Chapter 322 Special Chef, Gourmet Predator Yue Hua Deng!!

"It's incredible!"

A middle-aged man occupies a table alone.

As soon as he took a bite of the fish-scented eggplant, his eyes lit up.

As soon as the eggplant block entered the mouth, it was like a bomb thrown into the deep sea, instantly stirring up countless waves.

He even experienced a long-lost heart palpitation.

Not frightened out of fear.

It's about enjoying the food.

The heart flutters violently involuntarily.

The eggplant cubes in your mouth have a soft taste.

But with just the right amount of crispness.

That is, from the crispiness of the eggplant skin.

The eggplant is very soft to chew, and the soup that penetrates into the eggplant meat explodes like a torrent, and the whole mouth is full of sweet and sour taste.

The middle-aged man glanced at the young man in his twenties in the food truck in surprise.

Handsome hairstyle, handsome face, neat clothes, extremely skilled movements.

Those black eyes are sharp and restrained, calm but not losing the atmosphere.

Is this the youngest chef in the world? Sure enough, a talent, extraordinary temperament!

The middle-aged man couldn't help but sigh.

Suddenly remembered his unfilial son.

Obviously not a few years younger than the young man in front of him, why is it still nothing?

Even when I went to school in Yuanyue, I was in the second grade of the Higher Department, and I was not selected as a top ten. Forget it, I don't want these unhappy things, in the end, it is just to increase sadness and sadness.

The middle-aged man shook his head secretly.

At present, he doesn't want to spoil his good mood.

Almost made a move similar to that of Tianyu Slash just now.

The middle-aged man carefully pinned the soup into the rice, gently stirred well, and slowly took the bowl.

Glancing at the way people around him ate eggplant and rice, he snorted softly and shook his head thoughtfully.

"A group of Dongying people don't understand the magic of this dish at all." "

"Only fish fragrant eggplant is the most orthodox way to eat!"

Burying his head in a mouthful, the middle-aged man couldn't help but praise again: "The more you chew, the more fragrant, both crispy taste and soft chewiness." "

"The crispy texture of the eggplant represents the chef's perfect control of the oil temperature; And the fluffy eggplant meat, only the absolute control of the cooking time, can present such a rich layering. "

The middle-aged man who was talking to himself immediately attracted the attention of the people around him. In fact, Akemi Miyano had discovered this strange middle-aged man long ago. Every time someone tried to sit at his table, they were invisibly blocked. There is a faint coercion on this person, which makes ordinary people subconsciously stay away. Fortunately, there were many vacant seats, and there were enough seats to sit for the time being, so Akemi Miyano did not care about him.


Just the strength of the middle-aged man, it is not enough for Akemi Miyano to fight.

Akemi Miyano herself did not find that after the reincarnation of the angel, the mentality has also changed greatly.

In the past, she didn't dare to mess with a 'big man' like the other party.

Of course, Chu Feng heard the middle-aged man's evaluation, and after being slightly stunned, a smile was outlined at the corner of his mouth.

Yo, this is a meeting with peers?

Being able to accurately describe the uniqueness of eggplant meat and rind is something that ordinary foodies can't do.

Erina, who had chopped some pork filling again, raised her head and happened to see the middle-aged man as well.

Frowning slightly, Erinai wondered, "Yue Hua Deng? Why is he here? "

"Yue Huadeng?"

Chu Feng was slightly stunned.

Inside the halberd, is there this person? He had never heard of it anyway.

Erina glanced at the guy next to her strangely.

"You don't know him?"

"Is he famous? Do I have to know? "

Chu Feng rolled his eyes and shrugged slightly.

"Yue Hua Deng, the food predator of Neon Chinatown, the founder of Yue Family Lou, one of the only three special chefs in Neon!"

Erina sighed helplessly.

Regarding the cuisine, many things are difficult for Chu Feng.

About the culinary world, the other party does not know anything.

And then~

She saw Chu Feng looking at her with a strange gaze.

That means as if to say...

There are only three special chefs in your neon cuisine world, and one of them is from the Dragon Kingdom, which is too crotch-pulling, right?

Somehow, Erina's eyes could always read each other's eyes.

With a blank look at Chu Feng, Eri Nai sighed and said: "Don't think that everyone is like you, improving cooking skills is as simple as drinking water and eating, nine stars to promote to special chef, very, very difficult eh..."

Miss Xue Che actually used overlapping words.

You can imagine how complicated the mood is at this time.


Chu Feng replied nonchalantly.

Anyway, his escalation all depends on critical strikes, and there is no trouble in this regard at all. Just looking at Yue Huadeng again, his gaze was slightly complicated.

It's like ~

Looking at a traitor!

As a Chinese, he became a special chef of Neon Country.

Isn't this similar to the traitors in the history of previous lives.

None ~so~~

The Dragon Kingdom of this world is very powerful, and there is no history of that blood-stained Shenzhou at all.

"What is the origin of this Yue Family Building?"

Chu Feng was slightly curious.

After two months of stalling, he also walked a lot of places.

I don't dare to say that I have visited Wei Jing all over the place, but he has a seven, seven, eight, eight.

Why have you never seen any Yue Family Building?

"Yuejialou is open on the Kanto side, Izu, Yokohama all have their Yuehua family's shops."

"The Yue Hua family has been rooted in Neon for many years, and since Yue Hua was promoted to special chef, he has gained a pivotal position in the culinary world, but..."

"What is this old guy doing in Weijing now? Could it be that they plan to open a branch here? "

Erinai knew that Chu Feng did not know about the neon cuisine world, and after explaining, she also fell into deep thought.

It is no small matter for a special chef to leave his home base and rule out visiting relatives and friends.

And the Yue Hua family, except for Yue Huadeng's unfinished son Yue Hua Fist, has no other relatives and friends in Weijing.

With the promotion of the food world, now the Xue Che family is always paying attention to the culinary world, and they are very clear about the details of the Yue Hua family.

As for coming to see my son?

Just the goods that were luckily not eliminated by Yuanyue were not worth Yue Huadeng to run in person.

After hesitating, Erinai still took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Senzoemon...

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