Chapter 295 Luxury! Cooking home cooking with jewel meat!!

"What are you going to do?"

Erinai asked curiously, ready to help. Alice was slightly stunned, and finally remembered the purpose of the internship.

Rice is all incidental, and learning the craft is the most important.


Two pairs of beautiful eyes fell on Chu Feng, both full of longing.

"Jewel Flesh!" that's what is used for today's main course. "

Chu Feng did not let the two 'apprentices' wait for a long time.

In fact, he had thought about tonight's cooking before he went into the kitchen.

"Hiss~ Jewel Flesh?"

"The most delicious meat in legend?"

Alice and Erinah exclaimed at the same time, their faces full of incredulity.

Jewel Flesh, with a capture level of up to 48, is derived from the legendary 1,500-meter-long legal mammoth.

It brings together all the delicious essences of shoulder meat, loin meat, leg meat and offal, and it took countless years to give birth to such a precious ingredient.

The fiat mammoth, also known as the Ligaru mammoth, has a massive body that resembles a labyrinth.

IGO has also found only one dying legal mammoth in the past to obtain a piece of gem flesh.

Erinai and Alice had only heard rumors and had never seen the real thing.

Suddenly hearing Chu Feng say that he wanted to use this legendary dream ingredient to cook, the sisters' eyes almost bulged.

"Boss Chu, quickly show me this legendary treasure!"

Alice, who was impatient, could not care about other direct hands, pulling Chu Feng's sleeve and shaking it non-stop, like a very coquettish little lover.

Rarely ignoring Alice's etiquette issues, Erina's mood to care about it now, her mind full of ingredients from the food book.

"Wait a minute. "

Chu Feng replied casually, and his figure disappeared in place.

The Tsuki sisters were not too surprised, and seemed to have seen it all.

After all, food trucks can open the door to space.

Chu Feng will move instantly, it seems to be normal.

A moment later.

Chu Feng held a pot of objects and appeared in the kitchen again.

The more precious ingredients were all put in the fast food truck, and Chu Feng just used the Divine Walking Step, but just ran downstairs.

Without letting the two curious babies wait for a long time, he directly opened the lid.


The whole kitchen is illuminated by a ray of light.

Erinai and Alice followed the light source.

A piece of crystal clear flesh, like a transparent crystal, is emitting a soft glow.

Jewel Meat! Legendary fantasy ingredients!

"Is this the flesh of gemstones? God, it's like a craft that has been repeatedly carved by craftsmen!"

Alice covered her small mouth, as if intending to hide her surprise. But those burgundy eyes had already betrayed her mood at the moment.


The first time she saw this 'crystal', Alice was completely shocked.


Erina, who has always been calm and calm in case of accidents, subconsciously surged her throat, and the whole person froze in place.

The meat of the gemstones that was casually packed in a large basin by Chu Feng, the gravy dripping down the surface was as shiny as gold.

The bursts of fragrance that dwarf all perfumes in the world

Just staying in the kitchen, stimulated by the smell of meat, Erinah and Alice have already flowed out of the hara.

"Oh my God, what meat is so fragrant?"

Eluma didn't know when she had sneaked to the kitchen door, her blue eyes staring dead at the meat in the large basin.

For foodies, nothing is more appealing than the aroma of food.

What's more, it is still the top ingredient such as jewel meat.

"Heh, I didn't expect you to cut your hair short, and your insight is still the same, and you don't even know the flesh of gems. "

Seeing Aluma instantly flowing out of Hara, Thor naturally would not miss this opportunity and mocked unceremoniously.

It's just a piece of raw meat, what's the big deal.

Start making a fuss now, when Chu Feng is done, won't it be to shock your jaws?

Thor raised his head proudly at Aluma, forgetting that he almost bit off his tongue when he first tasted the flesh of the gems.

Aluma did not speak, her eyes staring dead at the flesh of the jewel.

If it weren't for the fact that she was still a bit of a 'guest', she almost snatched to hear Thor's voice, and Erinay and Alice came back to their senses.

The sisters rarely synchronized once, raising the back of their hand to wipe the saliva from the corner of their mouths.

The two looked at each other, both of them seeing each other's embarrassment.

Shame on you~ The princess of the dignified Tang Che family actually stared at a piece of meat and drooled.

If this is passed out, I am afraid that it will instantly become the laughing stock of the entire Yuanyue.......

"Why are you gathered around the kitchen door? Let's all go outside and wait!"

Chu Feng turned his head and glanced at Aluma and the others, ready to make dishes.

Alice, who had already tied her apron, folded her sleeves and asked with anticipation on her face: "Boss Chu, what are you going to do?"

In her opinion~

Jewel meat is a legendary ingredient.

There must be recipes worthy of the price... Such as Dongpo meat, lion's head, Buddha jumping off the wall...

Alice believed that Chu Feng would also choose a similar famous dish for the state banquet.


Boss Chu never plays cards according to routines.

"Braised pork!"

He gave the answer almost without thinking.


"Braised pork?"

"You're not kidding, are you?"

Alice's eyes were round, and she looked at Chu Feng with a serious face in disbelief.

Well~ it's a vain question~

Just by looking at the other person's expression, you can tell that there is no joke.


Chu Feng really planned to use the meat of extremely precious gems to make a home-cooked dish that was so ordinary that it could no longer be ordinary?

Luxury! Simply extravagant!

Only Boss Chu, a 'moat' that can take out fantastic ingredients at will, dares not to take the meat of gems seriously.


Erinai was also confused, almost wondering if she had heard wrong. Braised pork is a popular dish with its own specialties in each place.

Neon also has this kind of dish, which is a relatively common dish.

Braised pork with gemstone meat.

All right~

It really echoed Chu Feng's style.


This is very Chu boss!

Erina took a deep look at the jeweled flesh thrown onto the kitchen counter.

There was a hint of regret under his eyes, and it seemed that he was a little unworthy of it.

The expressions of the sisters, Chu Feng's eyes, the corners of his mouth crossed an arc, he chuckled: "Why?


"I'm not~"

Erinai and Alice quickly denied it.

After all~

Most of the things that fast food trucks usually sell are ordinary dishes.

They can't tear down Boss Chu's platform.


Not caring about the duplicity of the two sisters, Chu Feng chuckled, knowing that their deep-rooted concepts for more than ten years were difficult to change.

Then, he spoke, "Then do you know that there are as many as twenty or thirty kinds of home-cooked dishes in this Dragon Kingdom, and each one has its own characteristics. "

"If you think home-cooked food is ordinary, then take a good look at it, is it that simple..."

As soon as the words fell, the Yongling knife fell on the piece of meat.

The moment you cut the flesh of the gemstone, the scattered gravy is like fireworks, shining with little light.

The mellow and fragrant taste suddenly became more intense....

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