Chapter 300 Boss Chu has worked hard, good maid treats you!!

"Yo, this is not married yet, you know to protect your own man?"

Rare to find the opportunity to tease Thor, Aluma is now faintly excited,

It seems to have forgotten that I also have strange feelings for it.

In fact, no one present found out.

To avoid unnecessary trouble,

When Chu Feng cooked, he was already fully open.

The full version is expensive with peace.

The effect was far beyond his imagination.

Old Rukoya, hostile to mankind,

And Aluma, who is suspected of being a love rival...

It is completely impossible to resist the influence of peace as precious.

Instantly defected to the camp, almost regarded Chu Feng as a confidant.

In the face of Aluma's teasing, Thor rarely blushed a little.

Although he had already decided to follow Ding Chufeng in this life.

I often joke about marriage, but when these two words come out of someone's mouth.

The dragon maid still rarely showed a little woman-like posture.

Of course~

She also knew that Aluma was just joking.

After all, the pride of the dragon clan can't do such a thing as bleaching.


Chu Feng also saw that Thor and Aluma had a deep friendship.

It's just that both are hard-mouthed people.

No one will give in.

So much so that now they bicker as soon as they meet. Problems between dragon girls.

Chu Feng didn't ask.

No one can take Thor anyway.

A meal is enjoyable.

Even Erina, who was not used to being lively, smiled.

After a break.

Lukoya and the others got up to leave.

Now that they have found Thor, they are ready to live in Junjing. Chu Feng did not retain, but just pulled the three-headed dragon into the food group.

Since there is no way to brush the skills of the food truck employee Thor.

Boss Chu will count on these three guys in front of him in the future.

Jia Bairi and Erinai went back to their respective homes.

The living room quickly returned to its usual calm.

"Thank you~"

At this time, Thor suddenly burst out a sentence.

Chu Feng was slightly stunned, and then said with a smile: "Between us, do you still need to say this?"

"Yes, no need. "

Thor smiled, glanced at Connor, who was about to watch TV, and whispered, "Are you done with your homework?"

"No, not much anyway, watch TV later." "

Connor replied casually, but she was a little strange in her heart, usually asking you not to care about her homework.

After all, there is not much homework for neon elementary school students.

Otherwise, that group of young detectives would not have done nothing after school every day and died in different ways.

Just as Connor was wondering, Thor's voice suddenly rose.

"Then don't you hurry up and do it, what kind of TV to watch?"


Connor looked confused, and then saw the look in your eyes.

All right~

Lord Thor must be brewing something now, and it's better not to bother him honestly.

Connor quickly reacted, glanced at the two 'adults' resentfully, and silently returned to the room.

Next second~

Thor changed his face instantly, holding Chu Feng's arm with both hands, and after rubbing it, he said with a smile on his face: "Boss Chu has worked hard today, hurry back to the room, the good maid will give you a good massage, just treat you!"


The two can be regarded as old husbands and wives, and Chu Feng instantly understood in seconds, knowing that tomorrow he would have back pain again.

But as the saying goes, full of warm thoughts, straight men are also in demand... d...... One night without a word.

Just when I got up the next day.

Chu Feng faintly felt a little pain in his waist.

【At 5 p.m., opposite the rice flower bank, lotus seed poultry custard and carrot fried meat with honey sauce!】

According to the convention~

Early in the morning, a group of snackers are guarding the screen of their mobile phones.

Two dishes that have never been heard of.

It immediately attracted the attention of the group of students in Yuanyue.

Food expert: What's going on with Boss Chu now?

Cute little peach: Yes, poultry custard and fried meat, there are countless ways to make it, and you can't imagine what the finished product looks like.

Snake Yumeko: Boss Chu is strongly requested to burst photos, any kind of photo can be.

Tianyu chopping: Hehe, where do you want to know today's dishes?

Fallen Jia Baili: The man's wife is talking again, do you have the ability to take Chu Feng down?

Xiaohui Tian: Shouldn't we talk about cooking first, the rice flower bank is near Boss Chu's house, right? Unfortunately, it's too far from where I practiced.

(Megumi Tansho, who was in the staff suite of the Far Moon Hotel, had a wry smile on her face...) Because she won the first place in the fall selection, the first stop of her internship

It's here, I guess I don't want to taste the food truck cuisine these days)

Kohei Sojin: Haha~~ The restaurant where I practiced is right around here, so I can ask the boss for leave at that time!

Megumi Field: What? I just took a leave of absence at the beginning of my internship, so Kohei-san don't want to grade?

God's Tongue: I remember your first stop was the newly opened restaurant opened by the chef of the fourth palace in Weijing, right?

Miss's secretary: That stern chef of the fourth palace can criticize you for fake?

Kohei Sojin: You guessed this wrong, he has agreed, and closed the shop at five o'clock on time, and all the staff went to eat Boss Chu's cooking.

Tongue of God: (⊙_⊙)...

Megumi Field: (⊙_⊙)

Yuhime Yoshino: Oh my God, such a good boss, where can I find it?

Brushing the chat in the group, Chu Feng didn't bother to reply.

Anyway, when you come to the opposite side of the rice flower bank, you can see the cuisine of another world.

That's right!

Lotus seed poultry custard and carrot fried meat with honey sauce are not dishes of this world, they are all from the game Genshin.

The former is given away free by the system refresh in the morning, while the latter one is the previous inventory.

Chu Feng decided to make [Lotus Seed Egg Soup] today's main dish. This dish requires very few ingredients.

Lotus, bird eggs, and sugar.

With three simple ingredients, you can boil a delicious lotus seed soup, and the recipes of Genshin World also have merit.

The recipes given by the system do not specify what bird eggs must be used.

Chu Feng's spirit moved, and he decided to try it with a dream creature.

Genshin recipes plus dream ingredients, I don't know what kind of sparks can collide?

Boss Chu is very interested in this, and he is also full of energy to cook.

Since the first dish is more advanced, the second course naturally cannot be reduced.

Chu Feng exchanged another hundred catties of red hair pork for making honey sauce carrot fried meat, and when Eri Nai came over, the two began to process the ingredients.

Alice has something going on today and can't come over to help for the time being. Chu Feng didn't care, anyway, today is Eri Nai on duty.

Busy times always fly by.

Five o'clock in the afternoon!

The food truck appeared on time opposite the gate of the Mihua Bank...

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