Symbiosis Gakuen Student Council Headquarters

Inside a vintage wooden box.

Three girls dressed differently

His gaze kept wandering around the ghost wheel.

"So, that chef's strength is really that strong?"

With a double ponytail, his lilac hair is slightly white.

Inaba Tsukiye is dressed in a witch's costume, sitting on a chair with her eyes closed, and holding a katana in her arms.

The voice is very soft, and it seems very indifferent.

It's hard to believe that she's small.

In fact, he is the youngest and strongest of the five swords in the world.

"Huh~ the wheel is really getting worse and worse, and I can't even beat a cook." "

The only third-grader in the Five Swords, he is also the oldest and youngest Flower Wine Fern.

At this time, he was sitting on the back of a pet bear, mercilessly teasing the short-haired girl in front of him.

"Huh~ you have the ability, you can try it!!"

Ghost Walun who changed his clothes again but did not wear a ghost mask again snorted coldly, and replied angrily.

Losing to Chu Feng, she had nothing to say.

Acknowledging your failures is not something to be ashamed of.

It's just the ridicule of the flower wine fern that makes her slightly dissatisfied.

"What an interesting man, I don't know if I can take my fencing ???."

Her long noble golden curls hang down her waist, and her blue eyes are as bright as the sky.

Turtle Crane Castle Mary, who returned from overseas, had a look of great interest on her beautiful face.

"Trust me, Mary, that man's strength is definitely far superior to yours and me. "

Ghost Walun spoke again, his mood was extremely low, and his tone was faintly tinged with a hint of fear.

The stunning knife just now is still playing back in her mind at this moment, as if it can never be erased from her memory.

At the same time, the ghost tile wheel was very clear that the other party had already left his subordinates merciful.

It is not difficult for someone who can easily cut out such a knife force to kill her.

The five swords of the world fell silent at the same time.

Can make the ghost tile wheel, who has always been above the top, say such words.

One can imagine how powerful that mysterious chef is.

Inaba Moon Night was not present at the time.

But it did not prevent this top genius of 'pill self-manifestation' from simulating the picture at that time in his mind.

A knife that can make the ghost tile wheel unresponsive.

You can imagine how fast it is.

It is estimated to be faster than the knife pulling technique of Poison Island Rinko.

'I wonder who is a little faster than the [Instantaneous] I shot with all my might?'


Because of the moonlight night thinking seriously, she, who has always had an indifferent personality, suddenly rose a little interest in her heart.

Fighting alone, she is indeed not the opponent of Tianyu Slash and Poison Island Junzi.

But if you only talk about the speed of the sword, she can definitely be called the first person in the symbiotic academy.

"By the way, what about Satori?"

It seemed that he finally realized that there was one missing person among the five swords, and Inaba Yueye asked.

"I guess I went to the food truck owner, and when I came over, I saw her going over there." "

Mary, who was holding a neon dictionary in her hand, said lightly.

As a mixed-race child, her neon language is not very good, and she often has to turn to the dictionary.

"Round, go and watch that guy, don't let her toss around. "

In the end, Inaba made a decision.

"Why don't you go?"

Ghost Walun suddenly shouted, and there was silence in response to her.

None of the people who are qualified to command the symbiosis school are fools.

Don't look at Inaba Yueya and the others showing great interest.

But it would definitely not be appropriate for them to face Chu Feng now.

Once you go, according to the rules of the school, you must correct the other party.

Since he sat in the position of 'Five Swords Under the World',

They must maintain order and traditions in schools.

But according to the description of the ghost clay wheel

They were definitely not Chu Feng's opponents

That guy is estimated to be stronger than Tianyu Slash and Poison Island Slash.

That being the case,

It's better to let the ghost clay wheel that failed to correct pass

In case the mentally disturbed sleeping birds cause trouble.

Anyway, she has already lost face, and it doesn't matter if she loses the festival again.

The five swords in the world have different minds, and the relationship is not as harmonious as it seems.


"Ahhh, it looks delicious, can you let me take a bite


Sleepy Satori didn't know when he was lying on a stool, staring curiously at the egg fried rice on the wooden case, and licked his red lips unconsciously.

"No, no~"

Poison Island Junko didn't seem surprised at all by the green-haired girl's strange behavior, and still refused in a very flat tone.

The golden egg fried rice is so delicious, how can it be distributed to others, it is disrespectful to Boss Chu.

"The sauce and the satori are divided, and I don't want to give a bite of egg fried rice. "

Sleeping Satori looked a little aggrieved and looked unhappy.

And then....

She suddenly turned her head to stare at Chu Feng, and smiled sweetly: "Boss, can you invite me to eat one?"

Obviously one second he was still sad, and the next second it turned into a sweet and cute wind.

This sudden change in painting style was a little unexpected by Chu Feng.

Sure enough, she is a girl whose behavior and purpose are elusive~

Secretly slandered, Chu Feng politely refused: "I'm sorry, small business, not free." "

"Uh-huh, petty!"

The voice just fell.

A short tai knife pierced Chu Feng's face door.

It's incredibly fast.


The handle of a white oak knife.

Suddenly stuck on the offensive line of the Taitao.

Chu Feng never figured it out.

Why can Poison Island's wooden knife block the sharp blade?

"Sister Jizi is too much, people just want the boss to make me an egg fried rice." "

Sleeping Satori withdrew his sword, his eyes narrowed.

"Using a knife to force someone to cook is not a good habit. "

"Satori, stop messing around, and don't make Boss Chu angry. "

Poison Island said seriously.

She and Yakumme Satori are acquainted, and they usually make small talk when they meet.

Neither dislike nor disgust with the strange behavior and thoughts of young girls.

Poison Island knew that Chu Feng didn't like to joke.

That's why I specially reminded Sleepy Satori to be honest.

She naturally knew that the green-haired girl with a dark heart was moody.

But who doesn't have a dark side in their hearts?

Poison Island Tsuko didn't care about this.

She just didn't want the few people in the school who could speak, because the mess was in the hands of Boss Chu.


Photo: Kamizuru City Mary!

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