creativity, and my tongue is already moving."

Just at the moment when the light gradually rises.

Tofu is divided into uniform pieces by the grid.

Instantly flew up and gently fell into the plate.

When the light dissipates completely.

The soup on the plate is already covered with a layer of black and white tofu cubes.

Black and white tofu with thick mapo sauce and green bamboo leaves against the backdrop, as if a group of pandas are frolicking on a plate.

Big Magic Panda Tofu!

A magical dish from Xiaodang's family. Shine in this world right now.

Five dishes are neatly arranged on top of the kitchen counter.

The alluring fragrance wafted in the wind and slowly penetrated into the noses of everyone present.

The flower wine fern sitting on the big bear subconsciously swallowed his spit.

Those small eyes stared straight at a few dishes.

The murderer's huge body began to tremble slightly.

A pair of eyes the size of copper bells looked pitifully at Chu Feng.

It seems to know that its owner will not give it the food in front of him.

This clever bear was expecting the man in the car to give him something to eat.

The flower wine fern slapped the murderer fiercely, and then rubbed his hands and said with a sneer: "Boss Chu, there is also my share here, right?" "

There were a bit too many people who had just ordered.

Chu Feng only made five copies at a time.

The flower wine fern is not sure if it has its own share.

Chu Feng nodded slightly and motioned for Thor to serve.

The flower wine fern suddenly smiled, and did not bother to get off the back of the dog bear.

He slapped the murderer's back again and signaled the other party to lie down.

Only then did he take the plate from Thor and put it on the bear's back.

Holding a rice bowl in one hand.

Gently pick up a piece of good-sized tofu.

The flower wine fern began to taste it carefully.

The same is true of Poison Island and Tianyu Slash and others.

The first time the food is served.

I can't wait to start enjoying the delicious food that has been lost for a long time. During this time, the expansion of the gastronomic world accelerated.

It also involves the entire martial arts world.

The people of the Tianyu Slash and other ancient martial families were also summoned back. So they rarely patronized the fast food truck business during this time.

Poison Island Tsukiko first eats white tofu.

Picking up a piece and taking a closer look, I found that there was not much heat coming out.

The key to mapo tofu is to be hot, only if it is too hot to eat, can it reflect the essence of mapo.

But this dish made by Chu Feng is different from traditional methods.

Poison Island Junzi smiled dumbly, feeling that he was a little worried.

With the skills of Big Boss Chu, how could he make such a low-level mistake.

The white tofu quickly burrowed into the mouth of the poisonous island man.

The next second ~ The feeling of scalding hit instantly.

Tsuko was almost burned to tears.

It turns out that the seemingly soft tofu contains extremely amazing calories.

"So hot ~ so spicy~ so cool ~ ~ "

After only one bite, Poison Island said three 'good' words in a row.

Although tofu is hot, she is reluctant to open her red lips.

Spicy and hot, crispy and fresh...

Many tastes are intertwined in the mouth.

It's just addictive, you can't stop.

The beautiful eyes lit up instantly, and when the ultimate taste began to weaken, Poison Island Junzi remembered to shaved rice.



Poison Island Junzi let out a hot breath, and his gaze fell on tofu of another color.

"This extremely tender tofu is really delicious, I wonder what black tofu tastes like?"

He and Tianyu glanced at each other, and the two of them caught the black tofu together.

Only when tasting the food, the two female emperors of the Love Land Symbiosis Academy can coexist peacefully.

On weekdays, the two often fight privately, but they always do not distinguish between victory and defeat.

"Mmm~ This turned out to be sweet tofu?"

Tianyu cut off those dark eyes, and this moment seemed to brighten a little.

The slight sweetness intertwined in the spicy seems to have a more unique taste than white tofu.

"In addition to the sweetness, it also has an astringent and fragrant taste, like Poison Island Junko tilting his head and seems to meditate on the appropriate adjective."

"Sugar cane! This thing tastes a bit like chewing sugar cane, and the soft and sticky tofu has a little dryness, which is a different taste! "

Because of the sudden opening of her mouth in the night of the moon, she was born blind in both eyes, and it was easier for her to detect all the subtle changes.

"Yes, that's it, Chu Jun added cane sugar because pandas also like to eat sugar cane?"

Tianyu nodded slowly, and his beautiful eyes fell on Chu Feng in the fast food car.

Chu Feng nodded slightly while continuing to make the dish.

Tianyu smiled back, seemingly liking the taste of black tofu.

On the plate in front of her, black tofu disappeared the fastest.

Ghost Wulun and Turtle Crane City Mary stared at the five people who were eating happily with resentful eyes.

Obviously everyone orders food together, why do they have to go first? Watching a few people enjoy the food, listening to them talk...

Ghost Wawa and Turtle Crane City Mary were like cat scratches in their hearts, and they couldn't wait to gouge each other's plates in front of themselves.

Even if you can't eat tofu, you can scoop the soup bibimbap. It is a pity to secretly measure the strength gap between the two sides.

The two women fell silent timidly.

They couldn't beat the other five at all.


Chu Feng didn't let them wait for a long time.

Another golden light.

Five servings of Big Magic Panda Tofu are freshly cooked.

The ghost tile wheel, who never left his body, casually placed the 'Onimaru Kunigang' that was regarded as a treasure on the ground, and the handle of the knife leaned against the chair.

Holding a bowl in one hand and chopsticks in the other, his eyes were staring at the plate of big magic panda tofu in front of him.

Next second~

The ghost tile wheel moved~ as if I hadn't eaten for three days and nights.

The chopsticks in my hand are almost dancing afterimages.

Turtle Crane City Mary is also not slow.

At this moment, he could no longer care about the elegance of the aristocratic lady.

It looked like a hungry wolf cub...

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