Chapter 307 Belmode and Billion Yen!!


The lunar cryptostars are rare.

Inside a bar in a remote corner.

Gin and vodka sit on the edge of the bar.

On the other side sat a beautiful blonde woman.

The woman's appearance is extremely beautiful, and the blue pupils seem to be crystal clear.

Gin Jiu put down the phone, casually picked up the cocktail that had just been mixed, took a sip lightly, and said with a smile: "Akemi Miyano has decided to start tomorrow, vodka, and find someone to closely monitor her movements." "

"Okay, big brother!"

The dull voice of vodka sounded, and then gradually turned into doubt.

"Big brother, why are you looking for someone to spy on that woman, we just need to wait for her to complete the task and take over tens of billions of yen!"

Gin Jiu put down the wine glass in his hand, pushed it to the bartender, and said darkly: "I really don't fit to drink this, change me a glass of whiskey." "

Slowly turned his head to look at Vodka's humble face.

Gin Jiu sighed, and said with a little hatred that iron is not steel: "Akemi Miyano has repeatedly attempted to betray the organization, and this time she even proposed to take Shiho Miyano with her, do you think that after she gets ten billion yen, she will obediently hand it over to us?"

Vodka instantly realized, and gave a thumbs up: "Or the eldest brother thinks thoughtfully, when the time comes, get the money to kill Akemi Miyano, and then put all the blame on that woman, no one will find out about us." "

"That's right, the food world and the dream ingredients can no longer be hidden, all the big and small forces around the world have begun to move, and we are an organization caught in the middle, try not to emerge in the recent period." "

Gin Jiu poured the wine depressedly.

Once upon a time, he joined the black-clad organization with great spirits. He thought he could do something big with the boss.

Who knows the deeper the truth of this world.

Gin Jiu felt more and more weak in himself and his organization.


Behemoths such as IGO and gourmet parties.

One branch can destroy the black-clad organization.

Over the years, gin wine has been working diligently on thin ice. Everything must be well prepared before you dare to act.

Glancing at Tie Han Vodka.

He suddenly felt a little tired.

I started nostalgic for the fried chicken nuggets I ate that day.

No way~

The organization assigned him all this kind of idiot.

Big brother Gin Jiu can only do everything himself.

"Gin wine, are you ready to unload the mill and kill the donkey?

Just then, the blonde woman sitting on the edge of the bar laughed.

"Belmode, you beautiful snake hidden under the screen, is the least qualified to say such things. "

Qin Jiu glanced at the blonde woman lightly, and hummed softly: "Say, what's the matter with coming to Weijing this time?"

"Don't worry, I'm just here to catch up with an old friend, and it won't affect your plans." "

Belmode took a sip of the cocktail and said curiously: "However, swallowing tens of billions of yen in one go, are you really not afraid that the neon official will trouble you?"

Let's be honest~

At first, I learned about Gin Jiu's plan. Belmode was also taken aback.

Ten billion yen!

That's no small amount.

Once the money is moved!

Neon officials and the Jingjing chaebol will definitely not be able to give up.

"Organizations need this money!"

Gin Jiu replied crisply. Belmode asked no more. After a glass of wine, turn around and leave.

She came to Weijing this time for another mission.

Just came to inform the head of the Weijing branch, Qin Jiu.

It happens to know the plan to rob tens of billions", just a little curious.

Belmode had no doubt about Gin Jiu's determination.

This cold guy is probably the most loyal person to the organization. Gin Jiu watched Belmod leave and drank alone.

He certainly knew the risks of this plan.

But they had to take risks. Now the finances of the Weijing branch are tight.

If you don't want to get money again.

They can't carry out even the simplest scientific experiments. Originally intended to steal the bacon leaves of the Ryomoto family.

Once successful, the immediate need can be temporarily relieved.

Who knew that not only the formula was taken, but also a Calvados was put in.

Gin Jiu is very depressed just thinking about it, and it also has a bit of a headache.

Because according to the intelligence collected subsequently.

The formula for bacon leaves has fallen into the hands of the Far Moon Group.

And the Xue Che family has a deep relationship with IGO.

He also maintains a good relationship with the mysterious food truck owner.

Weighing the family background of the Weijing branch, there was no way to find trouble with the Xue Che family, thinking of this, Gin Jiu began to miss the delicious roast chicken nuggets again.

When the money gets his hand, he must go to taste the chef's cooking again.......

After giving Akemi Miyano a divine blessing last night. The number of customers visiting the food truck is also decreasing.

The food truck finished work at eight o'clock on time.

Today, the stall is set up in the evening.

After leaving the preparation of the ingredients to Erinai and Alice.

Chu Feng came to the Mihua Bank early in the morning and prepared to get things done.

Neon's banks are different from other countries.

More similar to a joint stock company.

And the competition among the major banks is particularly fierce. This is why it is necessary to transfer cash.

Three billion yen!

That's no small amount for any Neon bank.

Of course~

Chu Feng didn't have to go to withdraw the money in person.

After the account bank signs the agreement.

Naturally, someone transported the money to the rice flower bank. In fact, it is a process.

After all~

These are all achievements!

Although it was guessed that there would be a robbery here later.

But Chu Feng was not worried at all.

He can't just deposit his money and be robbed, right?


Even if it's that clever.

In the original work, the black-clad organization only robbed one billion. Then it has nothing to do with your own money.

After all, three billion ~

Even if you snatch it, it is difficult to hide.

Chu Feng's whole heart was put into his stomach.

I didn't expect that Gin Jiu's appetite suddenly became so great.

I intend to swallow ten billion directly!

Just entered the bank.

The fat-headed and big-eared president personally went downstairs to greet him.

Respectfully invite him into the elevator.

During the period of meeting Miyano Akimi, Chu Feng nodded at her. Watch the elevator doors close, and the president's flattering smile.

Akemi Miyano clicked in her heart.

No way?

Could it be that the billionaire who deposited three billion today is a young fast food truck owner?

Akemi Miyano was a little unsure. But the governor's attitude cannot be falsified. Extra respectful to the food truck owner indeed.

This moment~

Akemi Miyano couldn't help but think of the dishes she had eaten yesterday afternoon.

It was a taste of happiness that she hadn't experienced in years.

His brows were completely furrowed, and a hint of entanglement appeared on his face.

If he could, Akemi Miyano didn't want to touch the other party's money.

But the arrow was on the string, it had to be sent...

If he does not complete the task, he will definitely die, and his sister's future is unknown

Akemi Miyano only hesitated for a moment, and then decided to continue with the plan and rob a billion yen!

Anyway, when the time comes, there will also be losses from the bank to the fast food truck owner.

As if finally finding a reason to convince herself, Akemi Miyano quickened her pace and disappeared around the corner of the corridor...

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