Chapter 288 Academy Headmaster? You still have to queue up for dinner!!

"This is the real Sichuan cuisine, and the Sichuan cuisine made by the Yokohama Chinese Restaurant is not an order of magnitude at all compared to Boss Chu."

"Your head is funny, you actually compare ordinary chefs with Boss Chu, what do you think?"

"Thanks to Boss Chu's love of setting up stalls, otherwise how would we have the opportunity to eat such a delicacy?"

"Hiss~~ fragrant and spicy, it's simply addictive, thank you Boss Chu for your generosity."

"Just this big magic panda tofu, I can eat three bowls of rice!"

"If it weren't for the rice limit to three bowls, I could eat ten bowls!"

"Come on, Boss Chu's rice here has confiscated money, are you still embarrassed to open your mouth to ten bowls?"

"Wait, I'm not mistaken, why is the head of the academy here?"

"Groove~ It's really ~~ She doesn't seem to have been in school for a long time, right?"

"Haha~ The academy leader, who has always seen the dragon without seeing the end, is also difficult to resist the temptation of fast food truck food!"

"What? This petite and cute beautiful girl is the principal of our school? Did I make a mistake? "

"Shh, silence! The head of the academy hates others the most to call her a little ~~"

"But she's really small!"

The first group of guests have already begun to taste the big magic panda tofu. Naturally, it was another piece of praise, and Chu Feng's cuisine never disappointed.

I heard someone talk about Yokohama Chinese restaurant.

If memory serves, the chef seems to be Miyoko Hojo's father.

Some people compare their own cuisine with each other.

Chu Feng couldn't help but be a little ridiculous. As for the rice limit.

It also makes sense.

The food truck already provides free rice. There are many martial artists in the Love Land Symbiosis Academy.

People who practice martial arts in general.

The amount of meals is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

Although no gongmi was chosen today, it was still quite fine. Big Boss Chu, who has always been thrifty, doesn't want to lose too much.


It seems that because of someone's arrival.

The group in line was in an uproar.

Chu Feng followed everyone's gaze.

I saw a girl with short dark blue hair.

Black tuxedo, with a figure of one horse and a flat river, no more than one meter and five meters tall by visual measurement.

This guy is the dean of the Love Land Feeding Academy?

Chu Feng was slightly surprised.

After all, it seems that this character does not appear in the anime.

The Hirakawa girl and Eiri have a fight.

No ~ she looks smaller only.

If no one reminds.

Chu Feng thought that the other party was still a junior high school student.

Just as he looked at the academy head.

Fujilin Xiangnai was also looking at Chu Feng.

This mysterious chef, who is now famous in the upper class of Weijing, she has also heard a little.

It's just that she is usually busy with affairs, plus there is no intersection between the two, and she doesn't pay too much attention to it.

I heard that the cuisine here is amazing, and the strength of the fast food truck owner is also very strong, and even beat the burkibu for a while.

Hearing is nothing, seeing is believing.

As a ninja trained by the Narugami clan. Shono Fujibayashi does not easily believe such rumors.

And the so-called gastronomy?

Having undergone brutal training since childhood, she was not very interested in it.


Since her own host asked her not to miss the food truck.

So Fujibayashi Shono came, passed straight through the crowd in line, and came directly to the window.

On the way, I glanced at the black and white tofu on the dinner table. The alluring scent also made the academy chief frown.

As a ninja.

First of all, follow the word "forbearance".

Can't stand the temptations of the world.

There is no qualification to be a qualified ninja at all.

Watch the students enjoy the food with a look of intoxication.

Fujibayashi Shono instinctively felt a little disgusted.

A ninja handed down from the Edo period.

Always follow the five ways of food, incense, medicine, qi and body.

Because of the frequent presence of tree branch roofs, in order to better hide their figures, ninjas are extremely strict with 'food'.

Three meals a day are mainly vegetarian foods such as black rice, oats, tofu, konjac, etc., and the taste is extremely light.

Therefore, Fujibayashi Shono has always been disgusted with laymen who easily indulge in deliciousness.


Today's food truck is selling all tofu, which is in line with her recipe.

Those empty deep purple eyes stared straight at the man in the window.

Have to admit ~

This new Grand Chef has a look that matches the aesthetic of most women.


Fujibayashi Shono was still expressionless, and his empty eyes did not change at all.

She doesn't like men, and it's useless to be handsome.

"A big magic panda tofu."

A cold voice sounded, and Fujibayashi Shono began to order.

The voice just fell!

The poison island junzi and Tianyu at the table closest to the fast food truck slashed, and the expressions on their faces suddenly became strange.

It is not clear to others.

But as part of a gastronomic group. They knew Chu Feng's rules.

Food trucks are not allowed to cut the queue!

The dream of the private Hundred Flower King Academy is a lesson from the past.

In order to remind the group friends~

Momoku Qi Luoli also highlighted this unlucky bastard in the group.

Tianyu put down his chopsticks and stared at the woman in front of the window with interest.

She had no impression of the headmaster.

I only remember meeting each other when I entered school, and I didn't even remember what the other party looked like.

However, to see that the nominal ruler of the academy is deflated, Tianyu is still very happy to slash.

Poison Island Tsukiko and Oni Wawa opened their mouths slightly, as if they wanted to remind each other... Perhaps most first-year students did not know Shono Fujibayashi.

But in the senior years, they are still familiar with each other.

It's a pity, it's too late.

Chu Feng just glanced at Fujilin Xiangnai lightly, and said a little politely: "Please line up for food." "

The tone was flat, as if it was just an ordinary diner standing in front of him. (⊙_⊙)......

Fujibayashi Shono finally had a trace of expression on his cold face.

He looked a little confused, and there was a hint of dazedness in his eyes.

The other party actually told her to line up? Did I make a mistake?

Fujibayashi Shono, who quickly reacted, looked a little angry.

"Are you sure you're going to get me in line?"

Fujibayashi Shono didn't believe his ears a little and confirmed again.

Looking at the girl in front of him, Chu Feng nodded very seriously and said, "Yes, my rules here are like this, if you want to eat, you have to abide by the rules." "

After receiving a definite answer again, Fujibayashi Shono was a little crying and laughing, and even his voice suddenly increased.

"I'm the dean of this school, and on my territory, you actually told me to line up?"

"What about the Head of the Academy? Isn't queuing for meals the most basic quality? Can you make an exception? "

Chu Feng looked at the other party's deep purple eyes and continued, "Moreover, as the head of the first school, shouldn't you take the lead and set an example?" "

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