Chapter 337 Neon major genres, the strongest creature on the surface!!

On a copper-colored plaque.

Several gilded characters printed with the Dragon Flying Phoenix Dance.

Cross-Sea Symbiosis Academy!

Just by the door style, you know the dignity of this school.

This place is obviously stronger than the Love Land Symbiosis Academy, which is more than one notch.

Just entering the door is a blue-gray cobbled avenue.

Lush birch trees stand in two rows along the road.

It seems that two teams of soldiers are on display in an orderly manner, showing the atmosphere of the school.

Further on~

There are many buildings in the classical style.

Under the shade of green trees.

It's as if you're away from all the hustle and bustle of the city.

It gives a sense of tranquility and distance.

However, Poison Island Junzi and Tianyu Slash and others are clear.

Under this tranquility and peace, there are endless murderous intentions.

Chu Feng smiled and said, "This cross-sea symbiosis academy is quite well decorated. "

"Hmph, grandstanding, it's just eyeballs."

Tianyu snorted coldly: "People who practice martial arts in my generation don't need these at all. "

Poison Island Junzi rarely agreed with the other party's statement, and nodded: "Indeed, such an environment will only wear down the will of the warrior." "

Oni Wawa and Sleepy Satori pouted, looking very unhappy.

Every time they come to Cross Sea Symbiosis Academy, they feel a sense of frustration.

"Huh~ Only people with weak wills will be decayed by the things in front of them."

"A truly strong person will not waver at all."


A cold voice sounded.

A black long straight girl wearing the uniform of the Cross-Sea Symbiosis Academy appeared in front of everyone.

The girl was short at her waist.

A pair of black eyes shone brightly.

The delicate facial features form an indifferent face.

The small and delicate body looks like a junior high school student.

"Sato Whale!"

Poison Island Junzi frowned slightly, and her purple eyes stared straight at the girl who suddenly appeared.

"Who is she?"

Facing the girl he had never seen before, Chu Feng was slightly curious.

"Sato Whale, the sixth envoy of the Thunder God Society, is good at aiki swords, and defeated the ghost whara in ten moves at last year's exchange conference." "

Poison Island Rinko spoke again.

"Oh? He was able to easily defeat the girl of the ghost tile wheel, and he looked a little powerful, and the corner of his mouth hooked an arc. "

Last year, she had not yet come to the Love Land Symbiosis Academy, and naturally she did not know the strength of the girl in front of her.


It's just better than the ghost wheel, it's not something to show off.

"Sato Whale!"

The enemy is very red when he meets.

Ghost Walun stared dead at the black straight girl not far away.

His right hand already held the handle of 'Onimaru Kunigang'.

One hand~

Suddenly, he held her right hand.

It was because of the moonlit night.

"No need to worry, wait for the conference to start and fight."

As the true head of the five swords in the world.

Don't look at Inaba Moon Night is the youngest.

But the prestige among the five swords of the world is extremely high.

Ghost Tile Snorted softly and slowly withdrew the hand that drew the knife.

After stopping the impulsive ghost wheel.

Ina Yueye looked at the black long straight girl not far away, and slowly said, "What about the rest of your Thunder God Society?" "

"The guild leader and the other divine envoys are receiving the seniors of the martial arts world at the venue, since you people who love the earth symbiosis are here, then hurry up."

Sadong Whale's attitude was unusually cold.

The two colleges compete with each other, and they have been holding grudges for a long time, and neither can get used to each other.

Closing his eyes, Inaba Yueye nodded slightly.

Expressionlessly, he followed the other party towards the venue in the center of the school.

Zuodong Whale did not recognize Chu Feng's identity from beginning to end.

Maybe in her eyes.

The other party is also a student of symbiosis with love.

And love symbiosis?

The defeat of his subordinates is nothing to worry about.

What the five swords of the world, the symbiotic two emperors...

It's just a gimmick carried out by a group of weak people.

As a fanatical loyalist of the president of the Thor Society.

In the eyes of Sato Whale, there is only the tall elder.

No one else was put in the eye at all.

"Beichen Yidao Flow, the current flow lord Beichen Guang, and the owner of the Xuanwu Museum in Chiba Prefecture, Guo Chuncheng!"

"Shinto no Nenryu headquarters to hide, the founder of the Karate Shinshinkai foolishly walked alone."

"God, I didn't expect that these famous seniors in the martial arts world are all here this year."

"Yes, according to the statistics of the greeters, the well-known dojos and ancient schools in Kanto and Kansai basically have seniors present."

"This martial arts exchange conference is definitely the biggest event in the history of our school."

"I am really honored to be able to enter the cross-sea symbiosis."

"Fortunately, Lao Tzu did not choose to coexist with love, I heard that the group of women are still doing corrective work, making some mess all day, how can they have the mind to practice martial arts."

"Indeed, I almost chose the wrong path last year, but fortunately I was fortunate enough to witness the heroic posture of the president, so I resolutely chose to cross the sea, although the entrance test was difficult, but I still passed by luck..."

"Look, that's..."

"The strongest creature on the surface, Yujiro Fanma, why is he here?"

"Didn't he never get involved in the martial arts world? Could it be that the grown-up specially invited him? "

"So strong! So fierce! What a terrifying momentum! "

"God, just walking slowly, facing him, I have the feeling of facing an ancient ferocious beast."

"It's too strong, Guo Chuncheng, who has always been known for his physical toughness, and Yudi Dubu, do not have his sense of oppression."

The venue was already full of people, and the students exchanged their heads and ears, talking about the seniors who had entered the venue.

However, as a red-haired man who was more than two meters tall and had an extremely exaggerated physique walked in, the entire venue suddenly fell silent.

The loose black suit was worn on Yujiro Vanma, supported by the bulging muscles, but it showed a strange beauty like flowing water.

He just walked calmly.

But it gives people the illusion of thousands of troops.

Dull footsteps sounded in the silent venue.

Like a twilight drum and morning bell, it beats everyone's hearts.

This is Yujiro Vanma.

This is the strongest creature on the surface! And then~

The students who had not yet waited for cross-sea symbiosis sighed.

Yujiro Fan seemed to suddenly perceive something.

Turning his head sharply, his steps quickened in vain, and he ran towards the gate of the venue. (⊙_⊙)......

Everyone was immediately dumbfounded, and they were all stunned in place.

What does it mean?

Just come and go? Is it so capricious?

Although we all know that you are strong.

But we can't be so dismissive of our cross-sea symbiotic face, right?

Everyone stays where they are. Even the greeter at the door didn't have time to react.

The little faces of several beautiful girls were pale, and they couldn't stop trembling.

E IV 4~

It is estimated that he was wondering if he had done something wrong to cause the dissatisfaction of this big man.

Followed by~

They heard Yujiro Vanma's hearty laughter.

"Haha~~ Boss Chu, I didn't expect you to come too!!"

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