Chapter 339 Oni Wawa VS Toyama Sakura!!

"Thank you."

Because the moonlit night was silent for a long time.

He glanced at Chu Feng and Thor gratefully.

Although not sure why.

Narugami Tadakatsu seemed to be a little afraid of ~ the two.

But she was well aware.

Even if you get a place in the gastronomic world.

The titular father wasn't going to let her in either.


Now the situation is completely different.

Although Chu Feng didn't do anything, he didn't say a word.

But standing beside him, he has already made his position clear.

The invisible power made Narugami Tadakatsu dare not act rashly. ~

Inaba Moon Night is infinitely grateful.

After all~

A chance to enter the world of gastronomy!

It was so rare for her.

Chu Feng and Thor looked at each other and smiled, and the latter rubbed Inhata Yueye's head and comforted: "Don't think so much, concentrate on the game." "

Thor seemed very patient with the girl, whose hair color was almost identical to Connor's.

Who calls each other is a frequent customer of the food truck.

Who not to help her.

Thor is the same as Big Boss Chu.

But they are all short-term guards.


Under the introduction of Yujiro Vanma.

Chu Feng met Beichen Guang of Beichen Yidao Flow, Guo Chuncheng of Xuanwu Pavilion, and martial arts masters such as Yizang and Yudi Dubu of the headquarters.

Some of them are more familiar, apparently other Banri characters.

Chu Feng didn't care, this is a very common phenomenon in the comprehensive world.

But what he didn't expect was that Guo Chuncheng was actually from the Dragon Kingdom, or Guo Haihuang's son.


It is the customary unified certification in the fighting world of the Dragon Kingdom.

The man who survived the battle royale of 99 people.

to qualify for the title of quasi-sea king.

Then a number of quasi-sea kings compete on the same stage. The winner of the final victory is Aquaman.

And the strongest sea king of the same era.

The title of Sea Emperor will be awarded.

And the strong man with long black curly hair in front of him is the son of the Sea Emperor.

Chu Feng paid a little more attention to Guo Chuncheng.

But on strength ~

But he was the weakest of the four.

Regardless of Beichenguang, the headquarters is hidden or foolish.

The strength is all above it.

There is no emcee.

There was no impassioned pre-match mobilization.

Martial Arts Exchange Conference.

It begins silently.

The contestants are definitely not only the five swords of the world, the Heavenly Feather Slash and the Poison Island Slash, these people are actually ~

There are other trainees involved, but they are not on the same path as them, and they belong to the kind of unrelated roles who are interested in participating.

The boring and uninteresting contest went quickly.


A girl with long pink hair appeared in everyone's sight.

"It is the fifth envoy of the Thunder God Society, and the distant mountain cherry blossom known as the 'Jumping Horse Sakura'!"

"A genius girl from the Toyama Dojo, who is good at short knife flow, and is said to have amazing wrist strength and jumping power, I don't know who her opponent is this time?"

"With the strength of the goddess Sakura, even if the five swords of the world that love the earth symbiosis play, there is only one way to lose. After all, she is the fifth envoy of the Thor Society! "

"Ghost Wheel? Unexpectedly, Sakura's opponent was her. Last year, Sato Whale's men were defeated, and they could never be the opponents of the goddess Sakura. "

"Yes, even Sato Whale can't beat it, let alone Toyama Sakura, which ranks higher than Sato Whale!"

"Look, I bet she won't be able to survive the move..."

In the ring.

The girl with short black hair is holding a long knife.

Yao pointed to the pink long-haired girl opposite.

The latter looked relaxed.

The short knife carried around his waist was also unsheathed.

Apparently treat this contest as a game.

Toyama Sakura has self-confident strength.

Although the ranking is only a little higher than Sato whale.

But her strength is not as simple as it usually shows.

Sometimes, rankings don't tell the whole story.

"Admit defeat, you are not my opponent."

The crisp voice of Toyama Sakura sounded.

Like a valley oriole, it sounds very comfortable.

"Yaga, are you looking down on me?"

The ghost tile wheel raised his eyebrows, and instantly posed as a crane.

A one-legged combat stance similar to Tsuru is the basic move of Kashima Shinden Naoshina Kageryu.

At the same time, the ghost tile adjusts its breathing and adjusts itself to its best state.

Although in recent times, he has improved a lot of strength through Chu Feng's cuisine.

But in the face of the so-called fifth envoy of the Thunder God Society, she still did not dare to slack.


As soon as the ghost tile wheel strikes, it is a killing move.

Moving fast, she held the knife with her backhand, tilted her body and swung the knife from right to left and up, and the speed was extremely fast.



Toyama Sakura was suddenly startled, and his right hand also held the handle of the knife.

In an instant~

The sound resounded throughout the audience.

At the critical moment, Toyama Sakura pulled out a short knife.

When the two blades collided, bursts of sparks were emitted.

Facing the sudden attack of the ghost wheel, Toyama Sakura was able to block the fatal blow, and her figure retreated sharply.

Just a brief exchange.

She spotted her opponent in front of her.

Regardless of power or speed.

are on par with her.

"Is this guy really the opponent who was easily defeated by Sato Whale last year?"

Toyama Sakura, who had white bows tied in her hair on both sides of her cheeks, frowned lightly, and the final king had to get serious.

Although she wondered why the other party's strength had improved so much, she knew that if she didn't give her full strength again, she was likely to lose the competition this time.


Toyama Sakura, who was holding a short knife, slammed out a force on one leg, and a wave of qi splashed on the surface of the ring.

And the pink-haired girl's whole person jumped high and approached the ghost tile wheel at a speed far beyond ordinary people.


Ghost Wheeler took a deep breath.


"Naoshin Kageryu, Ichino-Tachi!"

When his own state was adjusted to the limit, the ghost tile wheel shouted fiercely, and the long knife in his hand slashed straight down.

"Very good, are you going to decide the victory with one move?"

"It just so happens that I don't like to waste time either!"

"Short Kendo, Extreme Heavy Strike!"

The rapidly leaping distant mountain cherry blossoms sounded in midair.

The heavy sword weighing about twenty pounds in his hand was raised high.

Although I didn't expect the other party to plan to decide the winner with one move so quickly.

But Toyama Sakura, who has a strong sense of self-esteem, has no reason to retreat.

What she hates most in her life is losing to others.

Especially in the case of head-on confrontation...

Toyama Sakura is full of confidence in her wrist strength.


One long and one short, the two knives collided again.

Intense fire.

An invisible wave of qi spread rapidly around the two knives, ruffling the hair of the two girls.

Toyama Sakura's wrist power is indeed terrifying.

With all his strength, the short swords weighing twenty pounds all tended to bend.


Under some confrontation~

The person who flew out upside down was...

Pictured: Short knife girl, Sakuji Toyama!

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