Chapter 290 received rave reviews and gained a lot!!

All the time.

There is no uniform hierarchy in the martial arts world.

Each genre has different criteria for determining strength.

For example, the pill self-manifests itself, and the strength is measured by one to the comparison.

Narugami is very strong, and he won the title of "Ichiban" at a young age.

But he could only single out twenty or thirty level fantasy creatures at most.

Beyond this limit, there is absolutely no life or death.

Fujibayashi Shono knew very well how terrifying the strength of that family master was.


Right now~~

Narugami Toraharu actually told her,

The waiter of the fast food truck has the strong strength to crush the ice field dragon! Can you believe it?

Shono Fujibayashi stared blankly at the blonde maid shuttling between the dining tables.

This chick in a maid costume grandstanding,

It doesn't look like that kind of terrifying existence.


Are you sure you're not kidding me?

Shono Fujibayashi, who has always been expressionless.

At this time, his face was full of shock.

Looking back at Narugami Toraharu.

The other party's expression was very serious. Shono Fujibayashi was completely sure. Own master is not joking.


The blonde maid of the food truck, it's really that scary! It's terrifying to think about it~

Can make such a being willingly put on a maid costume to set up a stall.

How terrifying is the strength of that fast food truck boss Chu Feng? Shono Fujibayashi is a smart man.

After drawing inferences.

Finally understand why my owner has changed his normal state.

Face the existence of the strength crushing the ice field dragon.

No matter how arrogant people are, they have to bow their heads. Narugami Toraharu is no exception.

Subconsciously, he shivered.

Fujilin Xiangnai remembered that he almost made a move on Chu Feng just now, and he couldn't help but be a little afraid.

In addition to his palpitations, he secretly rejoiced that his master arrived in time.


The consequences are simply unimaginable!

Maybe she'll have to explain it here on the spot.

This moment~

Fujibayashi's back was completely soaked with sweat.

That's scary!

Thor, who was busy, naturally noticed two strange looks.

I just pretended not to see it.

Does the dragon care about two weak bugs? The answer is no!

As long as these two guys don't come to bother them with business.

Thor has never been concerned about this minor problem.

Chu Feng's thoughts were similar to his own girlfriend.

What is the relationship between Aichi Symbiosis Academy and the Narugami clan? Big Boss Chu didn't care at all.

Since Fujibayashi Shono came down in time and obediently ran to the back to line up, he would not have blacklisted him.

The Love Land Symbiosis Academy is worthy of being a gathering place for the children of martial arts families, and there are really many rich people.

Although not everyone chooses the main dish, it still brings a lot of benefits to Chu Feng.

【Ding! Big Magic Panda Tofu won customer praise, triggered a hundredfold critical hit, reward: 1 million yen, 100 points! 】

[Ding... Trigger a tenfold critical hit, reward: 100,000 yen, 10 points! 】

[Congratulations on winning the skill: inch! ] 】

[Trigger a hundredfold critical hit...]

[Congratulations on obtaining the special secret skill: 100 times the inch fist! ] 】


System tones that keep ringing in your head.

Chu Feng felt very happy at the moment.

Is there anything cooler than a crit? Definitely not!

At this moment~ Boss Chu is very happy.

"Si Guoyi, this magic mapo tofu is also super delicious!"

"Really? Let's fight each other so that we can taste different dishes from each other. "

"Plus can I? This month's pocket money is almost bottoming out, and I only ordered a Wen Xin tofu. "

"Uh... Only spend 5,000 to rub 10,000 yuan of food, your wishful calculation is really good! "

"However, it seems that it is not impossible, just ate Mapo tofu, and the old lady's mouth is spicy red."

"Mmm~ This Wenxin tofu is also too silky, and it instantly dilutes the spicy taste in the mouth."

"This feeling ~ It's like playing on a water slide, and the moment you rush all the way down into the water from a high place, it's really cool~~"

"Lying groove~ If you want to be so exaggerated, I will also hurry up with a whole Wen Xin tofu!"

The diners at the table were feasting and praised.

Some smart people who don't have enough pockets have begun to share tables.

Everyone orders a different dish and you can taste all the dishes in the food truck.

Eat spicy or sweet tofu, shave a bite of rice, and finally drink a sip of soup...

The feeling of falling from a cloud into the sea is simply addictive.

Those who have tasted this taste, or have not yet experienced it, have ordered a tofu soup.

In fact, Chu Feng did not expect that the phenomenon of partial table sharing could also make the sales of Wen Xin tofu grow...

While this dish doesn't offer critical hit cashbacks, it can also bring some benefits.

The hot scene of the loud voice, Fujibayashi Shono can see it all.

All those who eat food truck dishes.

Both men and women!

There was a happy expression on their faces at this time.

"Is it really that delicious?"

Shono Fujibayashi was a little incomprehensible.

I was used to the days of ascetic coarse tea and light rice. She had never eaten even a one-star meal.

Looking at the appearance of everyone enjoying it incomparably,

And the impatient look of those who are still in line.

Fujibayashi Shono suddenly couldn't understand the world.

Could it be that the world of normal people is so fanatical about food? But there is no denying it~

A faint sense of expectation~

It is growing from the bottom of this female ninja's heart.

It didn't take long ~

Finally, it was Narugami's turn.

"Boss Chu, hello."

The blonde girl flashed a smile that she thought was elegant.

"Hello, what are you going to order?"

Chu Feng returned the gift politely.

Although the golden retriever girl is more arrogant, the girl in front of her has at least put away her arrogance in front of herself, and there is no need to speak coldly.

Narugami Huchun retracted his smile before he spoke, "I want one copy of everything." "

"Hmm~ please wait!"

Chu Feng gestured for Alice to take a few more layers of steamed tofu and continue to make dishes.

Today's guests are a little too much, but he is rarely busy.

Alice was equally happy and worked with extra vigor.

The better the food truck's business, the more opportunities she had to see Chu Feng's cuisine.

Now Alice has turned into a learning maniac, desperately absorbing what she can understand.

After Narugami Toraharu ordered the meal, he happened to vacate a table, and immediately motioned for Fujibayashi Shono to quickly take a seat.

The group of students who coexisted with love at the scene were going crazy, and their appetites were completely stimulated, and they didn't care about the identity of Principal Fujibayashi Shono.

There were only ten tables in total, and if he didn't quickly take his seat, Narugami Tiger would probably have to eat standing up.

If you haven't grabbed the position now, you can't let her or Fujibayashi Shono use force, right? One is the heir of the Narugami family, the other is the head of the academy who loves to provide for life... they can't do such a bargain.

Fortunately, Fujibayashi Sho was born as a ninja, and the frequency of foot movements was extremely fast, how could this group of students snatch her...

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